Sachtler FSB 6 or FSB 8 or Vinten vision 3 AS at
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Old August 5th, 2009, 03:10 PM   #1
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Sachtler FSB 6 or FSB 8 or Vinten vision 3 AS

OK i'm looking for a new tripod for my EX1, i've narrowed my choice down to the Sachtler FSB 6 or FSB 8 or the new Vinten vision 3 AS.

I know all of these tripods are good but does anyone out there have experience of all of them ?

Are these tripods true fluid heads or are they friction plate designs like the
manfrotto 503 hdv which i currently using ?

I'll be using the tripod to shoot all kinds of stuff, weddings, interviews, theatre performances, corporate stuff.

Sometimes with just the EX1, or sometimes i have 2 recievers and a large swit battery on the camera also.

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Old August 5th, 2009, 03:33 PM   #2
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Hi Paul..............

Don't have experience of both systems, but do have pretty extensive experience with the Vinten stuff.

The best way is to try this stuff out.

Fire an e - mail to: and tee up a test drive of a Vinten AS system.

Don't know how you get to test drive a Sachtler system, maybe Peter can tell you.

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Old August 5th, 2009, 11:30 PM   #3
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I do not have any experience with the Vinten equipment. If you want to know a bit more about the Sachtler stuff you are considering then please read:

I am sure based on Chris Soucy's that the Vinten is just as good.

Now you say you are thinking of buying tripods but you refer to the fluid head models. I believe any of these heads will be well suited for the EX1. I chose the FSB-8 because of the extra weight capacity but the EX1 is lighter. If you are planning on using the EX1 mainly without extras, then the FSB-6 might be more suitable.

Once you settle on one of these three heads, you need to determine what tripod to put under them. I would think that most of those supplied by the companies in packages will be suitable but you might have specific preferences. If you read the many posts here including my own you will see good recommendations. I personally have to take exception with the Miller Solo CF legs as they just don't have what it takes.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 01:47 AM   #4
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As far as the legs go, i'll probably for 2 stage with ground spreader.

Another thing i wondered about, the older vintens, the pro6 hdv models used the same tripod plate as my current manfrotto 503 hdv head, does anyone know if the vision 3AS still uses the same plate ? The reason being is because i use a shoulder mount and a glidecam with my EX1, i have a manfrotto adaptor plate on both devices so that i can quickly swap between tripod and shoulder support, other wise i'm going to have to put a manfrotto adaptor on this new tripod, which on the vinten would mean loosing the use of the side load facility.

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Old August 6th, 2009, 02:05 AM   #5
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The Pro6-HDV doesn't use the same plate as Manfrotto. Peter Harman confirmed in another post that the internals are based on the 503HDV but the rest of the head is Vinten-specific, including the side-load plate. Only the older Protouch heads use Manfrotto plates.

As far as I know, the Sachtler heads are true fluid.

I don't think there's a lot in it between the brands. Of course, fanboys of each will have their own opinions (my Sachlter is waaaaaay better than Chris' Vinten, just because I say so!). But seriously, at this performance level it's down to what type you personally prefer.

About the only major difference that would matter to me is the Vinten's continuously adjustable perfect counterbalance, which is logically better than the Sachtler's 10 fixed steps. But do watch of the centre of gravity requirements on the AS3, as pointed out by Chris in his review.

Price may also be a factor. I think that a complete Sachtler FSB-6 or FSB-8 system is cheaper than a comparative Vinten AS-3 system.

For trying out - CVP, Videogear and ProAV would probably be more than happy to let you visit for a play if you are intending to drop some serious cash. (Or Peter might let you have a 5 minute trolley dash in the Vinten warehouse!)
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Old August 6th, 2009, 03:58 AM   #6
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Well, bugger me................

Originally Posted by Mike Beckett View Post

But do watch of the centre of gravity requirements on the AS3, as pointed out by Chris in his review.
Someone actually reads the stuff I write, it's not wasted after all!

Geez, I was starting to wonder.

Think I might induct you, Mike, into the "Tripod Testers from Hell" group I'm hopefully setting up with Les Nagy (unless my last mail to him sent him running, screaming, for the hills - bloody long run from Hamilton).

Les, your advice is spot on, as per usual, as is yours, Mike.

I'm definately feeling redundant!

Oh well, there's bigger fish to fry elsewhere.

Good luck with the support purchase, Paul.

(Er, do not, under any circumstances, go for a ground spreader unless the vast majority of your shooting in on dead flat, solid flooring/ road/ footpath. They are instant death on uneven ground and a complete waste of space.)

Oh, you could fit a Manfrotto adaptor to the Vinten plate with a bit of hocus pocus, which would still allow use of the side load plate, but Peter can run through that with you when you see him (if he doesn't know, I do, just ask if necessary).

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Old August 6th, 2009, 10:12 AM   #7
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When I just purchased my FSB-8 I actually was looking to buy the new Vinten because of the continuously variable counterbalance but it was not available. It is a very nice feature but I don't regret getting the Sachtler. If it comes down to price and/or availability then the Sachtler is not going to let you down. If you want the continuously variable balance and don't mind the higher price then I am sure it is as good or better.

The Sachtlers FSBs are true fluid heads, as is the Vinten Vision 3 AS. The Manfrotto 503 and the Vinten Pro6-HDV are fluid like goop shear friction devices with unwanted stiction and bounce back. Don't even consider them for HD work.

Mid-level spreaders are much preferred for general work and I would not get a ground level without a specific need for it. I have both but the ground level is detachable.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 11:28 AM   #8
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Hi guys.

Wow, thanks for the advice, it seems i can't go far wrong with either of these tripods, and either should be a far better bit of kit than my 503hdv.
I've found a shop not far from me which seems to have the Sachtlers and the Vinten in stock, so definately a road trip on the cards there, hopefully in the next couple of weeks, i'll post my impressions here.

Thanks again.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 11:36 AM   #9
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You're not wrong there! I went from the Vinten Pro-6 HDV (similar to 503HDV) to the Sachtler DV6-SB (the predecessor to the FSB-6 and -8). It's like night and day, I was literally laughing when I first used it, so smooth and beautiful.

I'm sure it'd have been exactly the same if I went to a "big" Vinten too.

At the time I purchased, the Sachtlers offered lower counterbalance settings (for lower payloads) without the need to change springs like the Vinten Vision 3. Then two things happened: Sachtler launched the better FSB range (more variety of payloads for smaller cams and slightly cheaper) and Vinten launched the AS range, just to rub it in!

Oh yeah, I remember now Chris: I went for Sachtler over Vinten because I like the "Big S" on the side!
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Old August 15th, 2009, 05:52 AM   #10
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I'm probably going to go for the FSB6, however, i may have the chance of a FSB6 head at the right price, will this head fit onto my manfrotto 525 legs ?
Both are 75mm bowl.

Thanks, Paul.
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Old August 15th, 2009, 09:44 PM   #11
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Yes, the FSB-6 should fit those legs, but as far as I can tell it would be silly to not get the tripod legs that come with the FSB for about $120 more than just the head by itself.
Sachtler | 0442 FSB-6 with ENG75-2D and Mid-Level Spreader

and, you get the carry case too, forgot that!
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Old August 16th, 2009, 07:44 AM   #12
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Well as it happens, i've been shopping around and have just been quoted a good price for the vinten vision 3as, complete or head only, a £450 price difference between the head and complete kit so i'm probably gonna go with the vinten now, only decision now is head or complete kit, either way when i do get it i'll try the vinten head on the manfrotto legs, then i'll post my findings here for future reference for others. It's gonna take about 7 - 10 days for the vinten to arrive after i order it in a couple of days.

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Old August 16th, 2009, 05:14 PM   #13
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Don't do it..........

The Vinten heads have an extremely large three lobed handle with an equally oversized grip cup.

On non - Vinten sticks this usually leads to markedly (as in PIA) reduced adjustment range when leveling, before something collides with the underside of the receiver.

Additionally, those big lobes can impact on the tripod legs when attempting to close it, to the point of causing damage to either the legs or the hinge pins.

Both my V3 and V3AS are, to all intents and purposes, unusable on both my Manfrotto 520's and 528XB's (not, I stress, that I am interested in using them on either - the 520's are a joke and the 528's unliftable).

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Old August 17th, 2009, 02:16 AM   #14
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Thanks Chris, i was hoping you'd chip in with some advice there.
I've been offered a vision 3as head for £655 or with 2 stage legs and ground spreader for £1092, which seems quite a good price.
I take it that you're happy with your vision 3as ?

The other thing which you seem to know about which i don't is the centre of gravity thing, is this different on different tripod models/makes ?
I'll be using an EX1, sometimes with 2 sennheiser G2 recievers on top which i mount vertically, (so that i can see the screen on them whilst shooting), also i'll be using a manfrotto adaptor plate so that i can swap between tripod, shoulder support and glidecam, this adaptor add's about 10mm height i reckon.

It'd be nice if vinten sold one of these adaptor plates, as it is i'm gonna have to leave the manfrotto adaptor on the vinten, which means i won't be able to make use of the vinten side load facility, i don't expect the manfrotto plate on the bottom of my camera is gonna slide straight into the vinten head.

All this advice i'm getting is really helpful.

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Old August 17th, 2009, 02:30 AM   #15
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Just a thought.

I've just looked at the pictures of the vision 3as head, i see what you mean about the locking handle having 3 big lobes.

Would the manfrotto locking handle screw onto the vinten ? I wonder if the thread size is the same ?
Will the actual ball of the vinten head sit in the manfrotto bowl ok ?
If the locking handle is the only problem and the manfrotto one won't fit onto the vinten then i could easily get one custom made, ie, vinten thread/manfrotto dimensions, my dad has a lathe which he's very handy with.
This could potentially save me about £450.
Are the vinten legs really that much better than the manfrotto ? I've never used anything much different to my manfrotto so i don't have the experince of better tripods.

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