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Old March 12th, 2011, 10:14 AM   #1
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Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue


I have the Libec LS 22DV tripod. In general, I love it but recently when I put my Panasonic af100 on it, I noticed that it is not so stable. If I shake the pan handle even a little, the head of the tripod is not stable at all. It twists in different directions. Kinda strange and definitely affects video with the slight shakes and vibrations. At first I thought it was due to my af100 setup with my accessories but then I realized it does this even if a camera is not on the tripod.

Anyone else experience the same thing with the libec ls 22dv? Any ideas how to fix this or is it time to upgrade to a more solid tripod?


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Old March 14th, 2011, 12:18 AM   #2
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Appologies, Simon, for not responding sooner, other business to attend to.

Is this something you've just discovered with the new cam, or has this been endemic ever since you bought it (the tripod)?

Not familiar with the camera, I take it the AF100 is HD?

If you think the LS22 is unstable, you might want to read this:

Review: Libec RS 250M Video Support System at

Great head, shame about the sticks, tho' if they listen and learn they'll have a killer package on their hands.

Will they, dunno.

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Old March 14th, 2011, 02:49 AM   #3
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

I have already responded in Another Place!

Basic summary is that something like the Vinten Vision Blue, or equivalent Sachtler, Manfrotto or Libec is really a starting point.

If you are unhappy with the wobble factor of the LS-22 (I know I was!) then the only way to improve it is to buy better a head and legs. You need a good, "proper fluid" head with proper drag settings for good control, combined with well-designed, solid legs.

You can get cheap, or lightweight - but for best performance and no wobble-factor, you need not-cheap and solid.
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Old March 14th, 2011, 03:07 AM   #4
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Er, there's "Another Place"?

You mean this isn't Heaven?

Bugger, I must have gone down when I was supposed to go up!

Bugger, early onset Alzheimers strikes yet again!

Bugger! (just for the sake of saying it!).

Anyone here heard about a cat called Norton?

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Old March 29th, 2011, 08:12 AM   #5
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Hi Mike and Chris,

Sorry I did not respond sooner.

At first I thought it was the my new camera and it being just TOO HEAVY for the Libec tripod. But check out this video without any camera on my tripod:

YouTube - Wobble Issue

I don't remember this being such an issue at the beginning before. Is this normal wobble for a low-budget tripod? As you can imagine, it is very difficult to use my af100 and follow focus with such shakiness. :(

Anyway, so the Vinten Blue seems to be top of the line. The price hurts but quality costs money.

Let me know what you think of the video?

Thanks for your advice and support.

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Old March 29th, 2011, 07:40 PM   #6
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Ooh, not very good, is it?

In it's defence (and a pretty feeble defence, at that) as the legs themselves appear to be bouncing, I take it that the unit was standing on carpet with foam type underlay, always a bad place to have a tripod.

However, the play in the head has me totally stymied, tho' I have a question.

Can the ball on the bottom of the head be detached, so that the head can be used on a flat topped tripod?

If it is detachable, the only thing I can think is that the locking screws have worked loose and that the head isn't actually tightly connected to the ball any more.

Check the underside of the ball with the clamp handle removed and see if you can see any screw heads buried in the aluminium of the ball top.

In the highly unlikely event that there are locking screws, back them off a couple of turns, twist the ball hard onto the head once more then re - tighten the locking screws.

In the most likely event that that is not the problem, I'm back to being stymied.

However, most of this is beside the point, it's a very bad setup for HD IMHO, and if you can spring for a better system, I would advise that as the way to go.

Good luck.

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Old March 29th, 2011, 08:48 PM   #7
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Hey Simon,
Yes i too have that same tripod. There seems to be a lot of play between the head & the ball where it attaches to the tripod. Also there is a bit of movement in the verticle part of the head, even when locked down. I find this a great tripod for my HV20, but beyond that, it would struggle to produce good results. I have a Miller Solo DS10 & there really is no comparison between these two tripods. Take your own advise & spend as much as you can on your setup, you will not regret it. Of course, unlike your camera, it won't go out of date in a couple of years!!
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Old March 31st, 2011, 07:48 PM   #8
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Hi Bryce,

Yeah, that is what I am worried about.

I will call Libec tomorrow and see what they say. I am not expecting anything to happen but this tripod is definitely not usable anymore. :(

Thanks for your input!

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Old April 1st, 2011, 10:56 AM   #9
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

I have that tripod. Isn't. The af100 a little big for it? I use it with a gh2 but a gh2 weighs 1 pound. Its the model libec recommends for a gh2, that's hhy I got it. They said the gh2 is too light for the higher end models. Please let us know what libec says.
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Old April 2nd, 2011, 08:16 AM   #10
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

I talked with Libec.

They told me to return the head to see if it is broken. So I sent it yesterday to Libec. I hope to hear something at the end of next week.

Brian - you are right, the af100 is probably too big. But I am having issues with the tripod head even if no camera is on it! :( Very strange.

I will let you know what Libec says. I also mentioned to them that I want to use this tripod for my af100 with follow focus. Hence, why it needs to be solid and steady not so shaky. :(

Quick and polite support so far from Libec. I like that.

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Old April 2nd, 2011, 08:57 AM   #11
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Good luck with Libec Simon. That sounds like great support, i guess we'll see just how great depending on what they come up with. I would have thought it was simply a limitation of the design of the head itself. Not sure though, i would have to pull mine apart to see for sure. Hmm, maybe a little project for when i have some time on my hands!
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Old April 2nd, 2011, 05:15 PM   #12
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue


I am not sure what they will say. But at least they will look at it and then I know if the tripod is broken or not and more importantly if I need to buy a new tripod head or not!

I will let you know how it goes.

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Old April 3rd, 2011, 02:12 PM   #13
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Mine has play in it like that as well. I'm guessing it's normal. hasn't seemed to affect it too much though.
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Old April 4th, 2011, 07:04 AM   #14
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Hi Brian,

Trying using follow focus and the af100. It shakes like an old lady. Maybe I just need to upgrade the tripod but soon I know if there is more of a problem.

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Old April 4th, 2011, 05:56 PM   #15
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Re: Libec LS 22DV tripod: Head and pan handle issue

Originally Posted by Simon Zimmer View Post
Trying using follow focus and the af100. It shakes like an old lady. Maybe I just need to upgrade the tripod but soon I know if there is more of a problem.
I believe you. The AF100 is a much bigger camera than what I'm using: a GH2. The GH2 weighs 1lb.
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