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Old February 13th, 2016, 06:13 AM   #16
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

The way I see it is this subject allows you to make a film about ANYTHING you want. We all have our favourite topics. All you have to do is find a ‘why’ question to tack on the front like, for example:
Why I love (hate) this [....] so much?
Why I find this so funny/shocking/wonderful/...
Why I just have to film this....

Also, every one of us has found something intriguing/puzzling/problematic/enigmatic/mysterious or just plain fascinating in the natural world around us at some stage of our lives - we just have to bring it to mind! Not all these things are possible to film granted - I have a few ideas that I can't film because of the season and the timing but, who knows, it could be a springboard for an idea.

There are even some silly questions one could explore, like :)
Why do our fingers go wrinkly in water?
Why can't a pigeon walk without bobbing its head?
Why is its physically impossible for pigs to look up at the sky?
Why do scorpions glow under ultra violet light?
Why are sloths so slow?

'Why' questions are endless but you may have to do research to find some reasons or answers!

Cat - Don't forget Hege too :)

Personally I can’t see anything wrong with using a linear approach for this especially as “Why” questions ask for a REASON and if it means the difference between submitting a film or not then hey, why not?

(The answer to a “why” question usually begins with “Because ...” or “So ...”)

Don't forget this is a fun place to try out new things! Can't wait to see your entries.

Last edited by Marj Atkins; February 13th, 2016 at 06:56 AM.
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Old February 13th, 2016, 08:46 AM   #17
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Hi Marj!

Those are some fantastic why questions you pose there! It would be fun investigating each one of those. And my apologies, Hege, I missed the full lady count and we are up to 3. Splendid!

And also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a linear approach of thinking to this challenge by first asking a why and then reasoning it out. It's about the best way to approach the theme I think! I'm just attempting to work a different take on it by trying to avoid that approach, which pushes it into a realm that is a bit less scientific and a bit more esoteric. Just trying to stretch myself a little more because for me the scientific reasoning approach is more what I'm inclined to do. It will be much more of a challenge for me to pull of the latter... so that's what I'm opting for!

I do know that you Marj, are the master creator at answering the why questions and I am so looking forward to your entry!

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Old February 14th, 2016, 09:26 PM   #18
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Okay, international UWOL friends...

Just wondering...

When you were in school, what was your report card grading system? For us in the US:

A = excellent
B = above expectations
C = average
D = poor
F = fail

Thanks for responding..

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Old February 14th, 2016, 11:59 PM   #19
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Report card grading system was one which gave me nightmares at that time.

We simply had a rank so for a class of 60 students you could be ranked anywhere from 1 - 60 , but that was my age . Currently India has gone into the grading system verymuch like your in US.

ps - i still remember a remark on my report card in play school, "Trying to make pyramids with cylinders " :)
vishal jadhav
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Old February 15th, 2016, 01:17 AM   #20
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Some bad news and some good news.
I'm not sure I can complete a video this round (the bad news).
I have a film commission (the good news) from NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
It is the otter and gray heron I'll shoot, and I'm bouncing happy (whatever that means).
So we'll see if I can throw in a video or not.
Either way, the main focus will be on assignment from NRK.

Cathrine: We use the same grading system as you.
Still, When I was (ehm, much younger) we had this system:
NG (no good)
G (good)
MG (pretty good)
SG (very, very good)
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old February 15th, 2016, 03:59 AM   #21
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Catherine, back in the fifties/sixties we had similar. A-E and U ungraded. Also the A-D could be with pluses or minuses. Just as important and intereting were the glowing comments or caustic criticism that accompanied the marks.

Well done Geir on your commission.

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Old February 15th, 2016, 07:09 AM   #22
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Originally Posted by Geir Inge View Post
Some bad news and some good news.
I'm not sure I can complete a video this round (the bad news).
I have a film commission (the good news) from NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
It is the otter and gray heron I'll shoot, and I'm bouncing happy (whatever that means).
So we'll see if I can throw in a video or not.
Either way, the main focus will be on assignment from NRK.
Wonderful news Geir - Congrats!!

Cat you will find everything you need here

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Old February 15th, 2016, 07:10 AM   #23
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Originally Posted by Geir Inge View Post
Some bad news and some good news.
I'm not sure I can complete a video this round (the bad news).
I have a film commission (the good news) from NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
It is the otter and gray heron I'll shoot, and I'm bouncing happy (whatever that means).
So we'll see if I can throw in a video or not.
Either way, the main focus will be on assignment from NRK.
Wonderful news Geir Inge - Congrats!!

Cat you will find everything you need here

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Old February 15th, 2016, 07:45 AM   #24
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Thanks for the input everyone! And of course, Marj, Wikipedia! Why didn't I think of that? :)

Geir-- I am thrilled for you, CONGRATS. This is very wonderful news.

And Vishal, LOL... trying to make pyramids from cylinders? I'd say you were a very clever boy.

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Old February 15th, 2016, 09:52 AM   #25
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Originally Posted by Geir Inge View Post
Cathrine: We use the same grading system as you.
Still, When I was (ehm, much younger) we had this system:
NG (no good)
G (good)
MG (pretty good)
SG (very, very good)
These grades were used in junior high school for me.
Then in high school, we used 1-6, where 6 was the best and 1 was "failed".
In university we also had 1.0 -6.0 where 1.0 the best and 4.0 barely made it. 4.1-6 was "failed"
Now I believe they use the A-F like in USA.

Vishal, I'd like to see those pyramids. Funny!
Finally I have been able to film part of my "why".
But why did my ski-shoe deside to break up this morning.
Still followed rule 11 at all times of course.
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Old February 15th, 2016, 11:32 PM   #26
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Originally Posted by Geir Inge View Post
I have a film commission (the good news) from NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting).
It is the otter and gray heron I'll shoot, and I'm bouncing happy (whatever that means).
Great news Geir Inge, all the best on the assignment.

Cat, Trond
I dont remember how i managed the pyramids , however it was a report card when i was 2.5 years old i got hold of the report card at my home around 20 years from then when i was shifting my house.
Strange how i managed that :)
vishal jadhav
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Old February 17th, 2016, 01:06 PM   #27
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

That's awesome Geir!!
I've been busy working on rescuing a ten week old kitten in New South Wales.
Guess I better start thinking about filming something
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 04:29 AM   #28
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Thanks everyone, for encouragement regarding my film assignments.
Have had it reasonably busy at work, but tomorrow I start my "Mission otter".

It's only a week left until the deadline for the Uwol 37, so time is not exactly on my side.
Nevertheless, I shall make an effort this week while I hunt otters and gray heron,
maybe I can get to anything and "why" I got it.
Anyway, it's my only chance for this round.

The weather forecast is not so good, some wind, alternating between rain, sleet and snow.
I will be sitting for hours in a cold boathouse, out on the windswept island I once was born - The island of Kvamsøy.
It gets to dress me in woolen underwear, multi-layered sweaters and a warm suit out.
My question is: WHY must woolen underwear itch like crazy?

I will also have to make reconnaissance trips around the island.
The otter has its fixed sites and habitat, but there are certainly many individuals on this island.
Maybe I can do better recordings on a more fascinating locality?
It may take weeks before I've had enough, and good enough otters recording.
I'm not big fan of posting bait, so I have to sit and wait for the otter to come to me naturally.
The positive is that it gives me great moments to ponder the state of affairs, moments of meditation. It is good!

How are you out there in Uwol country?
Upload some small hints and stories of what you're doing, please.
That way it becomes more interesting to see what the individual supplies, in the final.
Attached an old otter photo :)

I wish you all well.
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UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes-oter-2.jpg  
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 08:59 AM   #29
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

Hi Geir,

Ottter's over here were really persecuted. Along with hunting with hounds ( now illegal)they had to withstand river pollution and competing with mink that were foolishly released from fur farms by animal rights activists who had not thought though the devastating impact they would have on our fauna.

There are some good sea/harbour populations in Scotland and the Scottish Isles and are now starting to recolonise our rivers.

I have filmed them several times on a river a couple of hours from where I live. This is an enlarged frame grab of one I was filming who had just see a person walking on the opposite side of the river.

Otters do not feature in this challenge! I have however filmed a first for me for this round. But, you will have wait until after the closing date. he he
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UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes-otter-alert-1.jpg  

Last edited by Mick Jenner; February 23rd, 2016 at 11:03 AM.
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Old February 23rd, 2016, 01:04 PM   #30
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Re: UWOL37 - Tales of wonders and woes

So nice to hear from you Mick.
Great picture of the otter.
Here in Norway we have the same story that you tell, as regards the otter.
It was almost wiped out and we also struggled with the problematic mink, which does not belong in our fauna. The mink has destroyed many nesting seabirds along the coast.
Since 1982, the otter recovered, and now we find it all along the Norwegian coast.
The Otter is totally protected in Norway.
Mick, now you have made me really curious at what you've filmed for this round.
First time you filmed... hmmm what can it be?
This is like waiting for Christmas gifts.
Just can't wait :)
Geir Inge B. Brekke
Visit me at: https://vimeo.com/gibbfilm
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