UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav at DVinfo.net
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Old May 8th, 2016, 11:53 PM   #1
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UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

This was a interesting topic and it was good to be back to short films.

As i thought of recreation and thought about the natural world , i found that for them the recreation part comes after their basic necessities are fulfilled , hence i took that as a story line and made this one.
I expect a feedback at level 1 i think . Feel free to let me know where all i can improve.

vishal jadhav
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Old May 9th, 2016, 12:53 AM   #2
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Hi Vishal.
You provide a nice collection of birds this round.
I am speechless, did not believe that there were such places, spa hotel for birds :)

The video flows nicely in time with the music and text.
The text you have submitted is explanatory and clear.
It all fits nicely together and gives a nice story.
I wondered if it had been an idea with names of birds, but maybe it's best without?
There are many birds and maybe there had been a lot of text that can be confusing?
What do you think?

I think you hit the theme well.
It comes out clearly that the birds love to take a refreshing bath.
And so I think that your approach to the theme, is a smart choice.
Is it a private foundation, or government who leads this place?
I'm nosy about what the green curtain is meant for?
Photographers perhaps?
Can you give us some info about camera and lens you are using?
I ask because I think your colors are great and I wonder how far you are from the birds while recording?

Thank you for taking the time to make this movie.
Wish you all the best.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old May 9th, 2016, 01:15 AM   #3
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Thanks Geir Inge,

This place is a jungle resort and they have had a tradition of giving water to the birds for nearly 10 years now. Previously there was no green curtain however you know how greedy some photographers can get and that lead to the curtain 2 years back, it keeps the photographers behind them and the birds feel far more comfortable. The place bans use of bird calls and music of any sort in the place.

I wanted to put in names of birds however that would have been very confusing as you pointed out with so many in and adding that much text would have spoiled the video in my view.

Camera used was the Panasonic GH4 with the canon 100-400 lens which gives a great range as needed. GH4 with the crop factor is good enough to film from a distance.
We are currently facing a hot summer and i am providing water to the birds for last 4 months and that lead me to this idea.
Glad you liked it.
vishal jadhav
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Old May 9th, 2016, 01:43 AM   #4
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Thanks for enlightening additional information.
I heard on the news that there is a record heat in India, is that right?
Either way it is good with a cooling bath.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old May 9th, 2016, 02:10 AM   #5
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Originally Posted by Geir Inge View Post
I heard on the news that there is a record heat in India, is that right?
Yes its record heat, last year was the El- Nino year and the rainfall was very low hence it heated up last year, and the Monsoon is yet to arrive this year hence the heat is taking its toll.
vishal jadhav
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Old May 9th, 2016, 06:46 AM   #6
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Vishal, I think this is wonderful and is the best work I’ve seen from you so far. Wonderful way to address the theme “recreation” and still keep it to wildlife, without having people enter into the story. And for that matter, it does tell a story, as well as it gives us information so we learn while we watch: there is order, needs are met first, then playtime begins. This is a beautiful film! Well done!

Concerning the technical side, I thought your cinematography was top notch, your use of slow motion and real-time, camera angles and use of walking motion were fantastically executed. I also like your choice of music. Just two points to consider that was slightly distracting to me was first, at certain points the music sounded like two different pieces were playing over each other? Would it have been possible to stick with the predominant song throughout instead of transitioning different songs? Second, occasionally text would be placed over the main focus of the visual when it could have been moved to a different location on the screen and not take away from what we are looking at. And of course, your subject matter is beautiful! I’m very happy for you to come up with such a great piece. Cute title slide too!
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Old May 9th, 2016, 07:34 AM   #7
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Thanks Catherine,

Yes at the start there is a over lap of music and i think it would be the one thats a bit odd, feels so too.

Will surely consider that next time doing my videos.
vishal jadhav
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Old May 9th, 2016, 11:36 AM   #8
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Hi Vishal, lovely entry. Well filmed with good colour balances. Others have already commented on points I would have pointed out. I do wish you would attempt at adding narration. Even if you are not confident there is no reason why you could not get somebody else to do it for you. Geir has pointed out about naming the birds, luckily I can name most of them but, I will need to check on a couple when I return home. Narration would have helped here. You do not have to name them all, just comment on the more unusual or those with a particular behaviour. Well done

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Old May 11th, 2016, 05:28 AM   #9
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Vishal, a delightful video. Beautiful shots of the birds, several of them reminded me of the ones I have in Atlanta. I liked the way you divided it into necessity and play. I have three bird baths and a pond in my yard and I can get lost just watching the birds. I thought the music fit the story. You did a great job. My favorite was the bird playing in the sprinkler. What a fun place to visit. Also, setting the stage by having the man filling the baths and well as you walking up to the green fence added to the anticipation of seeing the birds. Bob
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Old May 11th, 2016, 05:47 AM   #10
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Thanks Mick,

I just didint want to get the narration in this time as i thought the music and text was sufficient, guess its a good time to get it in.

Thanks Bob

Glad you liked the start of it
vishal jadhav
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Old May 11th, 2016, 02:06 PM   #11
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Hi Vishal,

What a great film you made! You keep improving.

Now I have seen that too... a spa and swimming pool for birds. Very cool.
I agree with Catherine's comments about the audio and overlapping music. It works the way you have it, but her suggestion might push your video up a tiny little notch higher. Worth trying out.

I see text has been commented earlier. I think your choice worked well. You avoided having too much.

Well done!
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Old May 12th, 2016, 02:49 AM   #12
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Hi Vishal,
I have to agree that you keep improving! There is some lovely camera work, and of course, your choice and execution of the theme was very good.
Other have commented on the music, and I have to say I found it a bit distracting and repetitive, and I'm sure you will have a go at a narrative in another entry - I think it will also help you improve your storytelling, as it helps you concentrate on telling your story with words, than adding the images to fit - I often start with a rough cut, write the narration, and then edit again to make the story follow better.

Thanks for a view of India!
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Old May 12th, 2016, 12:38 PM   #13
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Re: UWOL -38 , Bird Bath , vishal jadhav

Thanks Trond , Paul

Will surely try and improve on it in next rounds
vishal jadhav
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