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Old April 30th, 2007, 11:19 PM   #1
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Anyone know when this is supposed to be released, or even if it is worth waiting for?

I have only read a puff piece on gizmodo reviewing it.

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Old May 1st, 2007, 12:23 PM   #2
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All Bogen will say is "This Summer."

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Old May 14th, 2007, 12:57 PM   #3
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B&H lists it as "Arriving July"

Originally Posted by Adam Gold View Post
All Bogen will say is "This Summer."

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Old May 18th, 2007, 05:32 PM   #4
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Here's the link to Manfrotto's 503HDV mini-site:
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Old May 25th, 2007, 11:12 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Marshall Leaman View Post
Anyone know when this is supposed to be released, or even if it is worth waiting for?

I have only read a puff piece on gizmodo reviewing it.

Hope it doesn't suck like my 501. Wondering if I should just get a Miller and be done with it....
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Old May 25th, 2007, 12:42 PM   #6
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Don't know about 501, but my 503 is great!
Isn't Miller just a bit more expensive. With that money you could go up to 516 or 519.

Originally Posted by Alex Humphrey View Post
Hope it doesn't suck like my 501. Wondering if I should just get a Miller and be done with it....
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Old June 5th, 2007, 10:10 AM   #7
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503HDV v/s 519

Though the diffrence in handling is hardly 2kg. but the price difference is too much $338 & $869 for 503HDV & 519 respectively. Is it worth to invest so much for 519. kindly respond with detail info.
Ashok Mansur
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Old June 11th, 2007, 05:55 PM   #8
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Hi Ashok........

I looked into the 519 in quite a bit of detail when considering my new head (up from a 503) and it was a contender for a while. However I plumped instead for the Vinten Vision 3 which I believe is a greatly superior device. Can't give you any feed back on it (the Vinten) as it's gone into limbo somewhere between B&H in NY and sunny Dunedin, NZ (only temporarily, I hope).

I would give it a serious scrute as an alternative to the 519. I'm sure there are a shed load of users on these boards who can give you chapter and verse on it.


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Old June 12th, 2007, 08:58 AM   #9
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Thanks Chris,
Here in India, Manfrotto is easily available, as they have dealer network. Regarding Vinten I don't think they have one.
My question was, having 2kg effieciency advantage over 503HDV, how do they justify the exorbitant price of 519.
Comments on pros & cons of both heads is solicited.
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Old June 12th, 2007, 09:07 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ashok Mansur View Post
Thanks Chris,
Here in India, Manfrotto is easily available, as they have dealer network. Regarding Vinten I don't think they have one.
My question was, having 2kg effieciency advantage over 503HDV, how do they justify the exorbitant price of 519.
Comments on pros & cons of both heads is solicited.
There's much more to the 'guts' of a 519 head. The 2kg weight difference is the tip of the iceberg. The 519 would be much smoother and more robust with higher quality components. If you think the 519 is expensive, take a look at a Sachtler 20SB. Very expensive, but velvety smooth movement and built like a tank.

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Old June 12th, 2007, 11:28 AM   #11
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Thanks Greg.......

I echo what greg says Ashok, but, as I have never actually seen a 519 , let alone used one, I really cannot say. My suggestion is this - IF there is indeed a dealer network in India AND there is one somewhere close enough for you to get to, go and have a play with one.

Heads are a greatly underrated part of the camera system and really should be taken for a serious test drive before parting with your cash. You could get 20 post here extolling the virtues of any particular head and another 20 saying different, yet for you the proof will be when it's sitting on YOUR tripod under YOUR camera (do I remember something about having a 15 inch howitzer strapped to the front of yours - the camera, that is?).

If you really are using these humungous lenses on the front of your (was it an XL2?) you really need the most stable, backlash free tripod/ head assembly you can lay your hands on. My only experience with Manfrotto heads is a long association with my 503, which was fine for SD work and an XL1s, but is totally inadequate (in my PO) for HD of any variety. It's all over the place like a dogs dinner and has more backlash than a chainsaw.

I think it was that fact that made me choose the Vinten instead of the 519, when the 519 was the more system friendly in that it even used the same quick release plate as the 503 (which I'm not junking - yet) but putting into second string for the "other" HD camera - the HV 20.

So, as to your specific question, is the 519 deserving of it's (relatively) huge price tag? Don't know. Why don't you try one out and tell me.

Do I think it's the right head for your application? Ahhh, well, if it was you posting about putting a 600 mm lens on whatever it is you shoot with, I seriously don't think so. For a 600 mm you don't need a tripod head, you need a concrete bunker and a very large bracket to bolt camera to same.


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Old June 13th, 2007, 03:59 AM   #12
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Thanks Chris & Greg,
I have XL2 kit + 70~200 IS 2.8,. Used my friends 600mm on wimberley head, I think what we required is a good balanced cam & lens supporter, like Ronsrail( I have custom made). where in we can get better center of gravity. And there you can mount the head.
Now the question of weight, The XL2 body only 2400gms, 600mm lens 5300gms, Lens body support 950gms. totally 8650 gms. The capacity of 503HDV is 8 kg. where as 519 is 10 kg.With this you can come to conclusion.
Chris here in Inda it's very difficult to take test drive. As all the models are not readily available. you have to place non cancellable orders.
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Old June 13th, 2007, 09:35 PM   #13
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Hi again.

I've been mulling over what you've said and the description of your kit. Going back to some of your previous posts about using these super long lenses etc I feel that the 519 and any other 75 mm bowl heads really aren't quite what you want.

Sure, from your basic weight calculations the 519 can handle it, BUT! With the set up described in your last post you're going to have a pretty long set of kit sitting on that head, all rotating about that 75 mm ball.

From memory you're already having problems with flexing of the tripod/ head assembly, adding even more off centre mass can only make the situation worse - the extra weight handling of the 519 notwithstanding.

I realise the following suggestion may not be do-able for all sorts of reasons, but give it some thought.

I would suggest you go for a much stiffer tripod (MUCH stiffer), the only one that really springs to mind that is easily available for you being the Manfrotto/ Bogen 528XB. It is a BEAST of a thing (I know, mine arrived from B&H this arvo!). It's big, it's heavy but it's STIFF. It also has something I think you also need - a stonking great 100 mm bowl.

To go with that bowl I would suggest a 100 mm head that has not only the load handling but also the ability to counterbalance that 9 kilo weight - remember, being long front to back it's goint to want to dive/ pike much more than a 9 kg blob directly over the pivot point.

From memory, the Manfrotto 526 might be a winner here - it'll balance between 8 - 15 kg, has the 100 ball and a super long plate (for even better stability) and seems like an all round contender.

Of course, not sure what your budget is nor what these things cost in India, but they seem like viable options.

Give it some thought.


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Old June 13th, 2007, 09:48 PM   #14
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or the 516............

which will attach to the 100 mm half ball that is supplied with the 528 (the 526 requires you to remove the half ball and just put in the head with it's fixed ball).

The 516 may be a better bet, it's a heap cheaper but still gives the weight characteristics and that all important 100 bowl.


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Old June 14th, 2007, 01:14 AM   #15
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By the way...................

how are the Pedhas?


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