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An organized competition for Under Water, Over Land videographers!

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Old August 1st, 2008, 08:26 AM   #46
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I think I've worn the icon off my web browsers refresh button too.

I'm going golfing in about an hour... My score (and handicap) will seriously go in the crapper if I don't know the theme before I hit the links!
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Old August 1st, 2008, 08:33 AM   #47
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Get after it!

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Old August 1st, 2008, 08:50 AM   #48
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Can someone give me directions to the shark tank please? Don't want to count myself out so soon, but don't really know how I'll be able to put an entry together for this. If I could retire at my age this would be a little more do-able. Darn! And UWOL 11 is so far away...

(I just want to say that this is a wonderful topic Meryem... so please don't think I'm being a stick-in-the-mud about the theme.)

Good luck everyone!
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Old August 1st, 2008, 10:23 AM   #49
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Of course, my first time, and I have nothing in the can, that I can use, or do I.....?

I've got some ideas, just have to make some contacts.

Darn, this is gonna be difficult, my vacation time is at the end of the month, I guess I will need that time to recover, if I can get this happening, soon.

Hey, it's a long weekend here, I guess the home projects will have to wait, a little longer!
The wife isn't gong to like that.
I was told I have no vision, but boy do I see great!
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Old August 28th, 2008, 04:47 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Meryem Ersoz View Post
Any guesses about the mysterious UWOL X theme? I am sure that you are wrong, but you might give me some good ideas for future rounds.
Trying to guess the theme of one of your curved balls, Meryem, is impossible but as you were inviting ideas - here are a few fairly easy themes that you can store away for a future date. Wasn’t sure where to put them and decided this was a good a place as any so here goes:

“Patterns in Nature” (An easy theme - open to many interesting interpretations.)

“At the water’s edge” - with emphasis on ‘edge’.
(An opportunity to don our gumboots and check out life in the mud - things that are found on the banks, in the reeds, in rock pools or along the ocean shoreline.)

“Down to earth”
(Lots going on down at ground level - terrestrial creatures, different geology producing different habitats etc. - obviously with a prohibition on disturbing nesting places.)

The very simplest theme I could conjure up was “All things bright and beautiful . . “ also open to more than one interpretation but less demanding in general.

Hope others will add to this list because as sure as Norman the mini donkey I don’t want another theme like this one!!
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Old August 28th, 2008, 05:32 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Marj Atkins View Post
Hope others will add to this list because as sure as Norman the mini donkey I don’t want another theme like this one!!
It's funny really, I for one have really thrived on this round - it's opened up so many horizions for me, led me to meeting some really nice people who love and protect the nature around them, and presented me with some of the most memorable wildlife watching sessions I have ever had, oh and the filming too ;-) I'd quite happily do it all again!!!
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Old August 28th, 2008, 07:35 AM   #52
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From the start I knew you were enjoying this Rob and like Kevin it has opened wonderful doors for you - which I think is fantastic. I am really looking forward to seeing your video.

Don't get me wrong - to me the idea was great, meeting these people who do a wonderful and self-scrificing job and doing my bit to help was also fine - it was trying to achieve a high enough standard that was my biggest issue. I was constantly conscious of my total lack of video production experience. I know I can't compare apples with pears but most ads that make it to TV have about ten people working on it - each one an expert in his field and they have plenty of the clients's money to spend. As John said - making an ad that sells the client short is not so nice - even though you know they are neither paying for it nor compelled to use it. I guess I worry too much - they loved it in the end but as for achieving TV standard - I'm not so sure. I found it more difficult than enjoyable.
(BTW - A lot of my chirping round here is to rag Meryem (sorry Meryem) and try to open up some dialogue :)
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Old August 28th, 2008, 07:54 AM   #53
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Don't worry, you folks have taken me to school around the themes, and I won't do anything hard again. It's too hard! Nothing but easy stuff from here on.

In fact, I think it is time to let someone else pick the themes. After ten rounds of me, you're all probably over it and ready for a breath of fresh air. Change is always a healthy and refreshing thing.

I nominate Marj, she has great ideas. Think about it a little bit, Marj, and shoot me an e-mail. That will be the theme for UWOL #11.

Maybe I'll finger someone different for each round to be the theme-picker, and that way, the contest will always stay fresh. Not a bad idea...
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Old August 28th, 2008, 08:13 AM   #54
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Me and my big mouth!!!
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Old August 28th, 2008, 08:33 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by Marj Atkins View Post

“Patterns in Nature” (An easy theme - open to many interesting interpretations.)

“At the water’s edge” - with emphasis on ‘edge’.
(An opportunity to don our gumboots and check out life in the mud - things that are found on the banks, in the reeds, in rock pools or along the ocean shoreline.)

“Down to earth”
(Lots going on down at ground level - terrestrial creatures, different geology producing different habitats etc. - obviously with a prohibition on disturbing nesting places.)
The only rules are:

1) You can't use these because you already spoke publicly about them, and that puts ideas in peoples' heads that gives them an unfair advantage over new players who may not have had these threads.

I have a personal, unwritten rule of never posting a theme that I have publicly discussed or spoken about, within the last 3 months. Even if a player posts a suggestion publicly, I will wait several rounds before using it, to make sure that the idea is completely fresh and appears as new at DVinfo...

2) It can't be something we have already done.

You can write the theme announcement thread, including the headline, send it to me in an e-mail, and I'll add the standard UWOL boilerplate and deadline info and post it, but with full credit to the theme picker. I think having someone else actually post would get confusing, but I'll put it up verbatim with proper attribution.
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Old August 28th, 2008, 08:41 AM   #56
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. . . on second thoughts Meryem - you have my offerings above - you choose one and then at least I can still enter - otherwise I'm out of the contest :(

If you insist that I choose a theme can I do it in December as I don't think I will be able to put in an entry during what is normally a very busy time of year for me?

And Meryem - just a word of enouragement - despite all the ragging done round here you do a wonderful job. I would far prefer a challenge I can sink my teeth into than an easy one any day. (Just this one taxed my level of experience!)

Addendum - Okay I got this in too late - you got to it before me! Will give you a whole bunch more.

Last edited by Marj Atkins; August 28th, 2008 at 08:43 AM. Reason: Addendum
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Old August 28th, 2008, 08:53 AM   #57
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Any uploading instructions,directions or orders yet?
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Old August 28th, 2008, 09:01 AM   #58
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coming right up....been waiting for that first request! just gotta get the password secured...
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Old August 28th, 2008, 01:18 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Rob Evans View Post
It's funny really, I for one have really thrived on this round - it's opened up so many horizions for me, led me to meeting some really nice people who love and protect the nature around them, and presented me with some of the most memorable wildlife watching sessions I have ever had, oh and the filming too ;-) I'd quite happily do it all again!!!
I think its a theme that does what its meant to 'challenge you'. I'm just gutted that I haven't been at home in August more than a few days and been able to get an entry in. What I will say though is...Meryem please do have more themes like this and please do push us to become better film makers. I can completely agree with Robs sentiment, I bet it was a real buzz to use your skills to help and provide a great resource for a good cause.

I'm looking forward to the resultseven more than usual and well done to all that have completed a film!
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Old August 28th, 2008, 03:36 PM   #60
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Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #285


Next time remember Ferengi Rule of Acquisition #285:

No good deed ever goes unpunished.
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