Originally Posted by Geir Inge
Only one thing though, the sky is great but it somehow take away focus from Mike at some places.
That was the direct result of me leaving the camcorder in auto. If you look at "Cinco" again, when I zoomed back from Mike lying on the ground and showed Cinco standing over him, notice Cinco's ears.
He had them lying back enough to show he did not like what was going on. Mike being on the ground was not right and he kept a very careful eye on me as if holding me responsible for whatever happened to Mike.
So I realized I had just one take and left everything on auto for that sequence. My fault, because it would not have taken but a second to let the auto set exposure for more ground detail and then punch manual and lock that in.
Next time...
Cinco was OK with things once Mike sat up and rode normal.
Originally Posted by Geir Inge
Still this is a great contribution to uwol#5.
Congratulation and well done.
All the best.
Geir Inge
Thanks Geir.
Bruce Foreman