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Old January 5th, 2003, 10:34 PM   #16
Regular Crew
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: detroit, mi
Posts: 187
Well if this is true, I guess PBS isn't as innocent as I thought. While trying to find info on that mountain lion doc I mentioned I came across this site:

I could see, I suppose setting up a shot that you otherwise would never be able to get, but this is wrong.
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Old January 6th, 2003, 04:09 AM   #17
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Join Date: Aug 2002
Location: Borås, Sweden
Posts: 167
Yes this is very wrong. It is ALWAYS wrong to provoke a unnatural behaviour in order to get a shot. And this example you mentioned is an example of just feeding live bait to animals in order to get a really gory and effective shot. Does it picture the bear in its natural behaviour? nope. Its prey is usually not tethered or even mammal. Does it show the public how Bears act in the wild? Of course not. It just shows how a Bear would kill a roped animal. Nothing else.

Let me use another example. The Great White shark. For many years it was assumed mainly due to stories from fishermen and documentaries that this shark attacked anything it could and would chomp down on boats & cages in its frenzy to get hold of the "goodies inside". Now today we know that this is in fact a matter of the metal creating havoc with the Lorenzinan cells which the shark use to locate it's prey in the moment of attack. So actually, it gets disoriented and attacks the wrong thing. And please, if i see one more footage of a shark coming out of the water trying to get a bit of tuna someone is dragging off in a rope, i think i'm going to hurl.

Both this piece and the story about the bear twist and angles the "documentary" at what the creators intended, to scare and thrill. Not to how reality actually is.

There are more examples. Using normal lights when shooting outdoors at night creates a unnatural habitat for the animals at night. Stunning many animals so they are more easilly caught by predators.

Alas, none of these issues will be changed until the audience actually demands it.

Henrik "HuBBa" Bengtsson, Imaginara Fotographia,http://www.imaginara.se
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