Update on Secced tripods at DVinfo.net
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Old April 21st, 2014, 07:20 AM   #1
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Update on Secced tripods

I found a 2008 thread on this tripods, apparently from the time they were just released, and I would like to know if there have new owners trying them.

Then I would like to know who's selling them in the USA and in Europe.

As I am on the market for a mid-priced tripod, something around $600 or so, I wonder what might be my options.

For now I found a Manfrotto MVH502 combo, a basic Sachtler 1001/1002 and very few others.

As the problem is I will be buying this in France, the lower US prices are not valid.

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Old April 21st, 2014, 11:19 AM   #2
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

Hi Carlos,

You might look at the Sachtler Ace systems - the M series is around €480. and L series €800 plus tax, which you could claim back at the airport.
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Old April 21st, 2014, 11:33 AM   #3
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

The Sachtler L system is too much over my budget.

Two things also: as I already had bad experiences with having my VAT back, I'm a bit distrustful of the whole system.

And I will have to pay taxes in Brazil, when I get here. For any value exceeding u$s 500, you pay 60% import tax. Which on the L would be more than $300 more.

And about the M series, there are some very bad feedback stories in B & H.

That's why I was finding out about the Secced.
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Old April 22nd, 2014, 02:10 PM   #4
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

I tried the Secced tripods at NAB. The mid-level heads were AWFUL (Sachtler Video 15/18 style) and bound up through the pan range but the HEAVY duty ones were remarkable decent.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old April 22nd, 2014, 03:54 PM   #5
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

OK, OK. Secced seems like a no no then.

So I will have to try and choose between Manfroto 502/546 combo and the Sachtler ACE types, which seem to have week legs. It would be nice if I could use the Sachtler head with the Manfrotto legs, but I wonder if that is possible or if the shop will go for it. Or if it's worth it.

Contrary to some people, my experience with Manfrotto has been a good one, so I have nothing against the brand.
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Old April 22nd, 2014, 06:00 PM   #6
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

Sachtler heads fit on Manfrotto legs but tend to sit high in the bowl and often the legs don't close all the way due to the "paddle" style of ball head adjuster, this from personal experience.

Besides... legs are the CHEAP part of a tripod system.

I'm looking at 75L HD (shown at NAB) legs, not the standard 75 series legs from Sachtler.
Shaun C. Roemich Road Dog Media - Vancouver, BC - Videographer - Webcaster
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Old April 23rd, 2014, 01:57 AM   #7
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Re: Update on Secced tripods


I have owned an Ace L since they came out, and despite the reviews you may have seen, I find no issue with the legs - of course, it depends on the camera weight, but I have used it in following sport events, and the head quality is excellent.
Try one if you get the chance before deciding - the new ones, I believe have a flat base on the head, and can be used on a slider.

As an alternative, look at the E-Image range - they are well regarded by many here on the forum - I have a couple of those, and they certainly fit your price range.
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Old April 23rd, 2014, 11:40 AM   #8
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Re: Update on Secced tripods


Thanks for your comments. I do feel inclined to try a Sachtler.

I'm not sure which is the difference between types 1001 and 1002.

They are a bit limited on the weight they can support (4Kg), but maybe I can keep myself within that range with my BD Pocket rig.

I tried to find an E-Image dealer in Paris but couldn't, or the prices were too expensive.
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Old April 24th, 2014, 09:12 AM   #9
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

Let me add some experience with Secced tripods. One of my clients a well know TV network bought them for their local station. They are terrrible. Everyone including me who has used them hates them. The bought the studio sized models which are carbon fiber and the so called ENG carbon fiber models and they all weigh a ton. The are poorly made, and break often, as well as operate poorly. The heads are clunky and its hard to get consistent moves out of them. I own two Sachtlers and a Gitzo as well as a Wei Fung 717 for my slider. The $80.00 Wei Fung is smoother with my fully rigged PMW300 than the stations Secced Eng head.
I will be doing a test and a review of the new Benro S8 in a couple of weeks. I will also be including a couple of other people who shoot news and some who do docs and corporate work. I am looking forward to giving this kit a good look. From a price standpoint Benro is hard to beat and their quality having looked at the S6 kit seems to be much beyond the Secced. They also build Induro and have heavier systems out there like the H8 etc. But the goal here is a kit that could go up against the Manfrotto CF 535/536 and Miller Solo etc.
Bottom line is stay away from Secced.
Brian Murphy Director-Editor-DoP
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Old April 25th, 2014, 01:01 AM   #10
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

The 1001 is the mid height spreader, and the 1002 the floor level spreader - I have the mid level, as I mainly use it in the field.
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Old April 25th, 2014, 11:15 AM   #11
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Re: Update on Secced tripods

My idea is to get a head/tripod I can use with my Blackmagic Pocket rig, and hopefully the Sachtler may do that. In any case I will compare it at the store with the Manfrotto 502.

At the same time I want to buy a Manfrotto MVH500 head to replace a 700RC2 I use presently with 756 legs. Only doubt is if the 756 half-ball will take the MVH500.

The 700RC2 head, which I think is quite good, will go to the 680 monopod, and I will change the legs of the pod for foldables.

I think this movement will provide me with several options for many situations.

My second camera, for now, is a Sony Z1, which will have to until I get another camera, probably a BMCC, to mate with my Pocket.

What do you think?
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