My Miller DS 10 Broke at
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Old January 19th, 2011, 01:00 AM   #1
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My Miller DS 10 Broke

My Miller Tripod has decided to break at the clamp brackets on the lower legs, upon close inspection it looks like a design fault, and when you tighten the legs into position, the presure on the clamp has forced the clamp to crack, and 2 of the lower legs have done this, no changes to tension, everything is factory set, no changes made by myself, and yes I only use lower legs when I am in need of height.

So I call Miller about the issue, and they asked did i adjust the tension screws or something, I say I have not done anything to it, except put a camera on it and adjust the fluid pans and tilts tensions. Then he goes on to say that the Tripods have a limited warranty, and that the part that broke is not covered under warranty.

Im like wth?

So I spend $1600 on a Tripod to have a limited warranty, that they only tell you of when you have the obviouse manufacturers fault break on you. The funny thing is, this tripod has probably been only used 20 times in the 2 years I have had it, my Manfrotto 501 quick release does a better job for moving around, the DS10 was more for stationary jobs.

I just cant believe the crap companies like this do to there buyers, I will never buy another Miller Tripod, they can go get stuffed.

So I am after a new Tripod, any recomendations?

Its to hold a 10-12kg Camera.

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Old January 19th, 2011, 01:44 AM   #2
Inner Circle
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On a couple of levels.

I cannot believe Miller would be that stupid, tho' there are signs that all is not going well with them, can't put my finger on what it is, but sommat is amiss.

On the other front, geez, you were pushing it with a 12 kilo payload on the DS 10's!

You can't have had any counterbalance whatsoever, which means it must have been one heck of a bitch to keep control of.

You have to get to the Compass 20 to get to that level, and even then...................

I think, before I say another word, I'll get you to tell us what you shoot, with what and where, and, of course, the giant killer - budget.

No point me giving you directions out of context, waste of time.


PS: Nice little town, Albury.

Last edited by Chris Soucy; January 19th, 2011 at 01:46 AM. Reason: +
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Old January 20th, 2011, 05:25 AM   #3
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Sorry my unit weighs around 7-8 kg when everything is plugged in, and the DS 10 does a great job, and it counter balances fine, I was going to get the DS20 when I originally purchased it, as the plan was for a fixed Tripod, for like events etc, where you dont have to change position. but the guy said the DS10 will be fine.

And ya I was really surprised when the Miller tech guy said that to me, and like I said, I will not buy another miller product again, if they cant back there gear with a full warranty, then you have to wonder about the gear they are offering, but I didnt know it was a "limited" warranty.

Budget for tripod - $1000-$2000 I like the best, the head on the Miller does an exceptional job, but the clamps to hold the legs up obviously fail, and you dont want them to fail when you walk away from your unit lol.

I am using the Sony HDV-Z7P weighs a little towards 7kg, little over 7 if I have the bigger battery on it.

I have been filming weddings mainly for about 14 years now, but last couple of years I have probably been doing more Debutante Balls of late, and this year will see me doing about 20-30 football games I am contracted to, so at the moment im in between both styles. Weddings I find I need something that packs up quick and isnt a hassle to move around with, as football games, deb balls I find a more steady unit like the DS10 worked fine.

I used to only use Manfrotto, and switched to Miller to try them out, bad mistake.

And ya Albury/Wodonga is a nice little town :), Ive been here for 15 years and love it

PS. I appreciate the time and effort some of you people put into helping others here, I find I get more usefull information here than the sales rep at the shop!

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Old January 20th, 2011, 05:26 PM   #4
Inner Circle
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It sounds like..............

The Miller head might just be fine, so it's really only a set of sticks to shop for.

Of the four I've got here for review, the two that stand out are, in ascending order of grunt:

It's tough, pretty slick in operation and a reasonable all rounder for the price BUT the mid level spreader is on the bottom of the middle stage which means it's almost at ground level with the bottom stage retracted AND has the largest spreader I've ever seen as a result AND has fiddly concentric spreader extend locks, which you do get used to, but even so.

and next:

The Vinten 3819 - 3, which are the sticks parked under that Vision Blue head. I did, after a thorough search find them on their own:

They are as tough as, very slick, in VB configuration a great little spreader (from the Pro Touch series, not the Spreadlock mls which weighs in at a kilo on it's own), great quarter turn clunk click leg locks.

The problem is, I'm not sure they're available in the VB configuration on their own, and I'm a little wary of saying go the whole hog and get the VB, which is a giveaway for the price, as I'm not entirely sure the VB counterbalance could stretch to your rig weight, saying that, not sure a V3AS would either.

I feel a "Ask Peter" moment coming on about now........... fire a mail to and ask him if the sticks can be had in VB configuration (or if he can arrange it, he's like that!).

Thinking aloud, can any Vinten sticks/ systems be specified with the MLS 4032 - 0001 lightweight spreader? And if not, why not?

Ooh, B&H have had a "senior moment" with the 4032 - 0001, the title for it is correct, the picture and overview are NOT, they are for the much more expensive (and heavy) SpreadLoc.

It is, apparently, available for purchase as an individual item so I guess the answer to my question is "yes".

Whilst you're at it (mailing Peter, that is) ask him who the nearest dealer is, all I can find is their Singapore regional office on the Vinten web site.

Whatever you decide, compare the "available in OZ" price with the B&H price and any import duty/ taxes if you import it yourself, that strong Aussie dollar is making US purchases look extremely tempting.

Good luck,

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