UWOL #9 “Pipefish” by Markus Nord - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old June 26th, 2008, 12:40 PM   #16
Join Date: Nov 2001
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Say, Markus, that was quite educational! I’m glad I got the chance to see and learn a few things about the Pipefish. They’re really interesting – kind of like a cross between a water snake and a sea horse. :)

Suiting up for underwater filming looks like a lot of work all by itself. Thanks for going to all that trouble to share the peaceful and pretty results with us.
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Old June 26th, 2008, 01:59 PM   #17
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I thought the music was fitting and the underwater shots were great. You do make it seem effort-less to put something good together.

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Old June 26th, 2008, 02:09 PM   #18
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Very good work, this was great for a quick production. Are the waters quite calm up there? It seems like they would have to be in order for such a delicate species to survive.

Good lighting and sharp images in this one add to the interesting story. I liked the use of the time dissolve in the beginning and the low shot on the pier worked well, can't wait to see your next one Marcus.
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Old June 27th, 2008, 12:02 AM   #19
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Chris – That would be cool, I would love to se Per Johan with al his gear. It’s not that more technical to film UW then OL, it’s just that you can’t make a quick adjustment I equipment if something changes under water. The housing works like a big camera, I can almost adjust everything on the housing like you can on the camera.

Lorinda – You could say that it’s a cross between a snake and a sea horse, but it is actually a straight sea horse, instead of the “S” shaped body it’s just straight and more agile.
Normally I dive in my drysuit, in the film I put a wetsuit on ‘cause it easier and the housing is empty in the film (I’m filming myself with the XL2). It’s the setup of the camera that normally takes some time, just to get everything ready and sealed properly.

Oliver – I did shot everything new, but I didn’t come up with a new idea. I hade a plan of something new but couldn’t produce it to this challenge, so I turn to my old friend “the Pipefish” and made a story of them. I’ve been filming Pipefish for a couple of years now so it nothing new about them for me and I should have done something better for them ‘cause I know so much about them.
Anyway, I’m glad you liked it.

Adrinn – In the Baltic sea we don’t got any tide. The area where you would find the pipefish is most of the time in sheltered bays or at the insides of the archipelago. If it gets wild the just go deeper to protect it self or then borrow them self in the bladder wreck to ride out the storm.

Thanks everyone
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Old June 27th, 2008, 12:19 AM   #20
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Hi Markus
As always a good entry from you.I think its amazing that you can bring creatures to us,when we cant go to them.Your web TV style seems to work so well for you...nice entry keep them comming
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Old June 27th, 2008, 01:37 PM   #21
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What a jewel - I can never rave enough about the quality of your underwater videos. This was simply outstanding - even if short and sweet. I learned much about Pipefish from this short, to-the-point movie! Another outstanding video from “UWOL Web TV”.
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Old June 28th, 2008, 07:11 AM   #22
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Sorry, you made me laugh out loud - I love the introduction to UWOL Web TV - the animal noise intro is just fantastic!

Your introduction is perfectly spoken, and a great setting. The cut between the two angles of you talking while sitting on the jetty seemed like a bit of a jump cut to me. Geir Inge has forced us all to start appearing in the videos and doing voiceovers, now you are going to make us all talk live on camera too!

The shots of you walking out to the water with your camera are good - the ultra low angle as you walk down the jetty is beautifully set up.

The underwater shots are fantastically smooth, you've got great technique there. It must be hard catching those little pipefish on camera.

Your voiceover is very good, and you have a good narrating voice, but I found myself struggling to hear you at times over the music. I did think the music worked well, the environment is slightly surreal (to me) and the music fits this in my opinion.

Thank you, I enjoyed that!
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Old June 29th, 2008, 06:48 PM   #23
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You "beat up" on yourself too much. We are often our own worst critics.

Often these last minute efforts turn out quite well, your camera work was smooth, the editing well paced and...
...You took us along and showed what many have never seen.

Well done.
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Old June 30th, 2008, 01:22 AM   #24
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John Dennis – Thanks John, I like the Web TV, I just hope that you don’t get bored with it.

Marj – Thank you Marj, I couldn’t guess that you al liked this video so much. This will give my some much strange to really put in some time and plan my next film much more.

Mike – yup, the sound have hade some mixed feeling in the forum. I like it.
The different angle on the jetty was just to get the introduction a bit more interesting, the problem is that I shot the video and act in front of the camera, so not all shot some out the way I wanted. It should have been a bit closer so you would get a feeling of two cameras at the same time and wide to tight.
Yes, get in front of the camera, you learn a lot, but I recommend that you bring a buddy, it would make thing much easier (put your friend in front of the camera).
I second that about my VO disappear in to the music, I need to work more on the and specially about recording VO. I stress through this one and I got some irritating noise so I hade to manipulate the sound a bit but it didn’t get better. A thing I have notes is that it is so easy to pull the music up to loud ‘cause you know what you are saying so for you it’s not a problem to understand. I need to pitch the film on more people before I upload them, just to make sure that everyone can catch the VO.

Bruce – I second that we are our worst critics, but I thing that, that is also a good way of enhance you filmmaking. I always criticise my self a lot (maybe to much some times) but just for that reason that I want to become “the best” in what I do.
I feel that the video works, but it needed some more UW shot and especially some close ups.

Thank you all for viewing and commenting.

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Old June 30th, 2008, 06:50 AM   #25
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Tjena grabben :)

The webtv has become your trademark, eh?
It seems like you know your underwater world well and you manage to tell a story about different underwater species. In this case the pipefish. A great story and a great fish indeed.
Didn't like the music though. Underwater I like the music/sound to be more tranquil unless there is something "fishy" going on. I'm not sure about the fluffy mic either. I would have chosen a wireless mic instead, I think. As I've told you before you have great skills in editing and camera technic.

All the best.
Geir Inge
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Old July 7th, 2008, 09:40 PM   #26
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I really enjoyed the film. The only complaint is sometimes it was hard to hear you with the music. But the footage was fantastic, a real compelling glimpse into another world. Thanks for sharing the pipefish with us. I liked the intro a lot- getting more and more polished with your web tv style. Great job- can't imagine why you even considered the tank.

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Old July 8th, 2008, 11:50 AM   #27
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Markus, maybe you didn't follow rule #11, but I sure did when watching your video! So don't worry about that. :)
Your web-tv concept is great.
Thank you for sharing!
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