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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old November 14th, 2006, 06:38 AM   #1
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The future of digital camcorders

I am, as I am sure many of the rest of you are, a semi frequent reader of Josh Oaknhurt's very good blog on film making. One of the most convincing things he's ever written was that the whole who-ha over the different camcorders we each go in for these days with their various pros and cons will be irrelivant in 10 years time. And will seem like arguing today over which word processor a novel was typed on. (I'm sorry if I'm mis representing you here Josh, but it's the point I thought you were making)
What do other people think of this, do you think the analogy holds up?
And if it does, is there going to be something like Word's grammer check that in the middle of a shot will say some version of "Passive Voice: consider revising, active sentences are more interesting"?
If any one knows a good on-line ordering facility for dunces caps; I'll take 20.
John Jencks is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 14th, 2006, 09:19 AM   #2
Major Player
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They still shoot on "film" don't they??!!! I think people will still be shooting with various "camcorders" and "dv" 10 years from now. With the internet progressing the way it is there will always be a home for this.
Mark Bournes is offline   Reply With Quote
Old November 14th, 2006, 09:48 AM   #3
Inner Circle
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Port St. Lucie, Florida
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No matter what we will be shooting on ten years from now, it doesn’t matter at all now!!!!!! Who is going to wait ten years to buy your next camera???

They will get much smaller, use very large capacity small memory cards or discs or cubes, even transfer wirelessly to where ever, be uncompressed and have many more features than anything now. Probably be switchable from standard video to infrared and even heat sensing.

The chips will have so much resolution that you will probably have digital zoom that has lossless quality, assuming that the TV standard stays at 1080, and it should because it will just be getting standardized about that time and people will have the sets! The government is not going to change the standard before then.

Imagine a small camera with a small fixed lens that has say 30X digital zoom or more, and no moving parts. Isn't that somewhat possible with RED now? Maybe 2X or 3X and still maintain a minimum of 1080 lines?

The next ten years will be unbelievable, and most of us will suffer buyer’s remorse much more often! Damn, if I had only waited another month!!!!!! :)

Chapter one, line one. The BH.
Mike Teutsch is offline   Reply

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