Modification to the new trial rule? at
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An organized competition for Under Water, Over Land videographers!

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Old April 29th, 2016, 10:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Lyons, Colorado
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Modification to the new trial rule?

Hi all!

We are getting close to the submission deadline and I'm starting to feel that fun anticipation once again!

I've had a chance to consider the new trial rule, where no threads are to be posted until after everyone has judged the films. I'm asking that the UWOL community consider a slight modification to this trial rule in that we be allowed to put up our feedback threads at the time of the submission deadline as usual, but that the sharing of feedback not happen until the judging is complete and Trond has given the all clear.

The reason for this is I think it would be nice to be allowed the opportunity to explain ourselves in the making of our entry and the level of critical feedback we are looking for, before the judging takes place and not after.

I know for me, knowing a person's objectives behind the entry and understanding what they were attempting to achieve and even the level of critique they are seeking might each factor into how I judge the film. Critical information that I wouldn't have if I read these things on feedback threads after I have voted.

I could spell out a great example to back this up, but it might derail the purpose of my post/request by sparking a debate on how I might judge a film used in the example. ;-)

Looking forward to your entries... creative, wildlife filmmaking is such a joy as you all are inspiration!

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Old April 29th, 2016, 07:17 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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Re: Modification to the new trial rule?

Thoughts are welcome. I'll post the decision Sunday evening.
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Old April 30th, 2016, 02:09 AM   #3
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Re: Modification to the new trial rule?

I understand where you are coming from Cat but, by doing so you will be directing viewers/judges to what you want them to see and hear. I would like to see judges, judging entries purely on what they see and considerer is good or bad. not what the entrant has already hi-lited. The more experienced will judge one way, newcomers might look at films in a different way and judge accordingly and hopefully explain why afterwards.

You never know the likes of me and others who have been around here a long time might have our views on what is a good or bad in filmmaking changed by fresh thinking!

I for one would be extremely disappointed if your suggestion is accepted.

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Old April 30th, 2016, 07:09 AM   #4
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Re: Modification to the new trial rule?

Okay. Just a thought!
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Old May 1st, 2016, 12:19 PM   #5
Inner Circle
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Re: Modification to the new trial rule?

For UWOL 38:

Players will NOT be allowed to make any feedback threads until AFTER deadline for the voting, which will be at midnight Saturday May 7.
Then there will be 1 more week while feedback is open, before the winners will be announced.

Details will be given when the submitted films are published Tuesday, May 3.
Trond Saetre is offline   Reply

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