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Old June 15th, 2008, 03:56 PM   #16
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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As the waters go down you can really tell how much damage has been done. It's actually scarier looking than when water covered everything. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off in the areas that the water has receded from.

Still more great tales coming in as the waters move downstream.

Columbus Junction is a half mile from where the Cedar and Iowa Rivers meet. They had been putting up a huge effort to try and save their town. They finally lost their water plant to the rising waters. Their levee's weren't looking to hold. So, they turned away 300-400 National Guardsmen who were coming to help and said our town is a lost cause. Go to Oskaloosa and try to save their town instead.

It's incredible how people just say how can we help? What do you need?

There's only been one dark cloud in the whole thing having to do with a major retailer but I don't shop there anyway. :)

Target is bringing in yet another truck of essentials for the people staying in the shelters. They have been incredible.

I took a little time today to try and get some filming done. Don't want Catherine chewing me out for not getting an entry in. :)
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Old June 17th, 2008, 07:43 AM   #17
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Wow, what can I say. Last year we had 3 feet of water outside our house and we had a hard time of it - it pales into insignificance alongside what you're going through..... Good luck, i hope things work out well!!
Rob Evans is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 17th, 2008, 06:42 PM   #18
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Glad you made it out of that deal safe Kevin. I've got experience floating by your house on a river that used to be a road. Rough times but you are right, people really shine under those circumstances. Good luck brother.
Eric Gulbransen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 17th, 2008, 08:56 PM   #19
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Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Well, things are starting to dry out here a bit. The river is still over flood stage so there are still parts of the city under water.

Early estimates to clean up the city are coming in at $1,000,000,000.00. Yep, that's a billion bucks.

Highways, streets are totally torn up. The bridges are still closed until they can be inspected.
So many pets have been taken in by the temporary shelters that they are now limiting them to three pets per household. How would you like to have to pick who could go to the shelter and who couldn't?

They were in need of blankets and towels so we made a run over there today to drop a bunch of that stuff off to them.

I have an idea for my film and hopefully I can find the time to get it done before the deadline.

I imagine this time next year we'll still be cleaning the city up.

The flood waters continue to move downstream flooding out city after city.
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Old June 18th, 2008, 06:58 AM   #20
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Lyons, Colorado
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Your commentary makes my heart ache. What can I do? How can I help the animals? Is there anything I can organize here in Colorado? How is your home surviving? It sounds like you have close calls but are okay? I am so very sorry for this devastating loss. Can I stage a supply drop off here and send things to you? I am at your service. Let me know what I can do. In a very small way we are a kindred spirit here. We have been enduring months of hardship and loss with a fox ravaging our chickens. It takes a grieving heart sometimes, to enable us to stand with other's loss. I really want to help.


Catherine Russell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 07:56 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Hey Cat,

I think you could help out by finding a way to get me a HPX 3000 HD camera! :) I could use it to document the flood! :)

One thing I know I will do is to shop at the places that have come to the aid of the people and animals in Iowa. I used to shop at Petco but now that PetSmart has brought in truck load after truckload of supplies for abandoned pets, I'll start shopping there now. So, I think small gestures like that can make a difference.

Target has been great. They've also been bringing in truckload after truckload of supplies for the shelters etc.

But other than supporting the companies that have been so great to Cedar Rapidians, I don't know of much else. If I hear of anything else, I'll let you know.

Well, I just checked and they had this about the temporary pet shelter:

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the community and we thank everyone for their assistance to meet our short-term and immediate needs.

At this point, we are receiving many donations of needed items from companies such as PetSmart Charities, Hill's/Science Diet, the Cedar Rapids Gazette.

Our primary need is for cash donations which will be used for those items not easily donated by the public or companies, such as supplies for the many volunteers needed to support the hundreds of animals the facility is caring for. We specifically do not need animal food, crates, or newspapers. We could use clean towels and blankets. These can be dropped off at the Animal Health Technology Center at Kirkwood Community College.

Cash donations can be made to the Kirkwood Foundation, c/o "Friends of the Cedar Rapids Animal Shelter "(please put this in the memo section of the check) and mailed to 6301 Kirkwood Community College, 6301 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406


The Cedar Rapids Animal Shelter has many partners such as the Humane Society of Missouri, Humane Society of the United States, United Animal Nations, Code3, who are providing personnel for rescue and sheltering purposes to address our short-term needs.

The organization does still need local volunteers to fill the following needs:
• Registered Veterinary Technicians
• Veterinary Assistants
• Veterinarians
• Administrative support
• Experienced kennel workers
• Kennel support for essential work needed to support the shelter such as washing bowls, cage cleaning, etc.

Local volunteers will be needed for many weeks. Please stay in touch for the future.

At this point, out-of-state volunteers are not needed unless you have been deployed with an agency who is officially responding at the request of Cedar Rapids.

Our Partners

Our efforts would not be possible without the support of the agencies and organizations which have stepped forward to provide much-needed assistance.

• Animal Health Technology Center at Kirkwood Community College
• Cedar Rapids Gazette
• Code3
• Hill's/Science Diet
• Humane Society of Missouri
• Humane Society of the United States Animal Rescue Team
• Kirkwood Community College
• PetSmart Charities

I'm hoping to get a good royalty check from one of my stock footage houses, so maybe I can send them a decent donation to help out. I'm a firm believer that you get back what you give but I do it cause of my love for the animals. I don't care if it generates good karma or not.
They've opened up the bridges in downtown now. No power so there's all kinds of fender benders cause people are driving like fools.

My wife got a close up look at her old office downtown. Totally destroyed.

Cedar Rapids is an industrial town and pretty much most of the industry was on the river. So plants are telling people to file for unemployment and maybe they will have jobs if the company decides to rebuild.

We've been busy checking in with all our friends around the state. So far they all seem to be fine in spirit.

Hopefully tomorrow I can try and get some more footage for my UWOL entry. Might be the only wildlife film with no wildlife. :)
Kevin Railsback is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 08:09 PM   #22
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Lyons, Colorado
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Check is in the mail.... as well as the HPX 3000 HD camera (ha! I only wish!!!). Now, about clean towels and blankets....

Should I start a campaign to collect those and send them out?

I'll start this towels and blankets thing until someone tells me to stop.

Get that UWOL footage in of no wildlife. This is a strange go around anyway.... Trond doesn't have a working computer and we are trying to get him to ship his tape to Per to download and send some clips to me to put together so he can avoid the tank...

Goodbye to the competition, hello to the community spirit, on many different levels!

Thanks for the info. It's frustrating not being able to pitch in somehow!

Catherine Russell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 20th, 2008, 07:22 PM   #23
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
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Well, tomorrow morning the river here is FINALLY going to drop below flood stage.

It's been amazing to see how much progress has been made already. The city is busy cleaning up and assessing the damage. They're saying it could be as long as ten years before the effects of the flood are gone.

Bush was in town yesterday and said he hasn't seen it this bad since Katrina.

More roads are opening every day and a lot of companies are digging in and saying we're not going to let this beat us.

For many though, the road will be long and tough. Once the flood is out of the headlines and agencies move farther down stream to deal with those floods, people will be left to deal with things on their own.

But, Iowan's have a tough work ethic and I have no doubt we'll continue to band together and help out our neighbors.
Kevin Railsback is offline   Reply

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