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The UWOL Challenge
An organized competition for Under Water, Over Land videographers!

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Old November 23rd, 2010, 11:25 AM   #16
Inner Circle
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Bergen, Norway
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UWOL banner, finally in the requested 300 x 200 pixels.
Chris, I hope this one is good enough.

Yeah yeah, wrong size... next post will be the best. I promise!!!
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 11:37 AM   #17
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Mike. I agree with a lot of your sentiment.

Apart from actually being motivated to get out there and finish a project which I think is the main thing uwol gives us the critique has always been something of importance. That said I've always moaned that there is too much in the way of pats on the back and not enough constructive critique. The uwol family has helped me to achieve some very cool things over the past year and I now have plenty of real world wildlife film making contacts. For a number of years I was very much in the same situation of doing something some friends didn't really understand or thought was a little odd. Funnilly enough that has now changed!

I'd like to say that I'd involve and help any of our community in a much bigger way than a few words of critique if they need it. Just shout and I'll do anything I can.
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 11:43 AM   #18
Inner Circle
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Okay, here we go again. This time with the 300 x 250.
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 11:46 AM   #19
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Mat Thompson View Post
I'd like to say that I'd involve and help any of our community in a much bigger way than a few words of critique if they need it. Just shout and I'll do anything I can.
This is the true UWOL spirit! I'm sure most of us here would be happy to help in any way we can. I know I would too.
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 12:08 PM   #20
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Thanks Mat. I very much applaud your attempts to move us toward more constructive comments. I’ve been trying to do more in that regard lately and I hope you’ve noticed. (I certainly wasn’t trying to single you out and I hope you didn’t feel that I was!) As you know, it’s a delicate balance. Some people are very sensitive to any criticism. It has to be offered gently. Also, I really don’t want to lose the sense of encouragement which has meant so much to me. You are very much better at this than I. (Take your comments on my video this round for example.) I’m trying to learn from you in this regard (and others!) and I think this is an area where we can all improve ourselves.

Thank-you so much for your kind offer of help! I know many of us will want to take you up on that. I do.
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 02:38 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Mike Sims View Post
I’m sure this is one of those situations where I should probably just keep my mouth shut, but I’m going to jump in here because of one statement with which I very strongly disagree. I do not at all think that any loss of participation is due to Meryem. To the contrary, I think she has worked very hard to keep things going in the face of other factors which may be in play. Some people never intended to participate more than once. They had an idea to express, and having done so, have moved on to other pursuits. Some of us have had changing circumstances in our lives-like babies or new jobs- which now, by necessity, take up the time once devoted to the challenge. Some do not possess an extensive kit of expensive equipment and may feel that their efforts are not appreciated around here. (To which I say, Posh!) Other people are very competitive. Let’s face it, we have a handful of very talented and experienced people around here with which it is very difficult to compete. Some, I think, have decided-”I’m never going to win, so why bother?” (Again I say, Phui!)
Mike, as a "relative" new comer to the UWOL Challenge I could not agree with you more. It's unfortunate that this is buried in this topic since I fear it may get over looked. I'm sure we'd all like to win, but speaking for myself; winning is not my ultimate goal. I enjoy getting out into the world and making videos; hopefully that others can enjoy watching.

Originally Posted by Mike Sims View Post
I think there is a larger issue here which should be addressed. We seem to have fallen into a rut where the only ones which comment on the videos are those which have completed a video that round. It’s almost like commenting on everyone’s videos has become a duty of completion rather than a privilege. Some feel that if you cannot (or will not) offer a suggested improvement or point out a fault, then don’t comment at all. Nonsense. I can only offer myself by way of example. In my personal life I have absolutely no one to talk to about video. Everyone I know thinks what I do is foolish and an extreme waste of my meager resources. Few pass up any opportunity to express their opinions. At times I get very discouraged. While I very much value the comments with concrete suggestions on how to improve, the comments which have meant the most to me are very much along the lines of-”I watched your video. It isn’t perfect, but keep going!” Your encouragement has got me through many a lonely night. I think rather than pointing out in the rules that by signing up for a challenge you are committing to completing a video we should recognize that sometimes life intervenes and prevents that. (I think increasing the time from three weeks to four weeks will help in this respect, but this is a tangent to be pursued at a later time.) I think the rules should say that by signing up you are committing to try to complete a video, and further that you will watch all the videos and offer comments- even if the only thing you have to say is “I took a few moments from my busy life to watch your video”.
Although I think this may be "straying" into some areas of discussion that Cat and Meryem would prefer we put aside for now; you touch on some points that are central to my goals for UWOL -- "how do I make better videos". I am my own worst critic and so far most of the critiques of my videos have pointed out faults that I am painfully aware of; but I still want to hear them. And of course the real nuggets are when someone suggests an alternate approach or an addition that would have made the video better.

I think all of us enjoy finding other film makers to talk to. Most of my friends just smile and nod when I tell them I am going to spend the next several hours hiking up some trail just to take some pictures or shoot video. Although she supports me, I'm sure my wife thinks I have entered my second childhood.

Originally Posted by Mat Thompson View Post
Apart from actually being motivated to get out there and finish a project which I think is the main thing uwol gives us the critique has always been something of importance. That said I've always moaned that there is too much in the way of pats on the back and not enough constructive critique. The uwol family has helped me to achieve some very cool things over the past year and I now have plenty of real world wildlife film making contacts. For a number of years I was very much in the same situation of doing something some friends didn't really understand or thought was a little odd. Funnilly enough that has now changed!

I'd like to say that I'd involve and help any of our community in a much bigger way than a few words of critique if they need it. Just shout and I'll do anything I can.
Mat, at least for me the motivation is really important. The motivation to film, to edit, to just get out into the world is one of the key benefits of the challenge. And offers to help those of us just getting into the world of UWOL are priceless. I know I always cringe a little when reading some critiques, but in the end I think I'm becoming a more accomplished videographer.
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Old November 23rd, 2010, 04:09 PM   #22
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on the contrary, Cat and Meryem are always excited to see you all discuss - any way and any time - the topic of "how do you make better videos?" - it is the heart of the endeavor. side conversations on the subject are always most welcome.

we only ask that you table the "how do we make a better contest?" discussion until Cat and I complete the transitional tasks at hand, and then you can unleash all of your pent-up suggestions, grievances, and brilliant ideas onto the UWOL community.
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