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Old September 19th, 2008, 10:56 AM   #16
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Of course, better tripods cost more, but the Libec TMC-20 is a decent low-cost, lightweight tripod system just under $200.
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Old September 27th, 2008, 05:26 PM   #17
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Well, I returned the first Bogen 503HDV because it had a defective leg. Seemed like a nice tripod and anybody can make a mistake. The second one came in and after trying to get it working, I confirmed my $125 Sony VCT-870RM produced better pans and tilts, especially compound moves.

I'm going to stick with the 870 and may order an 1170RM also. I'll probably stay out of the more expensive pods until I can afford a Sachtler.
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Old September 27th, 2008, 05:48 PM   #18
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Okay everyone. I've got $350 to purchase 2-3 tripods. What should I get?
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Old October 1st, 2008, 11:20 PM   #19
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Hey I found a nice little tripod at Best Buy of all places (I know).. Dynex Premium DX-MW010

Claims to have a fluid head, 11lbs capacity. I just picked it up to test out and so far it seems damn nice for 150bucks. I am uploading a vimeo review, should be up shortly. I can tell you it blows away any of the sunpak tripods, not even in the same league.

EDIT: http://www.vimeo.com/1864813

Last edited by Erik Phairas; October 1st, 2008 at 11:52 PM.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 01:06 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Erik Phairas View Post
Hey I found a nice little tripod at Best Buy of all places (I know).. Dynex Premium DX-MW010

Claims to have a fluid head, 11lbs capacity. I just picked it up to test out and so far it seems damn nice for 150bucks. I am uploading a vimeo review, should be up shortly. I can tell you it blows away any of the sunpak tripods, not even in the same league.

EDIT: Dynex Premium Tripod DX-MW010 review on Vimeo
Awesome. Thanks for that video. Can it do decent pans and tilts? If so, that's what I'll go for.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 06:57 AM   #21
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Here's a quick vid I threw together from some footage from a car show last weekend using the Sony 870RM. These are 1st attempt, no elastic.... This is just raw stuff as it came. The last shot was purely spontaneous as the Barracuda came into the frame from a previous shot (note Vimeo isn't incredibly smooth. This looks really silky on my system):

Sony VCT-870RM tripod sample footage on Vimeo

I'm pretty impressed with this pod. Wish I knew more about the 1170RM and its smoothness/capabilities relative to this pod. If it's as smooth, I'd plunk down $350 in a hurry to get the bowl, counterbalance, and better sticks.

Last edited by Roger Shealy; October 2nd, 2008 at 03:56 PM.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 08:15 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Skye Giebink View Post
Awesome. Thanks for that video. Can it do decent pans and tilts? If so, that's what I'll go for.
I just bought it last night. It has two knobs for vertical tilt adjust. One locks it down the other adjust how much resistance it gives you. Feels very smooth, but I haven't taken it out yet to try it. Great thing about Best Buy is you can always just return it, you get 30 days to try it. :)

The only parts of the tripod that are made from plastic are the little feet at the bottom of the legs and the grip on the handle. Pretty nice for a no name.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 08:58 AM   #23
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Does anyone think the Sony VCT-870RM looks similar to this Velbon tripod?

Velbon | Videomate 607 Tripod with PH-368 Head and | VMATE607F

Odd. I ended up getting two of the Velbons really cheap (<$30), and they'll get you by for small cameras like a HV30, although they're a tad wobbly for anything bigger than a GL2.
Nate Haustein PXW-FX9 / FCPX
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 11:11 AM   #24
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Wow, that Velbon looks just like the 870 minus the LANC (which is really handy). I also noticed that the Sony 1170 looks very much like another Velbon product. Perhaps Velbon is making all of the Sony pods???

I'm curious, does your Velbon have a very stiff head? The 870 requires a good bit of force to pan and tilt with a light camera, but is almost ideal with the XHA1.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 07:34 PM   #25
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tested it just now but I am using my SR11 which is too light. I really need a more meaty camera. At wide angles you can get it pretty smooth but at 12x or digital 24x, the pan is ok but the tilt is a bit jerky. Clearly not a true fluid head... but at 150bucks you know how it goes.

I am betting a heavy camera like an ex1 or 3 will smooth it out a bit more.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 09:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Erik Phairas View Post
tested it just now but I am using my SR11 which is too light. I really need a more meaty camera. At wide angles you can get it pretty smooth but at 12x or digital 24x, the pan is ok but the tilt is a bit jerky. Clearly not a true fluid head... but at 150bucks you know how it goes.

I am betting a heavy camera like an ex1 or 3 will smooth it out a bit more.
Cool. Thanks for the update. Looks like a good tripod even if it's not the smoothest.
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Old October 2nd, 2008, 09:58 PM   #27
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Yea I am definitely keeping it. Just feels so solid. Some best Buys have it on display. You could always go check it out. Not sure if you will be able to find anything better but good luck!
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Old October 3rd, 2008, 09:29 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Roger Shealy View Post
...The second one came in and after trying to get it working, I confirmed my $125 Sony VCT-870RM produced better pans and tilts, especially compound moves.

I'm going to stick with the 870 and may order an 1170RM also. ....
Originally Posted by Roger Shealy View Post
Here's a quick vid I threw together from some footage from a car show last weekend using the Sony 870RM. These are 1st attempt, no elastic.... This is just raw stuff as it came. The last shot was purely spontaneous as the Barracuda came into the frame from a previous shot (note Vimeo isn't incredibly smooth. This looks really silky on my system):

Sony VCT-870RM tripod sample footage on Vimeo

I'm pretty impressed with this pod. Wish I knew more about the 1170RM and its smoothness/capabilities relative to this pod. If it's as smooth, I'd plunk down $350 in a hurry to get the bowl, counterbalance, and better sticks.

I mentioned earlier in the thread (http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/tripod-st...tml#post932105 ) that I have a Sony VCT870RM Tripod (bought in March, 2007 for $119 from Amazon). I had been using it with my Sony HC1, but now that I have my XH-A1, I could use use the 870 w/ my Canon, but because I'd like to take my HC1 with me on some shoots too, I need to look into getting another tripod. I could do another 870, but the 1170RM mentioned seems like something to consider - it's in the $350ish mark? That's a bit steeper than what I'd like to pay (for now).

Also, this is probably a recording 101 question, but what are the best ways to ensure you have a properly leveled shot when using this tripod?

Also, I mentioned this in my earlier post, but thought it was worth mentioning again - the little quick release lever had broken off for me within about a year of purchase. I just grip whatever's left to pop off the camera, but it's a bit annoying. The HC1 is a bottom-loading tape deck so whenever I had to switch tapes while recording a 2 hour long stand-up show, it was always tough to do it quickly in between comedians. but now with my XH-A1 not having a bottom loading tape deck, life will be better.
Current Audio Equipment: two AT822 mics, Sony MZ-RH1, and KE-110CCR. What else should I get for short films and recording stand-up comedy? http://is.gd/kePy
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Old October 3rd, 2008, 01:52 PM   #29
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Take a look at the Velbon 607. It looks to be a slightly larger build of the Sony 870 without a LANC for around $70 and get's great reviews on B&H and Amazon. I suspect stongly the sony 870 is really just the smaller Velbon with LANC. You can order extra plates for about $12. If you don't want to zoom during shoots (which I try to avoid at all cost for creative work) then you can get buy with an inexpensive sony LANC for around $40 that will give you a start/stop, picture button, and two speed zoom. It's not great for zooming during capture, but you probably aren't doing that anyway. If you want a precise zoom, you can look at the Canon Lanc (1000 or 2000), Bogen 321 series, or others. Just get your wallet out.
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Old October 8th, 2008, 05:31 PM   #30
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Just got in a Velbon 607 and it's really the same as the Sony VCT-870RM except:

607 has drag adjustments for tilt and pan, Sony doesn't (good)
607 has rubber feet with retractable spikes, Sony doesn't (good)
870 has the Sony LANC handle, which is very nice compared to cheap Velbon handle

Looks like Sony contracted Velbon to cheapen up the head adjustments, and added a nice LANC. Other than that, these are the same pods.
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