Re: A new paradigm in video production?
Yep -
What you can do with a small P&S camera and a tiny laptop is certainly a magnitude beyond what you could have expected a few years ago... and it's only going to get "worse" (better?).
I just bought a sub $200 (discounted) Sony P&S camera with 1080i (and they have 1080 P! in some models, sub $500), it's not bad video wise, and surprisingly better in bad light that ones from just last year. Keep in mind this is a "family cam", but I'm pretty sure if I shot something of major importance with it, no one would complain about the "quality"...
The point about "DIY" vs. hiring by the magnitude of the job is perhaps well taken, but as someone who PREFERS to "DIY" so I know it's done RIGHT the first time (too many friends have fried an engine after a "oil change" gone bad...), I think the key is to be able to educate (or work with an educated client) in such a way they realize you have skills that will ensure a final result worthy of their expectations. It's not about "showing off" or belittling a clients attempts or desires to "produce video", but rather to gently encourage their natural curiousity (within reason, of course!), and help them understand that "maybe" for some "in house" projects, they can invest in a couple thousand in equipment and have their "in house" A/V team produce adequate quality... but that for more important projects with external ROI prospects, they may want to "bump it up a notch" and spend for "professional" production.
Once one gets a certain level of expertise in ANY busines, there's an opportunity to "consult" for a fee as well as hire out hour services to DO the job, I don't think video production is any different in that respect. By adding "consultant" to the service decriptions offered, it adds that cachet of experience that should benefit your offerings either way!