Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #3 at DVinfo.net
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Old May 1st, 2007, 04:22 AM   #1
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Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #3

"here's the thread where we share our stories of our successes and failures, the shot that got away, the happy surprise, the uncooperative weather. etc."

Sorry to pre-empt you Meryem ;-)

It's 11:15am BST and I've just sent my XL2 back to Canon. The 20x lens came back fixed, but it revealed a problem with the body. There must be some optical misalignment in the body. It focuses with the EF adaptor but not with the 20x lens. I need to get this fixed before June (when the next stage of puffin activity starts).

So I'll just have to shoot this month's challenge with a Canon MV940. I will not swim with the sharks!

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Old May 1st, 2007, 05:12 AM   #2
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As sheer coincidence, I'm actually booked on a daytrip to lundy on the 19th May ;-) and even more strangely I was thinking it would be a great venue for a UWOL challenge film, and then I saw your last movie - looking forward to it even more now!!! Are you linked to Landmark Trust in any way?
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Old May 1st, 2007, 11:11 AM   #3
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Hi Rob,

Can I borrow your camera? Only joking - I'll be working in the bar on that day. Yep, we're all employees of the Landmark Trust over here. It's the only way that you get to live on the island.

Welcome to the Challenge - Lundy is a great place to film "The Wild". I look forward to seeing you over here.

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Old May 2nd, 2007, 02:25 AM   #4
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Not sure if I'm gonna have enough time to get this months challenge done in time if I'm coming over on the 19th, but the plan was to get some filming in even before I signed up for UWOL. My wife has worked for the Trust for about 2 years now at Shottesbrooke, and we've been to quite a few properties, but every time i flick to the Lundy pages in the handbook i'm totally blown away!!! I'll definatley pop in and say hi when I'm over.....

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Old May 3rd, 2007, 09:40 AM   #5
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Hello All:

A good Theme: Wonderful

Two skidoos full of gas plus an extra 20 gallons just in case: Excellent

A weather report that's not super duper but not all bad: Fantastic

An idea for the challenge: PRICELESS

All fun aside I have an idea now I just need the weather to play along.

Good luck everyone.

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Old May 3rd, 2007, 09:53 AM   #6
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hey brian, looking forward to your latest rendering of SNOW! snow and the living skies, snow and recreation, snow and THE WILD!

we need to start a UWOL travel fund specifically to send you and your camera to the tropics!
Meryem Ersoz is offline   Reply With Quote
Old May 3rd, 2007, 10:13 AM   #7
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Donations....I like donations LOL.

I hope Meryem that in the July challenge I can prove that there is more to the north than just snow and ice.....the sad part is that by the September challenge I'll be back to showing snow and ice.

I need my head checked....sun and sand, snow and ice...decisions, decisions, how does one decide.


PS....I still like the donation idea.

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Old May 3rd, 2007, 02:46 PM   #8
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How does one decide?

I woke up one morning and decided to move from Garland Texas to Disney World in Florida.

No regrets.

Talking my wife into it was the challenge.
Steven Gotz
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Old May 3rd, 2007, 03:21 PM   #9
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Hey Stephen

Convincing my wife would be the easy part. Although she was born here she would love to have an outdoor flower garden, loves the heat and all the good stuff that the south has to offer but I'm soooo close to retiring that I want to ride it out for a couple of more years then pull the pin and move to the land of Freedom 55.

I give you credit for taking control of your life and making the move, way to many people fall into the trap of wishing and dreaming not doing.

Although I make fun of this place I wouldn't change it for the world....well maybe I'd do away with the 9 months of snow but other than that what the hell it's a great place LOL

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Old May 3rd, 2007, 11:29 PM   #10
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I grew up in the southwestern deserts: small town of Los angeles, off to New mexico for a couple years, then in 75 decided to Move to Saskatchewan (because i knew it was the heart of sharp tailed grouse and Northa americas Waterfowl populations) got here in 76 and I would not want to live anywhere else. Within a 24 hour drive I can do anything I ever wanted to do from mountain climbing, big game hunting, world class fishing, studying and filming wild life, raising a family where it is safe, and within a 24 hour flight I can be anywhere on the globe. Could there be a better place???

And Brian, I can retire this june, but wanting an xlh1, I may have to work one more year, eh??
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old May 6th, 2007, 05:42 PM   #11
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Well, looks like I got lucky.

The idea was to introduce my short on "the wild" of cactus, mesquite, and maybe some out in the brush wildlife with a segment that alluded to the remote frontier of post civil war Texas.

May 5th was Ft. Chadbourne Days event at the old fort ruins on a ranch halfway between San Angelo and Abilene. On the 4th they held a special event for school kids and I popped over to see if I could negotiate something with the re-enactors.

What I got was this: The Ft Chadbourne cavalry living history unit met with me just off the fort grounds, out in the brush, mesquite, and cactus and rode patrol formation past me a couple of times while I rolled tape. The First Sergeant and one of the troopers dismounted and crouched down to inspect "sign".

The next day I came back and grabbed a bunch of "vignettes" on various re-enactors so I now have two ways I can go with this. One way is to follow thru on the original idea and finish in a more remote area concentrating on what rugged stuff I can find and the second is to present a look at how the various re-enactors portray those who lived in "the wild" of the frontier.

Maybe I can do it both ways. It's gonna be fun.
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Old May 6th, 2007, 07:21 PM   #12
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wild west, huh? there's an original interpretation....

coulda fit the RECREATION theme, too, come to think of it.

looking forward to your film, bruce. happy editing!
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Old May 6th, 2007, 11:41 PM   #13
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Wow, so here is where I am at:


Yep, nothing at all...... Not one thought......

Sounds like you guys got some good ideas out there. Best of luck in completing them!

Gabriel Photography
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Old May 7th, 2007, 01:48 AM   #14
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The Forest

My idea for the next challenge will be a trip together with some friends to (quotation from a website about Trillemarka )..

Trillemarka Rollagsfjell has all the qualities of the original Norwegian forests:
A broken country with untouched valleys and mountain sides, rivers and spectacular small and big lakes, very old trees and forests, and a huge amount of species dependent on natural forest dynamics.
The area constitute a paradise for outdoor recreation and experience of virgin forests and untouched nature, and it is the last bastion for a lot of redlisted species.
Look forward to this trip which will be my first to this area. It's alway exciting the first time in a new area. Hopefully I'll get the shoots that I already got in my script ;-)
- Per Johan
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Old May 7th, 2007, 07:17 AM   #15
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Good luck in Trillemarka, Per Johan.
I'm almost done with my uwol#3, and been filming at Runde (island) and Kvamsøy (island). I had to get my PC on repair and hope to get it back this week, so I haven't edited anything yet.
This time I'll try to make the theme music myself, but I'm struggeling to get the right sound.
I'm looking forward to see the results from uwol#3.
Good luck to all of you.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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