best tripod for dvc30? at
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Old March 8th, 2005, 01:55 AM   #1
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best tripod for dvc30?

I don't know if anyone on here has a panasonic dvc30 or knows the best tripod for one but I'm in the market for one. It isn't a heavy camera maybe 2.5-3 pounds but I need something for filmmaking that would give it good pans and tilts. This would be my first good tripod as I'm kinda new at this.
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Old March 8th, 2005, 04:28 AM   #2
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Depends on your budget. If it is under $300 then I would recommend the Manfrotto 3221 legs, ball leveler and 501 head. It will not give perfect pans at telephoto but with practice it could suit your needs.


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Old March 8th, 2005, 11:23 AM   #3
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tripod for DVC-30


I just recently asked myself the same question as I also have the same camera.

I tried to adapt my other tripods to video use but apart from the basic concept of support, video/film heads and photo stills camera heads have very few things in common...

I also tried my old Bogen 3036 legs with a Bogen 3130 Micro Fluid Head and the results were a super heavy setup with a low quality head... the cost of learning.

My considerations were:
1) Lightest tripod possible.
2) Easiest to set up
3) Needed to allow me to pan ok at longest lens lenght.

I use my camera in the field, hardly indoors.

My choice was the Cartoni ActionPro, and having used it already I am very happy to have chosen it.

The method I used to choose:

Define your needs and don't look at cost yet, then list the tripods/heads that match those needs, cross your fingers and check the prices.

Hope you can pay for the matching result.

You will soon also have to address the Matte Box/filter holder need... I am still answering that one.

Having been in stills photography nearly all my life (up to Sinar level of costs), I now find prices for video/film equipment kinda high...

Hope this helps

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Old March 19th, 2005, 10:04 AM   #4
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Re: tripod for DVC-30

<<<-- Originally posted by Leo Salazar : Hello

My choice was the Cartoni ActionPro, and having used it already I am very happy to have chosen it.

Leo -->>>

Hi Leo,

Thanks for the informative post. I'll be looking soon myself and will be sure to take a look at the Cartoni.
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Old March 24th, 2005, 02:00 PM   #5
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Fluid Heads


I am using the DVC30 with a Manfrotto 501 head and an old set of legs (the tripod’s and mine). The legs are old enough that the model number has worn-off and I no longer remember the Bogen/Manfrotto number.

Used with or without a Panasonic 0.7 wide angle lens; with or without Sennheiser ME66 shotgun mic and the Panasonic XLC connectors it is easy to place the camera in a perfectly balanced position. This really seems to help when making a XCU pan.
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Old June 29th, 2005, 01:07 PM   #6
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Best Tripod Under 100 dollars

My budget is a 100 dollars. I need a new tripod. Basically something smooth maybe with a fluid effect head also the tripod has to be stable. I have been looking at tripods from Slik and other brands. I would like to know which tripods you guys would recommend. I have a Panasonic DVC30 camcorder.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 05:12 AM   #7
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Klaus, in my opinion, you're wasting your time. You're not going to find "something smooth maybe with a fluid effect head also the tripod has to be stable" for $100.

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Old June 30th, 2005, 05:47 AM   #8
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I agree with Jay... For $100, you won't find anything that is stable and smooth. I spent over $300 on my Bogen 501 and legs, and they are less than fluid and stable. However, if that is all you have to spend, go shopping at Walmart. They have a bunch of cheapies there, and you might even be able to buy a cheapie battery for your cam.

Just remember, you get what you pay for.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 07:42 AM   #9
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In my book, Killer Camer rigs that you can build" I recommend using a surveyor's tripod (aroung $80). They work great for DV work and because the word "cinema" isn't used, they are much cheaper than a equal set of sticks you find in the video world. This will give you a little more money to spend on a good fluid head. Spend as much as you can possible afford for a head, then double it! I've got a couple of Miller heads I've had for 25 years that are still going strong, so you might look into getting a used head on ebay or something. You're simply going to have to up your budget to get anything half way decent. Better to buy something of quality than a cheap bit of crap that you'll end up replacing anyway.

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Old June 30th, 2005, 07:49 AM   #10
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I bought a Velbon Videomate 706 when I didn't know any better for about $70. Not the same as a $500 Bogen setup, but it has been adequate for my needs and only 4.5 pounds. Movement moderately smooth, sometimes needs added weight in windy weather, pan start/stop a bit bumpy if you don't know some tricks. Decent enough for the money, about 1000x better than anything you will find at Wallymart. OTOH, I am now considering upgrading to a 503.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 08:20 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Klaus Staks
My budget is a 100 dollars. I need a new tripod.
Klaus, transpose 'new' for 'used' and do some shopping on ebay. You'll get closer to your goal (smooth and stable) than you would buying new.

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Old June 30th, 2005, 05:09 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Klaus Staks
My budget is a 100 dollars. I need a new tripod. Basically something smooth maybe with a fluid effect head also the tripod has to be stable. I have been looking at tripods from Slik and other brands. I would like to know which tripods you guys would recommend. I have a Panasonic DVC30 camcorder.
I use a Gitzo Fluid head and ball, and a carbon set of Gitzo 1380 legs. I have have a steady shot, and overseas, I am carrying the tripod all day long. It works great for a PD150/170, and I am now using it for a Z1. Total weight is about 8.5-0 lbs. total cost: legs $450 used. Ball about $90, Head about $300.

So you are looking at $850 - $1000 depending on where you buy. Lotta money. But, a good tripod is like wanting a generator after a hurricane. When you need it, you really need it, and for that priceless shot, money is secondary in my book. This is a rig that is going to last a very long time, and pay for itself twice over for every job I do.

If you are serious about making pictures and want steady video. Invest in a good tripod and fluid head.
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Old June 30th, 2005, 06:31 PM   #13
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Well thanks for all the input. The thing is I already have a walmart tripod, which cost like 40 dollars, it is stiff and the opposite of smooth. My thought is that a 85 dollar tripod from B and H would be much better than my walmart wonder. The ones I looked at are: Cullmann 2200 Smith Victor P820 Slik Sprint
and also the cheapest Bogen tripod and the Velbon 607.

I understand I will not get star performance from these 'pods but which one in your opinion would be the smartest choice?

Also which tripod system would be regarded as great? (In the sub 300 dollar range)

Thanks For the Help
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Old June 30th, 2005, 09:08 PM   #14
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I got the Bogen/Manfrotto 701rc2 head from B&H, due to my own budget constraints. For the price, it's not bad at all. Light and relatively smooth for lighter cameras. It's not a Vinten or a Sachtler by a long shot...but again, not bad.
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Old July 2nd, 2005, 10:47 PM   #15
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Here's your best bet...


Save just a little more and get this one.

I have one of these and they are the absolute best bang for your buck.

They support up to 18 lbs. I use my crane on mine all the time. Notice the two handles, which really come in handy when using the crane with a Varizoom controller.

I cannot say enough good things about this tripod, and you won't find a comparable tripod on ebay, even used. It's the best.

If you absolutely cannot wait and need a tripod for a shoot, I'd rent before purchasing any of those others.

Good luck.

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