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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old January 24th, 2006, 11:11 AM   #1
Air China Pilot
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The New World

I know there are Terence Malick fans out there. I'd like to hear your opinions on "The New World". I've seen it and I'm collecting my thoughts on it.

I'd like to learn more about the concept of the "tone poem" that is bandied about most often when talking about Malick's works.

The funniest comment I read in a review about "The New World" is that the distributors released it packaged as a historical epic because they would have had trouble selling it as a two and a half hour tone poem about grass.

BTW, I have not seen "Badlands". Every time I think about seeing it I look up the DVD version and it is the same early release. Does anyone have that one and is it good enough to pick up (the DVD quality, that is)?
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Old January 24th, 2006, 03:27 PM   #2
Major Player
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I saw it this weekend.
As far as a Tone Poem, I looked it up and can not extrapolate the literal meaning to its use as a movie critque term.
What I meant to say is, I'm not smart enuff to grasp the term.
Anyway, the grass shot are stunning. The guy shoots wide open spaces second only to me.
He shot using natural light and it works well.
Its not much of a narrative, but that only works to the story's advantage.
The style of the story lets the viewer dechipher for him/herself the meaning of what they are experiancing.
If you like shooting pictures and like viewing really nice pictures, and want to see a story telling outside a traditional movie narrative, go see it.

My 11 & 13 year olds like it as well.
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