I found this large furry critter behind my home searching the creek for fresh run Pink Salmon.
A real back side scratch-er too!!!
This morning I couldn't decide weather to grab my fly rod, or camera. So I grabbed my fly rod and walked the short distance over to Indian River, which is behind my home in Sitka. When I arrived, I looked out at a stream full of fish, and with excited anticipation, I started to tie on a fly. After tying my fly, I look down the beach, and to my amazement I saw a Alaska Brown Bear looking back at me. I slowly backed away, and then hurried home, exchanging my fly rod for the video camera. Luckily, the Brown Bear was still near by. The above video was filmed with a Canon EOS 60D with a 100-400mm lens. 1080 30p.
The Brown Bear looked like a 300 pound three year old, and it wondered aimlessly around acting dumber than the rock he seemed so fond of.