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Old December 23rd, 2006, 05:38 PM   #1
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Audio for UWOL

I don't think my pirated classical scores will work for this. Having heard Per Johan's beautiful cuts from Smart Sound, then getting sticker shock at the Smart Sound website, I wonder if anyone has recommendations for reasonably priced, nimble, music software.

Steve Siegel,
Miami FL
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Old December 26th, 2006, 01:12 AM   #2
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Steve, thanks for your comment about the score in my videoes!

I think you will find tons of software out there if you make an internet search for "royalty free music" or "music creation software".
I have tried and Most of this sites have scores in fixed lenght wich is not good in a creative way. You must build your film to the music and thats not what I want.

There are also young composers out there who are willing to make scores for free as long as they are credited in the end of the film! Don't know any names but you may do a search.

I did struggle a lot before I found the Smartsound package. Indeed it is very pricey but it's so easy to use and to find a score which suit, especially in the lenght and mood you want. The quality of the music is also very high (48K). And as I wrote above, with Smartsound you may cut your film first and put a score afterwards which substantiate and emphasize the film.

Good luck in your search Steve!
- Per Johan
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Old December 26th, 2006, 09:37 AM   #3
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Music - free, well not quite

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Old December 26th, 2006, 11:33 AM   #4
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A great place is

I bought their BackTraxx 1 about a month ago and one of the tracks is on my entry in DVC#7.

BackTraxx #1 & 2 are both on sale now for $99.00 each, regularly $399.00 each. I will be ordering #2 today.

They are quite nice because they come with a special software that enables you to sample the songs without having to put each CD (about 25 to 30 CD's in each set) into your drive. If you like the song, then put the CD in. Hit render and it formats your selections so your NLE can handle them.

They are divided into catagories, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.


P.S.: I just ordered BackTraxx #2, and it is 1,100 cuts, of various lengths, on 33 CD's for $99.00, plus tax if you live in Florida like I do! :) Can't beat that with a stick!

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Old December 26th, 2006, 11:37 AM   #5
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It's funny but I find it easier to create my film around music than to try and fit the music to the film.
I have Smartsound Sonicfire 3 but usually only use it for corporate gigs or for some background music.
I usually always wound up moving around clips to fit the music even with Smartsound.

Now, I haven't tried the newest verion with mood mapping yet to see if that's an improvement or not.

The other way that's worked for me is working with a composer.
I have to agree that that way gives you a new found freedom. You just cut the film however you want and the composer will wrap the music around it.

Smartsound will cut a tune to a specific link but the version I have will just do that. A composer can create music that fits your film like a glove.

For this first UWOL Challenge I'll most likely use some music I licensed off of one of the royalty free sites.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 07:39 AM   #6
Inner Circle
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Originally Posted by Mike Teutsch
A great place is

I bought their BackTraxx 1 about a month ago and one of the tracks is on my entry in DVC#7.

BackTraxx #1 & 2 are both on sale now for $99.00 each, regularly $399.00 each. I will be ordering #2 today.

They are quite nice because they come with a special software that enables you to sample the songs without having to put each CD (about 25 to 30 CD's in each set) into your drive. If you like the song, then put the CD in. Hit render and it formats your selections so your NLE can handle them.

They are divided into catagories, to make it easier to find what you are looking for.


P.S.: I just ordered BackTraxx #2, and it is 1,100 cuts, of various lengths, on 33 CD's for $99.00, plus tax if you live in Florida like I do! :) Can't beat that with a stick!


Oh, and did I mention fast shipping! As you can see from above, I ordered BackTraxx 2 at about 1:00pm yesterday, and it arrived at 8:30 am this morning. Now that's fast!

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Old December 27th, 2006, 08:37 AM   #7
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I was looking at the license for Digital Juice's StackTraxx which states "Use of this Music for mass-market retail or distribution requires a separate license that can be purchased by contacting Digital Juice, Inc."

So that's kind of a deal breaker for me. Not sure if the license is the same for the BackTraxx or not.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 08:53 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Kevin Railsback
I was looking at the license for Digital Juice's StackTraxx which states "Use of this Music for mass-market retail or distribution requires a separate license that can be purchased by contacting Digital Juice, Inc."

So that's kind of a deal breaker for me. Not sure if the license is the same for the BackTraxx or not.

The full details are this:

The Music may be used, altered, or incorporated according to the guidelines described herein into any production (including but not limited to, broadcast, commercial, industrial, educational, and personal) that is created by YOU provided that production is not then sold or distributed as, or as a part of, a music collection or library. Use of this Music for mass-market retail or distribution requires a separate license that can be purchased by contacting Digital Juice, Inc at 1.800.

The sentence you are refering to is, I believe, to prevent you from just taking a nice group of songs and selling a CD of the songs. This makes sense to me.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 09:10 AM   #9
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Just got off of the phone with Digital Juice. That last sentence is to say that if you take one of their songs and put words to it and then try to sell it as your own, you need addition licenses. Like I said, makes sense to me.

In addition, I asked, "What if you include the music in a movie that becomes a big hit and sell great?" Answer, "there is no additional charge and nothing else to pay." Some songs do require that you list the author in the credits---That's it.

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Old December 27th, 2006, 09:17 AM   #10
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Yep, you're totally right.
I gave them a call because I've seen licenses before that state you can't use the music in a production for distribution or retail without a seperate license.

I talked to Reed at extension 231 and he set me straight.

it was just kind of weird that it was worded that way.

But, I'm placing an order today. :)
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Old December 27th, 2006, 09:29 AM   #11
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I know you will be happy with it. You'll love the Juicer Software that allows previewing without inserting all the disks. I have one other library and that is what you have to do with it. It is a nightmare putting in 33 CD's and go through each song on them.

By the way BackTraxx 2 is a limited 500 set run again this time. I missed it last time and made sure to get it this time.

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
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Old December 27th, 2006, 09:35 AM   #12
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I think I may go with some StackTraxx volumes instead of the BackTraxx.
So far I like the music I'm hearing on StackTraxx volumes 17,11,and 3.

I need to listen to more of the BackTraxx music but for what I like to do, I'm liking the StackTraxx for the moment.

I've gotten pretty good at hacking up music and blending it in. :)

If you listen to the beginning of this clip I hacked out quite a bit of the beginnning of the song.
I think it blends in pretty well.
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