JVC GY-HD100 Tripod Mount - Page 4 at DVinfo.net
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Old March 15th, 2006, 04:25 PM   #46
Inner Circle
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The camera weights in at about 7 pounds-throw on an Anton Bauer battery with say a wireless receiver and its would still be under 10 lbs (Dionic 90 battery weights 1.7 pounds-most receivers probably in the range of the same) so it's not excessively heavy. just about any set of tripod legs that work with a VK2000 would work with the HD100-just get a GOOD tripod head-nothing less than a Bogen (Manfrotto) 503 and for real fluid moves a 516 head is great. I use a JVC5000 and with everything on it including Dionic 90 batteries, shotgun mic, Wireless receiver (sometimes 2) and AB light-it still only weights in at a bit under 17 pounds and the 516 head on 515 legs is a great combo.
Even the 501 NON FLUID head from Bogen will handle support 13.2 pounds so you have many choices-not sure about the $200 though but with some sharp shopping you MIGHT find something if you need to switch.
BTW a Bogen Manfrotto leg/head combo is the 3021N legs with the 501 head it'll work-supports 9.9 pounds an is $283.oo US from B&H photo.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 12:43 AM   #47
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Same company??

I dont think Sachtler, Vinten, and Bogen/Manfrotto are the same company.

For instance, Sachtler is MUCH better with carbon fibre leg locks. But the heads are heavier.

And Vinten heads are lighter but less durable, the alum. legs are incredible, carbon fibre legs require "finesse." The illuminated pan / tilt seting are cool.

And Bogen, is cheaper, durable (mostly) but heavy. The bowl leveling handle, is great, alot of guys I know rip off the handle from their bogen, put it on a Sachtler or Vinten head, the Sachtler and Vintens have only knobs.

If any marketing manager was smart, then there wouldve been some kind of super-head and leg-set introduced by now. And yet?

I know Bogen, owns many companies, including Manfrotto, Gitzo, Metz, Avenger, along many others, covering almost the entire photographic equipment line, except lenses.

But if I am mistaken, and Sachtler, Vinten, and Bogen/Manfrotto, are the same company, please prove me wrong.

By the way, find a used 3066 head on pretty much...and legs. And you're set for a HD100. But if you insist on new, Daiwa (or Silk Broadcast I think?) does a good head and legs, but service is not readily available in the US. Look at B&H, I've heard some nice things about Libec, and there is a Bescor set that looks good but I'm not sure.

www.bhphotovideo.com >Professional Video > Support > Set> (Do not select Bogen)
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Old March 16th, 2006, 07:32 AM   #48
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Please stop creating new threads for the same question. So far, you have posted these threads...

Tripod for HD100

HD100 Tripod Please Help

HD100 Tripod Question

Perhaps the Moderator can combine all of these under one post. Until then, may I suggest that from this point on, we stick with "Tripod for HD100" (this one that we are in right now) which has the most responses and do ALL of your posting on it.

To answer your question from the other thread on the same topic...

I guess if all you want to do is hold the camera up, you will be happy with the Davis & Sanford Pro Vista for $200.

Here's an idea. Maybe you don't need a tripod at all. Maybe you could set a footlocker or crate on end and set the camera on top of it. Then, when you are done shooting, you can throw your camera and other gear in the fooltlocker. If you want to make it fancy, you could but a screw in it to mate with the camera and hold it tight. For a deluxe setup, you could mount a tripod head to the footlocker! Since you don't have a need to pan, I would recommend a Bogen 501 head.

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Old March 16th, 2006, 04:19 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Daniel Wang
I dont think Sachtler, Vinten, and Bogen/Manfrotto are the same company.

But if I am mistaken, and Sachtler, Vinten, and Bogen/Manfrotto, are the same company, please prove me wrong.
I don't know if they're the same company, but I have a Manfrotto 503 and a Vinten Pro-6 heads and they're exactly the same, just a little difference on the buttons and the cover plastic. I'm sure it is the same head.

I have the 503 head with 525 legs for the HD100, this head is very good but the spring is not strong enought to perfectly balance the camera with heavy batteries. When I purchased it I tried the head with the JVC battery and it performed very well, but now I would chose the 516. A long plate is also required when using heavy batteries, it has to slide more to the front for balancing. Another option is the JVC tripod plate, but it's much more expensive.
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Old March 16th, 2006, 07:34 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Daniel Wang
But if I am mistaken, and Sachtler, Vinten, and Bogen/Manfrotto, are the same company, please prove me wrong.
Hello Daniel. It is true, they are all owned by the same parent company, the Vitec Group plc:


The Vitec Group is actually the Vinten company who went on a buying spree in the early 80's and gobbled up all of these famous camera support companies. My hunch is that each company still operates fairly independently since they each serve different market segments, but you can see how it is possible that some of the low-end Vintens could just be re-badged Bogens or Gitzos.

Because they are all sister companies, they technically do have access to each other's technology. This is very interesting because in the old days all of these companies competed fiercely against each other and in doing so developed many, many patents for various things like fluid drag and counterbalance. Now corporate owns all of these patents so technically they could direct Sachtler to design a head based on an O'Connor patent or vice versa. So why isn't there some "super head" yet then? Beats me, but it's probably for business reasons.

The photographic division consist of:

* Avenger
* Bogen Imaging
* Gitzo
* Kata
* Litec
* Manfrotto

The broadcast systems division consist of:

* Anton/Bauer
* Clear-Com
* Drake
* OConnor
* Petrol
* Radamec Broadcast Systems
* Sachtler
* Vega
* Vinten
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Old March 16th, 2006, 08:27 PM   #51
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Good info Tim, thanks.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 05:05 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by Tim N Le
Hello Daniel. It is true, they are all owned by the same parent company, the Vitec Group plc:

Thanks for the support.. and for the complete information.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 06:08 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by Bruce Meyers
The HD100 is an excessively heavy camera, can a normal tripod handle it for say a VX2000 or do you need a different tripod? What tripod works with this camera? I'm on a VERY limited budget and I need to get a t-pod under 200 dollars that won't break when the camera is mounted on it, something pretty tall too, any recommendations?
The HD100 excessively heavy? Compared with other sholder camera's, I had to add batteries on the back to make it more heavy to balance better for my taste.
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Old March 17th, 2006, 06:56 AM   #54
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Diogo, the 503 head can use the 501plong plate which has much more travel than the stock plate. I'm sure you could balance your camera with a longer plate on the 503. The 519 is the next model up that uses the same plate. It has a 75mm half-ball mount instead of the 3/8" screw on a flat base.
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Old March 18th, 2006, 05:00 PM   #55
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Conglomerate shlomerate...

My god what is happening. Now the only independent support company is...Miller? (Video, only one I can think of). So...in a few years will a Hotpod be $200 instead of $2000...?

That I wouldnt mind, but I'm worried about Sachtler and Vinten losing their quality. I still have a Sachtler Video 20 head older than I am, and Vinten legs that have been around the world twice, but I've never owned a piece of Bogen equipment that didnt go more than 3 years withought haveing to be reserviced / replaced (that goes for everything, from leg locks and QR plates to pan bars and heads). Sachtler and Vinten have been the standard for years, but now will the quality drop? I've already seen some lack in the Vinten tripods the past 3 or so years, and Sachtler beginning to use more plastic parts...but the prices we paid for should be the quality we expect.

...or should this be a totally different thread?
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Old April 24th, 2006, 09:45 AM   #56
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Which tripod head to choose?


I'm new to the forum and looking for advice on tripod heads. I have a Bogen/Manfrotto 3021 legs but need a different head for use with the JVC GY-HD100U(A). Wondering if I should go with the 501? I also have an older ITE T40 tripod and wondering if there is a head/plate for it that I should purchase instead of the Bogen since the T40 has larger/more heavy duty legs.

Appreciate any advise.

Thank you,
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Old April 24th, 2006, 12:08 PM   #57
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I would at least get the 503 because its fluid, the 501 is friction and by most ppls account crappy.
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Old April 24th, 2006, 01:44 PM   #58
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re: Which tripod head


Thanks you for the tip...I'll check into the 503.

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Old May 2nd, 2006, 08:53 AM   #59
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I 2nd that! Stay away from the 501! I have the 503 and am very happy with it. Plus the street price is only $250-- a bargin.

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Old May 7th, 2006, 06:57 AM   #60
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All companies that belong to Vitec are independent and are competing with each other. Same as Panasonic and JVC that belong to the same owner... "Victor" something.

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