Originally Posted by Brendan Marnell
The main thing is he's been lying down among musk ox for hours shooting pretty rare images; which goes to prove that rumours that Per Johan bears the slightest resemblance to a musk ox, male or female, are unfounded ...
roll on the footage ... next time perhaps he will take some delayed/remote control shots of himself among the herd as well, please ... just for the archives?
Well, with the thread: The Ethics of Wildlife Shooting - in my mind, I was thinking about Timothy Treadwell laying among the grizzly bears. Luckily I have a huge telephotolense being able to come near the animal without risking my own life. My ethic philosophy is that when I am out in the wild to take picture it is on the animals terms. I will never look at them as something other than animals. I will let them rule and I'm very careful not to disturb them in any way. I'm walking by my feet for hours with my gear on my back (25 kg). In our National parks it is not allowed with any terrain vehicle. I think this is the way any wildlifephotographer should behave.