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The UWOL Challenge
An organized competition for Under Water, Over Land videographers!

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Old January 1st, 2007, 09:29 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
Ok, so here we go, we cavemen get bashed again! :)

Sorry Mike, I didn't realize there was a caveman on the thread :)
I am sure the contest won't discriminate against the daylight challenged members. And it's good to come out of the cave once in a while- guess what, it's 2007! Seriously, happy new year, and good luck- it should be a lot of fun!

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Old January 2nd, 2007, 06:24 AM   #17
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Well, I finally got an idea late last night as I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep.
Now if I can get it done before the deadline we'll be all set. :)
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 02:51 PM   #18
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Rules for UWOL Challenge

I've searched the posts (I thought) rather carefully, and have not been able to find any rules for the contest, such as length of entries, due date, format specs, does it need to be new footage, etc, etc. Meryem, would you re-post the rules?


Steve Siegel,
Miami FL
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Old January 2nd, 2007, 02:54 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Steve Siegel
I've searched the posts (I thought) rather carefully, and have not been able to find any rules for the contest, such as length of entries, due date, format specs, does it need to be new footage, etc, etc. Meryem, would you re-post the rules?


Steve Siegel,
Miami FL

They are on or at the site!

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Old January 3rd, 2007, 07:15 AM   #20
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contest rules/music/sound

"The living skies", thats a challenge with opportunities :-)

In the contest rules I read as follow:

3. All material must be original and shot for the purpose of being judged in this contest. All music must be fully licensed. If you use copyrighted materials (music or other copyrighted works), be prepared to show us proof that you own the right to use it. Without proof, we will remove your video from the site. You have the option of providing us with an image-only version, in the event that we are forced to remove it, since our goal is to enable players to make beautiful video images and to develop good production practices.

My question is:
If I make/compose my own music what kind of proof do you need, and how strict are you (The jury)? If I cant provide any other proof than my word?
I'm a member of Tono, wich is the caretaker for copyrighted music in Norway, but if i compose music for this contest it will take some time before it's registrated in Tono.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 07:29 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Geir Inge
"The living skies", thats a challenge with opportunities :-)

In the contest rules I read as follow:

3. All material must be original and shot for the purpose of being judged in this contest. All music must be fully licensed. If you use copyrighted materials (music or other copyrighted works), be prepared to show us proof that you own the right to use it. Without proof, we will remove your video from the site. You have the option of providing us with an image-only version, in the event that we are forced to remove it, since our goal is to enable players to make beautiful video images and to develop good production practices.

My question is:
If I make/compose my own music what kind of proof do you need, and how strict are you (The jury)? If I cant provide any other proof than my word?
I'm a member of Tono, wich is the caretaker for copyrighted music in Norway, but if i compose music for this contest it will take some time before it's registrated in Tono.

We have to take your word for it, unless someone recognizes it.

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Old January 3rd, 2007, 08:54 AM   #22
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Thanks Mike for "RA" (rapid acting) :-)
If anyone recognizes it...
... we can always show proof when we get it reg., but it takes up to a month or so.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old January 3rd, 2007, 09:01 AM   #23
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hi geir: if your compositions are original, you just have to say so, and we'll take your word for it. and they don't have to be registered in advance with any organizing body. this isn't about spending much (or any!) energy policing what other people do--it's just about being as clean as possible with what we do with the contest.

we've also listed a couple of royalty-free music sites at www.uwolchallenge.com, if you need free compositions to include in your productions...i'm sure there are other sources of free music as well.
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Old January 4th, 2007, 01:15 PM   #24
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other formats?

Hey Meryem, I was looking around trying to find out what sorenson 3 is, and I found that it cost $300. I dont have that kind of money. Thats how much I paid for my camera, lol. anyways, so I saw you said its ok to use mpeg 4, but how big can the file be?

Gabriel Photography
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Old January 4th, 2007, 01:17 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Gabriel Yeager
Hey Meryem, I was looking around trying to find out what sorenson 3 is, and I found that it cost $300. I dont have that kind of money. Thats how much I paid for my camera, lol. anyways, so I saw you said its ok to use mpeg 4, but how big can the file be?


Check your NLE, what ever you use, and check under the setting for QuickTime movie encoding. It may be there. It in most NLE's I believe.

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Old January 4th, 2007, 01:29 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
Check your NLE, what ever you use, and check under the setting for QuickTime movie encoding. It may be there. It in most NLE's I believe.

Thanks Mike! So whatever the preset is for QuickTime on Imovie is, I just use that, correct?

Thanks for the help!
Gabriel Photography
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Old January 4th, 2007, 01:35 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Gabriel Yeager
Thanks Mike! So whatever the preset is for QuickTime on Imovie is, I just use that, correct?

Thanks for the help!

I don't have IMovie, so maybe someone else can jump in on that. Sorenson 3 is a subset you might say, like H265 or something, or one of the settings. You may not have it at all. I thought it was not the best thing to do, requiring one codec, but that's what was done. Got anyone to encode it for you from an AVI file?

If not, do the best you can whatever Quicktime you have and no one should know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It all comes out as Quicktime. :)

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Old January 4th, 2007, 04:14 PM   #28
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QuickTime Pro 7 cost me $29.99 for the unlock key (the player won't let you save or convert, just allows you to play files).

Once you have the unlock key installed (converts QT 7 to the Pro version), one of the save parameters is Sorenson 3.

You might check and see if your NLE saves in MP4 (MPEG4) file format. I use Pinnacle Studio 10.7 plus and while it does not have a QT option it does save in MP4.
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Old January 4th, 2007, 09:27 PM   #29
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While we're all on this subject of the Sorenson compression, may I ask why it was chosen? It's terribly outdated, poor quality, produces inefficeintly large files and is no better for cross-platform use than many other formats which should have been considered first. It also requires PC users (in many cases) to obtain QT for creation of the proper video. As noted, this costs $30 unless you run Premiere or some of the other PC NLE softwares that include QT.

Is it too late to reconsider which format/codec we're all going to use? Should we put it to a vote?

...Personally, it makes little difference to me as I can create just about anything and everything here. But many can't and there already seems to be a bit of confusion over the chosen format.
- Jeff Kilgroe
- Applied Visual Technologies | DarkScience
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Old January 4th, 2007, 11:01 PM   #30
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well, you all had a full month to weigh in on this issue when i posted the original "let's conceptualize this together thread." i'm no web guru, by any stretch, so i was looking to them for guidance. the one requirement is that your codec is universal available across platforms, without requiring additional software downloads by either mac or windows users.

sorenson is not that bad. i suggested divx, which would require *everyone* to download a single universal codec of the highest quality, and no one liked that. sorenson was one suggestion. mp4 is fine.

there is no way to please everyone when it comes to choosing a codec. if you want to make suggestions for the next challenge, please do.

frankly, all i care about is that i can click on it, and it plays. immediately.

sorry if i sound cranky tonight. the cross-platform debates make me cross. let's not indulge that now, please. all good suggestions will be incorporated, i promise, in time. extra points if you participate in the open discussions beforehand, rather than complaining after the fact. i will post a follow-up discussion thread to entertain post-UWOL #1 ideas and suggestions. that would be an excellent time

gabriel, to answer your question, sorenson is available in iMovie...you have to activate your "expert settings"

Compress Movie for: (pull down the menu expert settings)
Click "Share"
Export (pull down the menu to read "movie to quicktime movie"
Click "options" button
Click "settings"
Compression Type: (pull down menu Sorenson 3)

good luck!
Meryem Ersoz is offline   Reply

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