Murphy's law visits as I am writing down to the wire at
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Old June 30th, 2006, 09:48 AM   #1
Air China Pilot
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
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Murphy's law visits as I am writing down to the wire

excuse the crosspost from the Celtx forums:

Of course early this morning as I was completin f the first draft of my screenplay for the Praxis contest (to be delivered sometime today), guess what happens..

Telus internet not availalbe. ARGGHGHGHGHGH

Not enough that I am writing BADLY under the influence of coffee and energy drinkx but I cannot generate the PDF because of lack f Internet.

I consider my options:
- Go into work
- go to a friend's

nstead I try printing it from celtx itsel fdbut of course NO pagination seems to work. It decides everthing is page 1.

then I print to AdobePDF .. well same page 1 only problem and plus the page length is totally different from printing from celtx.

ever try editing or assermbling a print job WITHOUT page numbers? a nightmare.. but I resolve myself to printing it once so I have accomplished somethuing.. maybe I can manually write in the #s I think to myself..

3a,m at this point

so at this point I resign myself to going to work and using internet there. So I package up my files and try to catch a handful of hours of zzzzs.

I sleep maybe two hours but anxiety and caffein withdrawal are kiling me. My mind is going: you are never going to print this out.. AND you have written the most awful screenplay ever .. don't bother entering .. let someone else deserving win .. these troubles are fate telling you to give up and become a house painter...

so I get up.. turn on the computer.. huzahh ..! Internet!

time is now 8:20am.

huyzzahh.. pdf genertation works! page #s! Continues! I love you CeltX! My screenplay is a masterpiece again!

Now onto Kinkos!
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Old June 30th, 2006, 11:18 AM   #2
Capt. Quirk
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Middle of the woods in Georgia
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So that's where he was? That explains why I was finally able to install the new MB and Decklink card, and get it to all work! Damn Irishman was here for the past week straight, and brought some cousins too.
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Old June 30th, 2006, 03:17 PM   #3
Air China Pilot
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Vancouver, B.C.
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Murphy came in throiugh my deck door, helps himself to my fridge and fell asleep on the floor
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