UWOL X Binfield Badgers by Rob Evans at DVinfo.net
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Old September 1st, 2008, 01:25 AM   #1
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UWOL X Binfield Badgers by Rob Evans

Binfield Badgers by Rob Evans

Feel very lucky about this one. I emailed two groups within hours of the announcement, and one came back to me three days later ( the other has not responded at all, which in a way was actually quite lucky! ) The guy I spoke to was John, of the binfield badger group, and before I knew it, I was sat in a custom built hide, at 11pm on a school night adjusting my eyes to the darkness, hearing strange new noises and waiting for the badgers to appear. And appear they did, and over three evening sessions I had managed to get 40 minutes of good usable footage using nightshot and a red-adjusted torch.
This challenge came at an excellent time for them, because they really want to highlight the fact that the sett's primary lifeline is at risk, which could affect a community of wild animals that is recorded as having been there for hundreds of years.
An interview sequence shoot was planned, then another interview sequence shoot when I actually realised how tight the script needed to be for a minute long piece, and I was there! I created a mock plan of the sett, and animated it in AE for the flyover to get a feel for the size and issue at hand.

The group themselves are very happy with the video, and will be using it on their website as soon as the challenge is finished - they are also talking of forwarding the video to local news outlets and the national body for badger protection to help highlight the issue.....

I feel I'm going to be doing a lot more work with these guys, the potential for filming access to these wonderful creatures is simply superb!!!

I can quite happily say that of all the UWOL's i have done this has been the most rewarding.

HD version on vimeo here BB test on Vimeo
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Old September 1st, 2008, 12:30 PM   #2
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This is a very polished, professionally produced PSA Rob. It flows beautifully from start to finish.
The verbal message is very clearly and logically presented by your host and well supported by your images of the badger. Your new camera certainly served you well with those night shots.
Well done on a well-conceived entry for a worthy cause.
Marj Atkins is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 1st, 2008, 01:52 PM   #3
Inner Circle
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Hi Rob,

This was a very good PSA!
(Marj has said most already...)
Really easy to understand what was being said.
Great shots too. Amazing how good your camera is with night time shooting.

Keep up your good work! You did very well with this one.
Trond Saetre is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 1st, 2008, 05:14 PM   #4
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Loved the simple but effective animation. Works wonders.

Well edited as the story progresses discussing badgers looking for other paths and thereby finding roads.

One thing I might have changed would be to interview the "narrator" from the group out there near the wood or the path instead of inside. Just add even more of a feel of being there.

Otherwise yeah, nice graphic at the end, overall it does feel very complete.
Ryan Farnes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 2nd, 2008, 12:33 AM   #5
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Great entry again Rob.as Ryan said good animations,(I need to try more of that).I see like most of us you went for the full 1 min.In that time you got the message across very well..Some good night footage aswell...Good stuff
John Dennis Robertson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 2nd, 2008, 09:46 AM   #6
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This really embodies the spirit of the Challenge -- help out a local grass-roots bunch of earnest people trying to do some good for the furry critters.

Very nice badger footage, too. I like the way you used the flashlight in two ways, first to illuminate the badgers and the second way in which it was used to represent a badger POV shot...clever.

Not only did you complete a PSA, you did it NIGHT PSA, whoa. Two hard themes in one!

Glad you had a good experience....
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Old September 3rd, 2008, 08:47 AM   #7
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Hi Rob and congratulation with your uwolX video (I say this to everyone complete this round).

Not much to say really, other than it's a great video.
I like the mix between narrator and badger clips/area clips.
The background sound is lifting the video, without it it would be a complete different video.
Night filming? Wow!

All the best
Geir Inge
Geir Inge B. Brekke
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Old September 4th, 2008, 01:26 PM   #8
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Great job as everyone has mentioned. On my computer the audio in the beggining is slightly out of sinc with the lips. perhaps its my computer. Otherwise I thought the script and audio were first class!!! Oh yea, good night shots, so hard to get decent stuff at night.
Dale W. Guthormsen
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Old September 5th, 2008, 11:23 PM   #9
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Excellent video as everyone has said...I especially liked your titles running horizontally away from each other...very classy.

Cool badger footage

nice animation effect

I like that you had no music...makes your piece stand out as I believe it will for other audiences.

Great entry...
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Old September 8th, 2008, 08:47 AM   #10
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Rob.. this is rally nice… well done friend. I love the animated stuff.. it worked really good. I liked the interview and how you mix between badgers and humans. I personally don’t like nightshots but in this case I think it work out.

Well done fella
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Old September 11th, 2008, 10:57 AM   #11
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Hi Rob,
I don't think I have anything new to add that hasn't been said. My comments are based only on the visuals since I've been having trouble w/ .mov files and wasn't able to get sound on yours.

Great shooting and editing. I thought the animation was very well-done. So cool you know AE - it really opens up a whole new realm of possibility. I agree with Jeff that your titles seemed really very "classy" - amazing how those little things make a big difference.

Your video was visually very polished and I'm not surprised that they want to pass it along to local tv/news to get the most mileage out of it! Great that you so enjoyed working on this project and that you're considering working on others. It almost seems that you've got a great trailer for a short or feature length documentary... I hope you keep us posted on evolution of any future project you do with the Binfield Badger group...

Amelia Tanttila is offline   Reply With Quote
Old September 12th, 2008, 05:30 AM   #12
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Hey Rob

Some great, great footage fella and wow what an experience. If I'd have known you were doing this I'd have lent you my IR lighting rig that was the only thing that came out of the 'night' challenge for me!! If you are thinking of doing some more then lets hook up and you can give it a go! (Battery powered 150LED flood).

Anyway I bet it was a real treat to get this footage and you made great use of that torch...amazing. Your talking heads were good but I felt lighting was a little harsh. I like the use of the cut to traffic although I thought this could have been way more punchy! So you really feel how much force a car has when it passes. Overall I liked your piece a lot but something left it feeling a touch flat. I haven't quite put my finger on it, maybe its cutting, maybe some sound/music but something extra.

Great piece and very tough in so many ways....nice one fella!
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 09:32 AM   #13
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Well, just heard back from them - the website has now been updated to include the video, which is embedded from Vimeo.

Badger protection UK wildlife conservation group, Binfield Badger Group protecting badgers in Berkshire

Been having lots of thoughts about doing something next spring - the cubs usually take their first steps into the world in april/may - and i'd love to be around to witness/document it. Mat - we should definatley talk on this one ;-)

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