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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old February 18th, 2004, 06:11 PM   #301
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a dsr 370 problem

Hi all.

New to the forum.. (saw Frank pushing for the forum at dvcom..)

I haven't really worked out where this post would best be suited but maybe somebody'll give me a heads up. ;)

Anyway this is my problem..
shot a short with a friend these last days and had a problem I've never had before.
Between two takes, (no changing of camera position, light et.c. everything the same.) the image went very green tinted all of a sudden. Looks like a really bad wb.. the director who was a newbie didn't pay attention to it and it had to be reshot when discovered. It's only during a period of around five minutes. The rest, before and after is fine.
Does anybody have a clue what it could be? Made me quite worried...


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Old February 18th, 2004, 06:39 PM   #302
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Walter Murch & the art of editing - interview
(you might need to register, but it is a pretty long article)

The great Walter Murch!

Rob Lohman,
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Old March 17th, 2004, 04:01 AM   #303
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best TV/cable channel IDs [?]

seriously, i think that TNT has the best post/AE work promoting themselves on their own network.

(you know what i mean, like, right before the show yer watching comes back on, you get a promo/commercial for some movie they are gonna be showing later that week.)

other runners up would be the style channel and the discovery channel, and yeah, food network has some cats working there too...

anyone care to chime in one this?

(more importantly, anyone have any tips to make cool stuff in post like these guys do? is it AE or flash?)
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Old March 19th, 2004, 09:31 AM   #304
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Would you like to help?

It's like this..

I have some really talanted friends.. They do music. They entered a competition here in scandinavia where peolpe can vote for what music they like the most.. Some sort of collaboration with samsung. They can win a record deal with some lable. I want to support their efforts to make it in the cold world of music..

That's why I turn to you guys..
If you would vote for them on

They are Cavalry - I found love

If you help out, thanks a bunch!

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Old March 30th, 2004, 05:58 PM   #305
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Who wants a bunch of Beta SPs?

Hey gents. . .I didn't put this in private classifieds because it's still currently on eBay for another two days or so.

Anyway, here's the deal. The TV station I work at has a large surplus of used Beta SPs, all 5 and 10 minute lengths. They basically said "Want 'em? You can have 'em." So now I have almost a thousand Beta SP tapes, and no use for them. They're on eBay now for a dollar a tape; I'm trying to get rid of the whole bulk at once.

I was wondering if you guys knew any outlet for something like this, as I'm pretty sure I won't get a single bid on "the Bay." I'll try several local production companies if eBay doesn't work out, but after that, I'm pretty much out of ideas.
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Old April 2nd, 2004, 08:47 AM   #306
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Kodak is dropped from the Dow
"This is clearly a milestone in the evolution of the U.S. economy, because these three firms -- AT&T, International Paper and Eastman Kodak -- were at the central core of the economy going back to the Depression and even before that," said Samuel Hayes, professor of investment banking at Harvard Business School.

Kodak spokesman Gerard Meuchner downplayed the company's removal from the Dow, even though the struggling film and imaging company has been one of the index's worst-performing stocks. "Membership in any index has no bearing on our ability to manage the company for profitable growth," Meuchner said.

The stocks leaving the index closed lower on Wall Street. Kodak lost $1.07 to close at $25.10
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Old April 13th, 2004, 05:49 PM   #307
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Stock film ... films

An odd film festival (click here)
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Old April 20th, 2004, 07:00 PM   #308
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Can't get s-vid out of betaSP decks. Ignorant or stupid?

Say, is there anyone out there who can help me out?

I need to get some video off our 10-year-old betacamSP tapes and onto D8 format for some quick FCP editing I need to do. I had figured that it would be a piece of cake, since both of my betacam decks (a 9800 and the equivalent that's player-only) each have an s-vid OUT jack, and the D8 camera has an s-vid IN jack which works.

However, when I do this, the image which appears on the D8 camcorder's screen is totally screwed up. You can tell what's playing, but just barely. I have switched cables, tried both betaSP decks, and tried running s-vid into the camcorder from other sources. Seems it SHOULD work. For that matter, I also tried running the signal through a TBC, but it made no difference at any setting so I took it out of the equation.

Either (a) I'm doing something wrong, or (b) both of the betaSP decks are screwed up in the same way (they worked fine several months ago when I jacked s-video IN to them). It seems like "choice A" is the most likely. I admit to being unfamiliar with more than the very basics of betacam operation... I've used them when they were wired up, but don't know the fine points of setting them up. Moreover, I seemingly tried everything which could be adjusted on the beta decks to no avail.

Any ideas? I could just go into the RCA jack on the camcorder with a composite video signal, but I want to lose as little quality as possible.

Obviously, I need someone who's smarter than me about video stuff to tell me what bonehead mistake I'm making.

any thoughts?

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Old April 23rd, 2004, 05:56 PM   #309
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Teddy Bears Picnic

Anyone see this piece? Can you say unfinished?
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Old April 24th, 2004, 07:39 PM   #310
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speakers for my comp..

Now this is maybe a bit off off topic but here goes.
Looking for some new speakers to edit with.. On the net I found a canadian manufactuer called fluance. (

It looks a bit too good to be true.. Does anybody live nearby and have interest to check them out? Or better yet, does anybody have firsthand experience?

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Old April 26th, 2004, 08:22 AM   #311
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We Are Connected

Here's an interesting article that bears some pondering when it comes to writing stories and such.

Essentially what we're seeing is an explanation of why it's so painful to watch movies like, for example, Meet the Parents. Why we grimace when we watch repeated groin-injuries in America's Funniest Home Videos. Why we yell at the screen when the scream queen goes back into the house when the murderer is hiding behind the door...

Most importantly, it's suggesting that the human mind is throwing us a bone - it's telling me as a screenwriter that if I just create a character that's real enough for the audience to identify with, it will take care of the 'pathos' so that the audience feels what the character feels.

We truly are amazing machines.
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