Anyone have experience with the Eagle microwave transmitter from Trango? at
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Old August 14th, 2005, 09:00 AM   #1
Regular Crew
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Anyone have experience with the Eagle microwave transmitter from Trango?


As I mentioned in a previous thread, we're putting together a remote truck, and the only thing we're missing is a microwave transmitter. Actually, I shouldn't even say missing--we have a cheap little one that gets us all of 500 feet or so.

I've been looking into other options, and I came across Trango Systems' Eagle system--for about $1500 it claims a line of sight range of four miles, and it doesn't require an FCC license.

Has anyone used this transmitter, or do you know where I might find a review? I'm having a hard time finding a review on Google.

Any help would be appreciated!
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Old August 14th, 2005, 05:26 PM   #2
Inner Circle
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i got one (the 2.4 ghz version) since year paid 750$.
Frankly, it works, rock solid and very well made, but i doubt that that price has any relation with the quality of the device.
For a thenth of this price , you can find similar devices that works as well, i tried lots of them on several frequencies (900, 1200, 2400 Mhz).
The most important in such devices is the antenna.
my Eagle comes with an antenna unfortunately glued on the emitter, so no way for improvement here.
A feature you will not find on other products is the additional signal (switches) that can be used. Could be very useful.
Depends what you need, but wifi computer system could be cheaper and better.
Giroud Francois is offline   Reply

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