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Old December 3rd, 2002, 11:06 AM   #1
Obstreperous Rex
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Oils -- oh no aaaaggghhh

Anybody notice I haven't been posting much recently, it's because I'm still in a state of shock. My favorite band in the world has lost their frontman to other, hopefully more important endeavors (hmmm... politics?)

See http://www.cnn.com/2002/SHOWBIZ/Musi....ap/index.html and www.midnightoil.com

Although the Oils behind leave a rich, diverse 25-year catalog, and the other four incredibly talented musicians will go on in some other form, a certain magic is lost forever. And I only got to see 'em twice! Oh well, I'm grateful for the whole experience. Just wonder if any Aussies or anyone else feels my pain.

Had to rant about this, it's personal. Their music was blood in my veins. It will be interesting and exciting to see what happens next for Garrett, and his mates. None of them know how to quit! They only shift gears.

Gotta go throw in "Head Injuries" now, and blast it 'til I ain't crying no more.

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Old December 3rd, 2002, 01:01 PM   #2
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And sadly, Kid Rock continues to thrive.
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Old December 3rd, 2002, 04:47 PM   #3
Obstreperous Rex
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In the Sydney Morning Herald today...


Garrett's new gig a mystery

By Bernard Zuel and Stephanie Peatling
December 4 2002

The death of a rock band doesn't normally get federal and state parliaments buzzing with speculation and gossip. But then Midnight Oil is no normal band.

It was announced yesterday that Peter Garrett, Midnight Oil's lead singer, was quitting the band after 25 years to "immerse myself in those things which are of deep concern to me and which I have been unable to fully apply myself to up to now".

By mid-morning it was political reporters rather than music writers asking what this meant, with interest in whether Garrett, one-time Senate candidate for the Nuclear Disarmament Party, former Greenpeace board member and current president of the Australian Conservation Foundation, was considering a political career.

The Greens, still on a high after their performance in the Victorian election at the weekend, were considered the most likely party but Greens Senator Bob Brown said "everyone's been calling me about Peter except Peter".

Although Garrett is not a member of the party, Senator Brown said he felt "Peter's already in the fold as far as I'm concerned".

However, one associate of Garrett's said if the singer was to seek a career in politics, it would be more likely to be at a federal rather than a state level.

"His perspective has always been more national and global than local," the associate said. "His philosophy is very much a Greens philosophy but he is also very pragmatic."

A federal Labor staffer said the ALP had so far received no signs of interest from Garrett but his presence in the party room would be "awesome".

After posting the announcement on its website, the band went to ground yesterday, all phones switched off and interviews refused. Although it seems Midnight Oil is over, the rest of the band members said they would "continue making music together in another guise at some point".

Midnight Oil was one of the biggest bands to come out of Australia's underground scene of the 1970s. Coinciding with but never really part of the punk movement - its members could play too well to be considered punks - Midnight Oil formed in 1976, releasing a self-titled debut album two years later.

Never a noted singer, Garrett, an articulate law graduate, was immediately the band's focal point. Towering over two metres, his blond hair shorn to reveal a head full of angles and edges, much like his dancing style on stage, he delivered songs that addressed land rights, nuclear disarmament, corporate greed and the rise of Hansonism.

Although its lyrics tackled Australian themes in an unmistakably Australian manner, in the late '80s and early '90s Midnight Oil was a top 10 band around the world, competing with INXS, Crowded House and Men At Work as the country's biggest musical export.

Its total album sales approached 12 million and although there was the occasional hiatus, the band continued recording (its 12th album was released earlier this year) and performing, including an American tour a few months ago.

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Old December 3rd, 2002, 06:25 PM   #4
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Totem post

I actually like kid rock, he doesn't suck like guns and roses.

Sorry Chris

The only MO song I know the one everyone knows.

PS limpbizkit sucks too.

and I'm almost 40

= : )
Marc Betz
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Old December 3rd, 2002, 06:41 PM   #5
Obstreperous Rex
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Midnight Oil once remarked that they really enjoyed playing in the U.S., because all they had to do was play "Beds Are Burning" and "Blue Sky Mine" and the rest of the sets they were free to play whatever they wanted. Those two songs may be their most popular here in the U.S. but defintely not their best by far.

I actually like Kid Rock too, wonder how he's handling Pamela Anderson. Scratch that -- I can imagine.

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Old December 3rd, 2002, 06:53 PM   #6
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With the Hepatitus - B

there acutally be more xxxxxxxx than xxxxxxxx.


Feel free to delete this

Actually please delete this.....

*NOTE* this post was self edited after sobering up!
Marc Betz
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Old December 3rd, 2002, 06:59 PM   #7
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Just to rub it in, I used to work for one of the biggest ticketing companies here, Tiketek, and I met the group many many times. We all got free tickets to all their shows and i actually sat in the front row when they did a special show at a theatre here, not an arena.

It was truly fantastic, the sound and atmosphere was about 1000x better than some pub or hall. They are a very different group than many here, you contantly run into them at coffee shops or resturants, no gaurds or anything.

On the other hand, Geoff Rush lives 2 streets away and I run into him so often when he is in Australia we are on a first name basis, next time i see him i am going to BEG him to be in one of my films, i think that could help my career a little.

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Old December 3rd, 2002, 10:14 PM   #8
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It's definately the end of an era, but knowing Peter Garrett it will be the beginning of something just as influential. I'm sure the rest of the band will continue pumping out awesome tunes but it won't be the same without Pete flying across the stage like a guy who's just been shot.

Kermie, maybe if you tell Geoff Rush your story he'll take pitty on you and buy you a new camera.
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Old December 8th, 2002, 12:57 AM   #9
Obstreperous Rex
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Yes, at least Martin may be safe from Pete's flailings now.


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