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Under Water, Over Land
Tools & Techniques for Nature, Outdoors, Wildlife & Underwater Videography.

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Old April 2nd, 2006, 03:42 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Arcata CA
Posts: 5
Newbie needs some advice please

Hey all,

The project I am devoting my life to atm is a documentry on the Marsh in Arcata,CA (my current home). A project of waste water management that is world renouned in it's environmently friendly aspect. It has become a home or migratory stop to over 230 species of birds and many other critters. I hope to inspire communities throught the world to adopt this method of waste management. Therefor I am aiming for theatrical release internationally (aim high right? lol) It won't be your typical informational documentry, if all goes as planned. To best describe what I am trying for would be Ron Fricke (Baraka, shot on 70mm) type cinematography with about 30 minutes of info/interveiws. I will be shooting timelaps, using slow motion, and all will be nature shots. I am admittedly clueless when it comes to todays cameras and filming.

My biggest question to start off is... which camera? I have about 7000 to invest for the cam and another 2000 for acessories. I have read a bit about the cameras in this price range and am leaning towards the Panasonic HVX200. Seams to have all my needs covered except I might need (or do i?)a stronger zoom. I would apreciate any and all advice / input. If anyone thinks another camera would be more appropriate please let me know.

Thanks all,

Ben Jacob

Last edited by Rob Lohman; April 3rd, 2006 at 06:51 AM.
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Old April 3rd, 2006, 11:51 AM   #2
Hawaiian Shirt Mogul
Join Date: Nov 2001
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what about shooting FILM ...
you're in Arcata - take a class at HSU and have access to FILM camera's. they have 16mm that can do timelaps ... the HSU film festival starts today - 1st workshop ( free) 2pm rm 117 theate arts building - other workshops all week long .. i believe there's a showing tonight of Chuck Hudina films at Minor ?

if the HVX does timelaps then it has allot to offer ( 720p mode = slo mo ,fast mode ) if it doesn't have timelaps you might be ablt to shot at 4fps (use fast shutter speed ) then in your NLE you should be able to tell it to use every 10 ( or whatever #) frame ... IMO for your bird shots the zoom on HVX isn't going to make it - get extension or use another camera that can take long lens ( GL 1/2 has very good long lens but it's SD ) ...
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Old April 4th, 2006, 01:40 PM   #3
New Boot
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Arcata CA
Posts: 5
Ignore this post please=)

Of course all of my questions are answered in other posts. If i have more specific questions, I'll do a search first...then ask. Thanks.

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