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Old April 27th, 2022, 03:58 PM   #16
Vortex Media
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Re: My settings for shooting birds with the Panasonic Lumix GH6

Originally Posted by Ron Evans View Post
Doug , no one is criticizing your work. Your video work is very good, always. However if you choose to criticize someone the onus is on you, not the other person to justify themselves. That is the way the internet works. Anyone has the opportunity to say what they want without justifying. One only has to look at what politicians say to see that. You may not like it but that is the way it is now. It is up to the person receiving the information to decide if it is good or bad information. I am sure you also know that any video shown is questionable too.

If you question something Steve said then say what you mean or you are just as guilty of not providing information.
Ron, I never thought anyone was criticizing my work. And for the record, I criticized Steve's blog for not providing any demonstration footage to illustrate the advice he's giving. I did not criticize his video because there is no vidoe to see. For all I know, his video would win am Academy Award next year. I don't know because he didn't show anything, therefore there is no reason for me to provide more information than that. I won't waste my time going point by point through the blog when no footage has been posted to show the results he gets when following his own advice.
Vortex Media
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Old April 27th, 2022, 04:58 PM   #17
Vortex Media
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Re: My settings for shooting birds with the Panasonic Lumix GH6

Originally Posted by Doug Jensen View Post
That's a lot of work to put together, but don't see a link to any videos that show your settings and techniques in action.
Just for the record, this was my first post on the thread. What's wrong with it?

It was actually a civil discussion between Steve and I until the resident troll decided to jump in to a conversation that had nothing to do with him, and in typical troll fashion, added absolutely nothing to the topic at hand except to stir up trouble. Feels like there's a yappy little dog at my heels with any post I make.
Vortex Media
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Old April 27th, 2022, 05:11 PM   #18
Inner Circle
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Re: My settings for shooting birds with the Panasonic Lumix GH6

Lol, just for the record, what's wrong with this comment:
Maybe the time you spent writing your blog might have been better spent learning from other people who have already blazed this territory and have shared their advice and have work to back it up.
Don't cherry-pick your "nice comments" to make it look you didn't derail this discussion.

And for the record, I criticized Steve's blog for not providing any demonstration footage to illustrate the advice he's giving.
No you didn’t, you criticized him for having “several things” in his blog you didn’t agree with, what those “things” where you refuse to explain but yet you expect him to prove every single point he makes in his lengthy article with a video, that’s a bit different to how you try to phrase it now, isn’t it?

What could have been an interesting discussion has been turned into something that is all about you. Steve made it clear from the start:
I didn't put any links to videos. My purpose was to ease the task of setting up the camera for fellow shooters. That's all.
and there the discussion should have ended but no, not for Doug, Doug needs proof before he can give his blessing. Because Doug didn’t get what he wanted he belittles, ridicules and insults, something he often does when anyone questions his motives. If you are not able to have a adult discussion then just move on next time because with your attitude you are just scaring people away from this forum.
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Old April 27th, 2022, 06:14 PM   #19
Vortex Media
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Re: My settings for shooting birds with the Panasonic Lumix GH6

Originally Posted by Noa Put View Post
Lol, just for the record, what's wrong with this comment:

Don't cherry-pick your "nice comments" to make it look you didn't derail this discussion.

No you didn’t, you criticized him for having “several things” in his blog you didn’t agree with, what those “things” where you refuse to explain but yet you expect him to prove every single point he makes in his lengthy article with a video, that’s a bit different to how you try to phrase it now, isn’t it?

What could have been an interesting discussion has been turned into something that is all about you. Steve made it clear from the start:

and there the discussion should have ended but no, not for Doug, Doug needs proof before he can give his blessing. Because Doug didn’t get what he wanted he belittles, ridicules and insults, something he often does when anyone questions his motives. If you are not able to have a adult discussion then just move on next time because with your attitude you are just scaring people away from this forum.

Nice post, troll. At least we found one thing you're good at -- throwing aorund personal insults and attacks on other people's character. The last bastion of someone with nothing meaningful to say. I'm happy to have a professional discussion/debate with Steve about his recommended settings and techniques for Panasonic mirrorless cameras . . . if he chooses to repost his original blog and add some samples of his work to show those settings in action. Until that time, I'm done with this thread.
Vortex Media
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Old April 27th, 2022, 11:03 PM   #20
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Time to end all this. Sorry for the trouble.

Last edited by Steve Siegel; April 27th, 2022 at 11:58 PM.
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Old April 28th, 2022, 05:01 AM   #21
Inner Circle
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Re: My settings for shooting birds with the Panasonic Lumix GH6

At least we found one thing you're good at -- throwing aorund personal insults and attacks
Originally Posted by Doug Jensen View Post
Feels like there's a yappy little dog at my heels with any post I make.
Funny, I thought this was an insult when you referred to me as a yappy little dog...

Steve, I noticed you did respond and showcasing some of your work but I didn't manage to read the entire reply as you took it down again, as you now say it's indeed best to put this to an end as there is nothing more to gain. You don't have to prove anything like you said before and you certainly don't have to show any wildlife films just to prove that you know what you are talking about in the article you wrote. I still would encourage you to leave the post up on your blog as it does have much value and share it on other platforms like facebook.

I"m also done with this thread though I have a feeling there will be someone who always wants to have the last word. :)
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