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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old March 16th, 2015, 05:40 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 1,149
Which companies provide good service?

I just wanted to mention some equipment companies that I've had good experiences with.

-- R0de -- excellent service. There's been a few times over the past few years where I've written to them saying, "Where can I buy a replacement part for X?", and they've said, "If you're in Australia, we'll send you the replacement free of charge." This includes bits and pieces like: protecting casing for NTG9 (original housing had some problems with the foam inside bunching up), rubber bands for Rode VMP, battery door for Rode VMP.

-- Rotolight. Again, quite happy to send some replacement parts, but this time from UK to Australia. The original rotolight had some problems with the hotshoe stand not gripping firmly. So even if these guys got bad press over making the Vimeo reviewer taking down the Anova review, they seem to be customer-oriented in other ways...

-- B&H in general. Excellent service with returning merchandise, answering queries over live chat, and listening to feedback (implementing some suggestions for website improvement). Occasionally defective goods sent (microphone with broken lead; tripod with broken pan handle), but replaced with no issues.
Adrian Tan is offline   Reply

DV Info Net refers all where-to-buy and where-to-rent questions exclusively to these trusted full line dealers and rental houses...

B&H Photo Video
(866) 521-7381
New York, NY USA

Scan Computers Int. Ltd.
+44 0871-472-4747
Bolton, Lancashire UK

DV Info Net also encourages you to support local businesses and buy from an authorized dealer in your neighborhood.
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