some specific questions about tripod features at
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Old October 14th, 2003, 08:44 PM   #1
New Boot
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 11
some specific questions about tripod features

I’m an amateur videographer with a Canon Elura2 and a cheap, lightweight pan-head tripod. I’ve done a couple of instructional/promotional videos for the web and have also helped with a wedding. I'd like to invest in a better camera (probably a GL-2) and a better tripod/head. I don’t do anything adventurous like wildlife videography, so carbon fiber is not a requirement.

I’ve read all of the tripod posts here and have learned a great deal. While a Miller or Sachtler sounds nice, my plan is to spend from $200-400 for a tripod/head/leveler/bag, depending on what I learn about them. My reasoning is that I’d like to get my feet wet before exploring the pricier stuff. Besides, I can’t even find a Gitzo to look at, much less a Miller or Sachtler - the shops here only have the low-end Bogens. Also, I might find that a $200-400 system meets my needs.

I do have some questions (and some observations) that haven’t been addressed at length here:

1. First, about leg-locking mechanisms. I like the idea of Bogen’s levers, but the action is so stiff that they seem hard on the hands, and noisy. However, I discovered that the action can be softened with the provided wrench. Anyway, are people with experience generally satisfied with the Bogen lever mechanisms?

2. I read on a photography forum that Gitzo legs are much fussier. One poster even referred to them as “mystifying.” Can anyone explain why this might be? My impression is that it has something to do with the order in which the leg sections are extended, but I’m not sure. I'm just curious in case I see a set of Gitzo legs for sale on eBay.

3. It appears that I could buy a Libec TH-M20 system for less than $200. Unlike the Bogens/Gitzos, this system has the articulated video-style legs with a mid-level spreader. It strikes me that this design might be more stable but less versatile than the Bogens, and that I might not need the extra stability with a GL-2 anyway. With a modestly loaded GL-2, would this style of tripod offer me any real advantages over a Bogen? Enough to forego a better head?

4. I notice that video tripods with levelers don't use columns, and therefore any fine-tuning of height would have to be done with the legs. On the other hand, Bogen offers a combination column-leveler (both separately and as part of the 750 series), which would make height adjustments as well as leveling easy. Would this be a particularly useful feature? Do experienced videographers find fine height adjustments to be much of an issue?

5. I’ve tentatively narrowed my choices to:

- Libec TH-M20 ($190)

- Bogen 700RC2/756B kit ($285)

- Bogen 3130/755B kit ($312)

- Bogen 501/755B kit ($376)

- Gitzo 2380 head on Bogen 755B legs ($392 plus bag)

Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance to all concerned.
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Old October 15th, 2003, 03:42 AM   #2
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Try searching throught the forums for info on the tripods (search button is in the upper right) and you should be able to get some useful information.

However, I'm currently in the same position trying to figure out the best tripod/head combo in the $200-$300 range. Any input comparing the Libec better legs lesser head to the better 501 head with not so good legs would be great (input such as is that an accurate comparison of strengths/weaknesses?)

The help is always appreciated.

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Old October 15th, 2003, 04:21 AM   #3
Outer Circle
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Hi, Andrew! Welcome to DVinfo. There are lots of good tripods out there. What you should do is go to a shop and check them out for yourself. This way, you will be able to determine exactly what best suits your need. I recently got rid of a great tripod/head because it was too heavy to lug around. I went with a Manfrotto 055 Pro legs/128 RC head.
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Old October 15th, 2003, 11:49 AM   #4
New Boot
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Posts: 11
Thanks for your responses, guys. I've read every post I was able to find, and tried to tailor my questions to things that hadn't been addressed at length. Also, I'm only able to look at a limited number Bogen products in my area.

Since I'm just starting out with a lightweight camera, I'll probably go with the Bogen 700RC2 and some Bogen legs and see how they meet my needs. if I ever get to NY or LA I can take a look at some of the other makes.

Thanks again for any input.
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Old October 17th, 2003, 02:13 AM   #5
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I'm still curious if anyone has some input as to whether or not the Libec combo results in a better tripod/head setup then the Bogen 501 w/ cheap legs.

Comments from anyone that has looked at or used both would be appreciated.

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Old October 21st, 2003, 03:34 PM   #6
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I just recently sold my Bogen tripod and purchased the Libec TH M20. The leg clamps on the Bogen were very time consuming and was very slow in leveling. I enjoy the Libec very much. It has no center column so after setting up, there is a knob for leveling the pan head with built in level. It is also much lighter than my Bogen was. So I recomend it very highly. Hope this might help.
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