And the winner of UWOL #8 is... at
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Old April 27th, 2008, 11:41 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Akershus, Norway
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And the winner of UWOL #8 is...

In this round there was an exceptional bunch of stunning films to choose from! I’ve been taking part of this challenge from the very beginning and I must say that the level of quality has increased very much in the last rounds.
Many of you “old people” and some of the newcomers developing films which in my mind is broadcast class and beyond! You develop new technical skills and experiment with your equipment which take the breathe from me, and many others I think!?

I have been quiet on the forum during this round. In fact I’ve chosen not to take part, even not read so much of your comments to the films, because I would like to make up my own opinion what films to choose for winning. I think this is the most fair way to do it, because I know this community so well.

I have been evalueted the films for how they followed the Theme but also for their technical level, how it was put together from the cinematography, editing, narration and music.

So the winner is... ...Marj Atkins – Hidden Wonders.
This film took the breathe away from me from the very first beginning. Even if you got your “actors” near by your home (maybe someone think this is an easy one...), managing to film those creatures in the way you did is outstanding!
I have been doing some macrofilming myself, and I know how hard it can be with the tiny DOF and small movements you have to do to frame it properly.
You did all this in an excellent way Marj! The film took me in to a journey of the butterflies development. I’m glad you choose to do the narrating because it rised the quality of the film and enlighten me about things I didn’t know about the butterflies life. And your film was nailed to the Theme all the way through.

First runner up... ...Ruth Happel – Spring Takes Wing.
This was not the Ruth&Robin films I’m so used to view! But what a surprise from your hand Ruth. This was an excellent piece of work. You have taken some new equipment in use. I like this way of experimenting very much and I think you did very well with your new gear! You managed to get footage only seen in high budget films shoot with $$$ cameras! The sound picture in this film was top notch. I had to view this film several times and I discovered new things every time.

Second runner up... ...Geir Inge Bjørneseth Brekke - Primavera.
Well, as a fellow Norwegian I can’t discard this film from not being in the top three! You made it again Geir Inge! Your film developing has grown very much and I’m impressed of your work. You’ve got an eye for stunning compositions. With our beautiful landscape here in Norway and your eye, you show us some breath taking scenes in your film. Your narrating is as always, top class!

Third runner up... ...Jim Montgomery – Live Journey
This film had a very touching story and the way you did the narrating enhance the story very well. Albeit some minor technical flaws, particilarly in the transition, the overall impression is good. The dreamy look in the pictures was nice.

It was not an easy task to pick the films mentioned here. There were several others film out there, which was very nice and who could have been mentioned too. But as a judge you have to pick some and throw others away.
I want to thank Meryem for choosing me as a judge for this round. Even if I don’t compete in this round I have learned a lot of new things just watching your films, analyzing them for judgement.
- Per Johan
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Old April 28th, 2008, 12:11 AM   #2
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My congratulations to Marj for the efforts put into what became the first place winner this round.

Ruth, Geir, and Jim; yours is in the same class as Marj's work. Congratulations to you folks.

And to the rest of you, like Per Johan said, this round had the most stunning visually captivating entries of any of the previous rounds. I was excited and am inspired by the quality of what we've seen.

Congratulations on a great round.
Bruce Foreman is offline   Reply With Quote
Old April 28th, 2008, 01:08 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Congrats to everyone who took part - so many good films! I could see so many ideas I want to steal - if you're going to steal, steal from the best.

I still maintain that we express something of ourselves as well as our subject - it's an art and what a great way to learn it.

...we're not really waiting till June for the next one... are we?
Cheers - Paul M.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 02:45 AM   #4
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Congrats all - some really superb films there and a definate raising of the bar ;-) Marj I knew you had this one about 30 seconds into you entry - truly stunning!!!
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Old April 28th, 2008, 03:03 AM   #5
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Marj fantactic entery.

Ruht rely facinating stuff.

Geir Inge greit jurny.

Jim a realy harminic story.

And congrets to all Chellerger,inspirating round!!!


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Old April 28th, 2008, 05:10 AM   #6
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A big congratulations to Marj, Ruth, Geir, & Jim.
Firstly i must say that Marj, you have really blown me away with the incredible film you have produced for this round! Ruth, your film was a real inspiration & i really hope you can continue to show us more of this calibre of film! Geir, another quality film from you, & one i thought was your best by far to date! Jim, wow what a production, it really was a wonderful story!

I think that the quality of everyone's films is getting better & better with every round, this one to me though was exceptional, with so many great entries. I think i have said that before, but that really shows the improvement that seems to be coming with each round!

Well done to all,

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Old April 28th, 2008, 06:08 AM   #7
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Congrats to all 4 of you....everyone of you deserves to be here
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Old April 28th, 2008, 07:13 AM   #8
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We have a public holiday here today that I was planning to utilize it to do more feedback comments, only to find that the winners have already been announced! Both Mat (uploads) and Per have been so super-efficient in getting things up and going this round that they caught me on the hop.

Wow - Thank you Per for selecting my video this round - and thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments. I feel privileged to be part of such a special community where people from all over the globe have found a place to share a common interest - nature and wildlife videography and to learn from one another - quite unique. Every round I learn something new and exciting (even if it was as Meryem’s lurker of lurkers for the most part!). I especially appreciate your constructive comments on the feedback threads. This is what raises the bar for all of us. Congrats Ruth, Geir and Jim.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 07:31 AM   #9
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Congratulation Marj, Ruth, Geir and Jim:

All so deserving. Thank you for such exceptional work for us to share with you! The UWOL community is inspiring.

Per, a special note to you. You are an excellent judge. You were fair in strategy and approach. You explained your reasoning well. You are gracious in words, and for the first time, I feel like we had a judge that actually reviewed all the films which is the only real way to do it. Thank you also for judging, not only on technical skill and quality but also on theme development and how well the topic was addressed. And finally, for being expeditious in your decisions. Way to go! I wish we could have you as judge often.... but I so missed your comments and participation in the feedback and contribution!

Thanks for doing this,

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Old April 28th, 2008, 08:05 AM   #10
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Absolutely outstanding choices....Good job, Per Johan!!

Congradulations Marj, Ruth, Geir and Jim!!!

It's an honor to participate with the likes of y'all....

Bob T.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 08:45 AM   #11
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Congradulations Marj, Ruth, Geir and Jim!

well done!
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Old April 28th, 2008, 09:40 AM   #12
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Congratulations to everyone! Putting yourself 'out there' so to speak takes a special type of person. To say the level of film making as well, esclated is an understatement.

Good job everyone.

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Old April 28th, 2008, 10:45 AM   #13
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Kudos to these fine finalists, and Per's analysis !
Chris J. Barcellos
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Old April 28th, 2008, 10:51 AM   #14
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Warmest congratulations to you Marj - you deserved to win. And congrats to the runners up too.

And everyone's a winner with UWOL! I enjoyed every single entry.
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Old April 28th, 2008, 11:45 AM   #15
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Congratulations Marj, Ruth, Geir and Jim!

I would have had problems with deciding on the top two. They were both awe-inspiring. Yet while there were a lot of really good entries, those two really stood out.
Steven Gotz
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