Westinghouse 37" 1080p hdtv - advice at DVinfo.net
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Old February 22nd, 2007, 07:13 PM   #1
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Westinghouse 37" 1080p hdtv - advice

I'm looking at getting a westinghouse 37 1080p tv. Heard lots of good things about the price. I am heading out of the country, and I am either looking at buying one now or when I get back. Cheapest price I found on the web is 1000 shipped at techonweb.com. I have also found someone selling one locally that they bought a month ago, but say its too big for their desk. I can probably get it for 800 from them.
My question is: do you think I should go for that deal now or wait until I get back and are if prices have gone down. I don't particularly need the set now, but it seems like a pretty good deal.
What would you do in my position?

Any help is appreciated
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Old February 22nd, 2007, 07:34 PM   #2
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Some of the reasons for this TV being that cheep is because it doesn’t have a built-in TV tuner and it only has 1 HDMI input. The more expensive Sony, Sharp, and Samsung sets that at least 40” have HD tuners built in and at least 2 HDMI ports. Also the picture quality isn’t as good as those other three.

I’m probably going to get bashed for saying this but one of the reasons this TV have gotten a lot of praise is because its one of the very few TVs that allows you to get 1080p out of the X-BOX 360 over VGA. Since Microsoft is rumored to release a new 360 with HDMI output, the praise will start to ware off once it’s released.

Last edited by Paulo Teixeira; February 23rd, 2007 at 01:28 PM.
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Old February 22nd, 2007, 08:04 PM   #3
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Not sure I agree with that. Initially, I was sold on a Sony set...but then I tried this set and loved it. I looked at it side-by side with both samsung and sony models, all on blue-ray players. When set up correctly, they looked basically indistinguishible. The Westinghouse has a poorer scaling circuit than the sony...far poorer, and strangely, SD material does not show color correct, but if you're feeding it a real HD signal it looks fantastic. I'd imagine that this is for personal viewing, and if that's the case, you'll be very happy with it. If it's for reference, then $800-$1000 consumer sets are the wrong place to look.
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Old February 22nd, 2007, 08:16 PM   #4
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I will be using it both as a second monitor for my macbook pro with fcp, and switching over to view footage, as well as TV, dvds, etc. I can't afford anything over 1000. Are there better options?
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Old February 23rd, 2007, 12:40 PM   #5
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SCEPTRE makes a 37" 1080/60p LCD television, that has a built in ATSC tuner. Right now, Newegg is listing it for $1099 with free shipping.
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