UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman at DVinfo.net
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Old December 1st, 2015, 08:07 AM   #1
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UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Well I just can't seem to get my ideas hashed out until I'm backed into a corner and have to come up with something on the final day. This should have been easy this round but weather got in the way. Good thing I had a stabilizer plug in or I wouldn't have much usable footage for this round. Any way I hope you find it interesting. Thanks for watching and any and all feedback is welcome.

Gordon Hoffman

Last edited by Gordon Hoffman; December 1st, 2015 at 08:12 AM. Reason: Can't type - should be "The Wind in Chinook Country"
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Old December 1st, 2015, 06:11 PM   #2
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Hi Gordon:

You live in stunning country and your capture of it through the lens of your camera tells the tale. I really liked this. I liked your narration and I like your voice. It was informative and as always, framed in amazing footage. I like the footage of the snow blowing down the mountain at about 30 sec in. It makes it seem you were way up on a mountain somewhere to shoot that up close and personal.

I also like the facts section at the end... nice effect to end it off!

My only thought was using some graphics to visually show some of the things you were describing, like how the Chinook forms (~ 1:15 min in) or also (less importantly) the two types of clouds that form with the Chinook: first the graphic juxtaposed to the real thing like you show in your video.

That came to mind simply because I personally visually understand things being described when I'm looking at a diagram. Not for everyone!

Like always, top notch entry Gordon! You Rock! :)
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Old December 1st, 2015, 09:39 PM   #3
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Hey Gordon,

Great film! I've heard of the Chinook but that's about it. Knew they were strong winds but you brought them to life for me.

Stunning mountain footage! I felt cold just watching. :)

You do well backed into a corner! :)
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Old December 1st, 2015, 10:15 PM   #4
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Wow Gordon,
I'm not sure i have seen all of your entries, but of all the ones i have seen, i think this is your best!
I have heard about the Chinook winds, but your film was so informative, & put forward lots of very interesting information on how it all works, along with some very interesting facts. Of course i'm not sure how you put up with all that scenery where you live there in Pincher Creek. That must be tough! :) I especially like the shot @ 1:04. Oh and the one at 2:15 was a ripper with the hawk flying overhead of the dear. Well done too getting those shots in that wind! Looked like you could be blown over in that!
If i can add to Cat's mention about the graphics. I think she is right, they would help for sure, however, while i added some graphics myself this round, they are nothing compared to what she is able to add to her films. Maybe we could have a little bit of a learning session on graphics. Perhaps Cat could point us in the direction of where to learn more about graphics & how to add them??
Well done Gordon, i really enjoyed this one!
There's never enough hours in the day!
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Old December 2nd, 2015, 06:38 AM   #5
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Hi Gordon,

This was interesting! Yet again I learn something new from watching your films.
Do you get any prewarning of the Chinook winds as they build up? You see the clouds build in advance?
Impressive temperature changes in such a short time. Thanks for the fact section at the end.

I like how you captured the blowing winds on the mountain ridges. Seeing the clouds and hearing you explaining them. Very well!

Nice to see how the snow was removed in the leward mountain slope by the winds, and how it actually helped the wildlife during the cold winter months.

Graphics has been mentioned by others. Personally I didn't feel the need of graphics. But I see how it may add to the explanation of the Chinook winds. I like it how you made it.

Do you only have one audio channel? I only got sound from one of my speakers while watching your film.

Thanks for sharing!
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Old December 2nd, 2015, 08:34 AM   #6
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Hi Cat - It is beautiful country but as I've always said you have to be able to put up with the wind. I have been up on a mountain a few times when the wind has been howling. Getting a little smarter in my old age but it's hard not to get out there even when the wind blows. As for graphics it had crossed my mind that it might help but that is uncharted waters for me. Maybe some day. Thanks for the comments.

Kevin - Thanks Kevin. The winds can vary a lot in speed but it can still make it a challenge to keep a camera steady even on a tripod. I thought it ironic the day Trond released the theme the wind gusted to 105km/hr here at home that afternoon. Didn't have any snow then so I didn't bother trying to shoot anything. the trouble with being at the deadline trying to get something together is I miss things and I think Trond found one of them. Thanks again.

Bryce - It's alot tougher than you think. I live east of Pincher so I see the mountains every day and out working I know there is a place I rather be. One thing is I do get a number of my shots right from home (@ 1:04 and a few more). Maybe I'll have to try my hand at graphics sometime to see what I can do. Thanks for the comments and take care.

Trond - Some people suffer severe migraines before a chinook hits so they know. One of the first hint of the west wind is the snow starting to drift of the mountain peaks. Often you will see a bank of clouds building in the mountains the evening before. Not all chinooks are that strong and some are not that warm either. But as I mentioned they do make this country winter range for a lot of wildlife as it does bare off the open southwesterly slopes. As for the audio you are probrably right. One reason I should get the editing done earlier, but then I never got some of the footage until the 29th so I guess I should get the footage earlier to. Thanks for the comments.

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Old December 2nd, 2015, 09:52 AM   #7
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Thanks Gordon. That was a very well shot and informative film. The wildlife shots were great. You certainly addressed the topic of Weather. The shots of the clouds and the wind were forceful and really got across the power of the Chinook.
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Old December 2nd, 2015, 05:50 PM   #8
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Thanks Tim.

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Old December 3rd, 2015, 12:41 AM   #9
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman


You have introduced me to a very new phenomenon called Chinook

The footage is nice and explains the story very well, you explain it very nicely
vishal jadhav
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Old December 3rd, 2015, 01:51 PM   #10
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Gordon, Excellent learning material! Super images and story of the chinook wind and its effects, downsides and benefits.
I would like to have seen the facts explained a bit more, to make a stronger ending, but I enjoyed watching.
And here was me thinking that the chinook was only a helicopter.....
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Old December 4th, 2015, 03:32 AM   #11
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Vishal thanks for the comments. It's funny that the one thing a lot of people remember of this area is the wind.

Paul Yes there's a chinook and then there is a chinook. Yea I tend to keep things a little short, Appreciate the comments. Thanks.

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Old December 4th, 2015, 01:41 PM   #12
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Originally Posted by Gordon Hoffman View Post
Hi Cat - As for graphics it had crossed my mind that it might help but that is uncharted waters for me. Maybe some day. Thanks for the comments.

Hey Gordon: I really enjoy trying my hand at graphics and am always interested in doing more. If you ever want to collaborate together on a graphic sometime I'm all in! :)
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Old December 5th, 2015, 08:47 AM   #13
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Thanks Cat I'll keep that in mind.

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Old December 5th, 2015, 09:59 AM   #14
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Hi Gordon.

When I see your film Gordon, I think of the song that starts like this (allthough it's a lovesong):
"Four strong winds That blow lonely, seven seas That run high ... etc".
Why? Because Alberta is named in the lyrics.

It's the first time I hear about the chinook wind and I'm greatful you take us alongside and teach us about it.
I have heared of foehn wind, but never did I know they can blew the snow away in just a day.
It's amazing what we learn in this forum of ours.
You have a great scenery over there and I'm happy you gave us a peek into it.
Thank you so much.
Geir Inge B. Brekke
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Old December 5th, 2015, 07:56 PM   #15
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Re: UWOL 36- Rhe Wind in Chinook Country by Gordon Hoffman

Geir Inge
Yes an Ian Tyson song. He lives in Chinook country to.
That is the neat thing about this forum, a person gets to see different places all over the world and learn things too. Thanks for the comments and I hope you are feeling better.

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