Photo editing software for Macs? at
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Old November 2nd, 2018, 07:53 PM   #1
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Photo editing software for Macs?

I've been using Canon's Image Browser for a long time. I know it's really old and is no longer supported, but I've kept using it for two reasons:

1. It lets me browse all the images in a folder without having to actually open all of them in the app.

2. It lets me constrain cropping to a specific aspect ratio such as 4:3 or 16:9

Now Image Browser doesn't work anymore. So can anyone recommend an app that will do the things listed above? I'm on a Mac, and I already have Photoshop Elements as well as Preview. These are both great apps which I use frequently but as far as I can tell they lack those two features that Image Browser had.

Edit: Ok, I just found out how to constrain the aspect ratio in PS Elements. Still would be nice to be able to browse pics without having to open them all.
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Old November 5th, 2018, 05:53 PM   #2
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Re: Photo editing software for Macs?

I'm not a photographer per se but I've really enjoyed Polarr ( ) I had a similar dilemna using Photoshop CS4 but a newer camera shoots RAW an RW2 or some odd new format that versio of P/S couldn't open. Bought it on a whim, something like $20 when I installed Win10. Anyway, works really well for a quick, Instagram style color corrector, but you can dive deep into levels etc. Just not a Text/Graphics editor like Photoshop.

It does sortof have that file browser I think. I tend not to shoot/edit bulk images in that regard, so I wouldn't wanna say for sure. Worth checking out though.
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