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Old October 20th, 2009, 03:37 PM   #1
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Green Laser, Waterproof Bag & Box


I went to Radio Shack and bought a Green Laser Pointer 63-132 for about $54. I mounted it on my Canon XH A1 with a part from Home Depo. I used a A-585 Nylon hose barb splicer 3/4" x 3/4". This works great as it hold the pointer still, and when I want to turn it on all I do is push it a little deeper into the holder and it stays on. I went out today in S.W. Florida sun, and was able to see the green dot fairly well. I am sure it is not as bright as a $500 laser, but I am happy with it. I will try and put the picture of it on here.

I also went to Wall Mart and got a marine box for about $10 and put a clear port on the box. This works not so well, as I can not see to shoot anything. The box is great for storage of my camera, as it has a rubber seal around the top.

Also I picked up a kids back pack again at Wall Mart , for $6. This hold all my filters, and cleaning stuff and all the other crap we end up taking with us. It is padded and might be kind of rain proof..

After a very expensive repair I now keep my camera in a Seal Line See Bag 10L. I got this at Outdoor World for about $15. I keeps my camera dry, and I put two Hydrosorbent 40's in the bottom of the bag.
Just thought you all might use some of this stuff, to keep our cameras working better and not spending more money.
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Old October 22nd, 2009, 08:16 AM   #2
Major Player
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Toronto, Canada
Posts: 217
Not seeing well!

What I have been working on is attaching an external monitor, and wiring an IR remote.

The monitor idea is almost finished.
Run the cable from the camera to the external, powered monitor. I found a Black and Decker unit that powers USB devices, but also has an AC port, so I just plug in the monitor power supply, and viola.

The remote control, well, that I have been working on for a while. It works the way I want, but I am having a bit of an issue with mounting it so that the camera sees the IR signal, all the time.
It works in daylight, as well, just have to find a good mounting solution.

The remote was canibalized- I took the IR LED out, put in a mon 1/8 jack, and can now plug in a "headpone style" cable, that connects to the IR LED, taht now has it's own little housing, and "sit" in front of the IR reciever of the camera.

As I said, it works well, just need a better mounting solution.

In your case, you could do something similar, by mounting the IR LED in the case you purchased, or just use your remote through the port you put in.
May not work well in some situations, but you should be able to figure out what works for you.

I was told I have no vision, but boy do I see great!
Sam Mendolia is offline   Reply

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