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Old June 16th, 2008, 07:05 AM   #76
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Good luck to you also with the computer - it must be very frustrating. I see the UWOL community is always keen to help where possible. Just another example of the wonderful people we have around us. I hope you manage to work things out.

I have started capturing all my material and think I have enough for a 3 hour documentary! Whilst this may seem good, it does add so much time to the whole process. Wish I had to select 3 minutes from maybe 30 mins to 1 hour of material. Anyway, it is working out I guess.

I have attached a still of some beautiful morning footage. In this shot, I am filming a flock of Red Necked Avocets. The morning light was a brilliant red which made the shots look very nice.
Attached Thumbnails
Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9-early_morning.jpg   Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9-early_morning_2.jpg  

Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9-avocet_12.jpg  
David Gemmell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 07:01 AM   #77
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Hi David:

Nice to see you back, we missed you last round. By the looks of your captured photos, you will not disappoint us this time, as always. So glad you are back!


Trond, I'm standing ready to splice a few clips together for you if you can manage dumping those files... don't be fooled by the warm inviting waters of the tank ;-), keep up the fight and get a snippet in!
Catherine Russell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 07:05 AM   #78
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nice work guys!

WOW looks like loads of players are getting some nice footage. Some ambitious projects as always which is nice to see!

Finally got a chance to go out filming yesterday (been spending most of the month preparing for a job interview with the BBC) and our initial idea of showing how easy wildlife films can be to make may have changed slightly.

After setting off at the unholy hour of 4am in our ...(thinks of suitable word)...unorthodox filming vessel, almost capsizing on numerous occasions (cameras not in waterproof housings), being blown onto a mud bank with a rapidly dropping tide (repeatedly), being stranded and having to wait 3 hours for the water to return, putting a significant hole in the front of our hull, being laughed at by every other water user and given a thorough looking over by the Harbour master we returned beaten, bruised, broken and a little damp from the 12 hour experience.

No idea yet if we got any decent footage but we had a riot of a good time despite near disaster.

Good luck with the final edits guys! I'm off to repair a boat.


Ps. Is Per ever going to run out of epic wildlife to film?
Peter Damerell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 10:32 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Per Johan Naesje View Post
sorry to hear about your computer trouble! If there is anything I can do, let me know? I could capture the tapes for you and send you the raw files back on CD/DVD if you liked? That way you could try to install premiere on your old pc even if you don't have any firewire.
Per Johan,
That is an awesome offer by a true friend!
Been away from computers the last few days, trying to actually get some useful footage. Read your message here today, and within a minute began trying to install Premiere Pro 2 on this pre-historic computer. Total dissaster, and the famous "blue screen of death" came by to visit. Just got the computer up and running again.
I will do one more attempt tomorrow morning to install Premiere again.

So at the moment, the helping hands from my friends Per Johan and Catherine won't help much. I might get access to another computer (with firewire) this weekend, not sure yet.

Not sure how I could transfer such huge files to you in reasonable time if I ever get the footage captured. Sending the tape to/from Per Johan will take at least 2-3 days, and internationally 5-6 business days. But I will keep your offer in my mind. Thank you very much!
The hand is almost completely recovered. No, I did not get hit by the car, but it was VERY close. (we're talking a few inches). I desided it would hurt less if I went off the road. So my bike and I rolled down a small hill into a trench instead of getting hit by that car, and I just hit a bunch of gravel and some stones instead.
I have been much more worried about visiting the shark tank, than about my hand, haha.
Trond Saetre is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 12:59 PM   #80
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Hi Trond:

I can set up a way for you to ftp some footage if you can manage to dump a few digital files from your tape. That way, larger sizes can come across rather than through email. Maybe if Per is the one dumping some of the footage for you he could be the one to ftp them over to me. We have 3 days left, right? .... I'm ready to pull an all-nighter if it comes to it. If I can get some footage by Saturday morning, I'll get something in for you by the deadline, midnight! It would be a real coup! Just send what you have to Per, now.... it could happen :).

Hopefully, Per it won't be too much work on your end? Just a few clips of some interesting happenings?

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Old June 18th, 2008, 01:12 PM   #81
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For large file transfer, try YouSendit.com. They have a free version. Also check out Megaupload.com, and their free level service.
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old June 18th, 2008, 02:02 PM   #82
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Trying my best to get finished here - time is very short, only got about 1 hour left at the end of each day to get some editing done. Hope to get something pulled together by Saturday. Busybusybusybusy.

And I just can't resist an "Awwww" moment when I'm out looking for birds at the reserve. It was a long afternoon and I was hungry, and those plants looked pretty darn tasty to me...
Attached Thumbnails
Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9-bunny.jpg  
Irish Railway Videos on Youtube
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Old June 18th, 2008, 05:04 PM   #83
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After an hour and a half of upload I think my file made it but I'll be damned if I know for sure. Kevin/Meryem it's about 58 megs please let me know if it arrived safe and sound.

Thanks Brian
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Old June 18th, 2008, 05:31 PM   #84
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Hey guys.

Well I don't usually let my cat out of the bag before the deadline but as everyone else is teasing then why the heck not ! :-)

I'm just hoping I can get finished...I have lots of subject footage but I think my story needs more establishing.....back out with the camera tomorrow me thinks!
Attached Thumbnails
Tales of Wonder and Woe: UWOL #9-adder_4.jpg  
Mat Thompson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 18th, 2008, 07:57 PM   #85
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Hi Mat:

You have company with the snake there... and what a shot that is! What kind is it? Mine is a CO rattlesnake. It was the crown jewel of my video.

Can't wait to see your clip.... no hedge hogs to date?

Catherine Russell is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 19th, 2008, 03:54 AM   #86
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Seems like I will get access to another computer this weekend. So hopefully I will be able to at least deliver something this round. Will it be my best entry? Nope, far from it, but this round I will be happy if I can stay away from the sharks.

I want to say a big thank you to both Per Johan and Catherine for offering all the help.
It is very much appreciated!
The UWOL community is not only a contest, but has really developed into a great friendship, and that is very nice to see.

Thanks for those links.
I checked out the YouSendit.com and it seems like a great option for sending large files.
Trond Saetre is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 19th, 2008, 08:28 AM   #87
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So I woke at 4am yesterday, took half the day off, and shot out to my destination with big ideas abound. Turns out 4am wasn't early enough. By the time I got there the sun had beat me to the punch. I think lesson #60-something, which was written by me, suggested keeping aware of the fact that large boats throw wakes. I had been shooting something close to the water's edge, saw a boat go by, then went back to shooting - only to get splashed a minute later when the wake hit the rocks I was balancing on. Well I'm a candidate for the idiot of the year award because yesterday, it happened again, only worse this time. At least this time I had an audience so my embarrassment could be shared with the locals. They're such nice people and it DOES feel good to bring such joy to the world.

Luckily only I got swamped - the camera was higher up on a tripod.

I have a story and six hours worth of footage. Somewhere. Saw a low voltage warning come across the screen about 75% through the shot. Said the Firestore was about to call it quits (which is odd because I had it hard wired to the Anton Bauer which still had enough juice to run a lawn mower). No problem I though, I've got tapes in the bag. Got home yesterday afternoon and couldn't get the Firestore to light up. Looks like it called it quits alright. I lost some of my proudest and most valuable shots. I'm sure Firestore can recover the footage, but it'll be worthless by the time they do because we'll be on UWOL-10 by then.

So am I defeated? Oh whatever. The best things in life never come easy to me. I'll try again tomorrow - only this time I'll wake at 3.

Here's the guy who cost me my cell phone. When I reached into my pocket for it I pulled out a chunk of seaweed. Not good
Eric Gulbransen is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 19th, 2008, 08:53 AM   #88
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Eric....Thats gutting fella. But 10/10 for persistance! I guess thats the problem with hard drive systems....eventually they will fail! You just have to hope when they do its not when you've just taken that shot of a lifetime!
Mat Thompson is offline   Reply With Quote
Old June 19th, 2008, 09:44 AM   #89
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Thanks Mat. You sound like you understand, all too well..

Just off the line with Firestore. They gave me a procedure of holding buttons down to get her started but nothing doing. It's DOA. Thankfully they were really nice and the device comes with a 2 year warranty. I figured I was screwed. Typically my stuff breaks within a month after the warranty dries up.

It's funny how visual we all are. Everyone's got thumbnail teasers. Got to remember though, there's more to this than meets the EYE ;- )
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Old June 19th, 2008, 10:28 AM   #90
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That sounds fab Eric. I'm seal diving in the UK in T-minus 7.5 weeks....and counting! Can't wait to share the water with those fin nibblers!!
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