Windows Vista beta said to be "Mac-like" at
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Old August 3rd, 2005, 03:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
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Windows Vista beta said to be "Mac-like"

Yes, it does have more of a Mac-like look and feel. And, yes, it's insanely late.
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Old August 5th, 2005, 03:41 AM   #2
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I couldn't seem to find anything on that brief description of Vista that would make me want to shift from XP and plenty of problems and annoyances, if I did.
Steve McDonald
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Old August 5th, 2005, 03:21 PM   #3
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Hmm, OK. I've played with Vista Beta at work, and would like to know where that guy buys his drugs. :) I would argue his suggestion that it's more Mac like. Being Mac like, to me means it has similarities across the board, to a Mac. Vista doesn't. It has a search option (ala Spotlight) but that's it. It is still XP.

- It still looks like a box of lollipops with all it's colours.
- It still has the START bar - one of the worst UI creations of all time. They've made it a little better (No MASSIVE All Programs menu) but still, it's ugly and convoluted.

The standard explorer (Finder) windows while enhanced with a few features (More ways to display) has been implemented so unintuitively it makes you wonder if they hired humans to work out the interface for it.

One thing I really liked, is the breadcrumbs in explorer windows. You see the path to the folder you're in, and can click on any directory in the history to go there, or click an arrow next to it and see the other directories in it and go right there. Very nice.

It's a weird phenomenon that I think warrants a documentary being made about it, and it's based on this premise.

"Why, in the history of comptuers, has there only ever been a handful of good UI designers born? And how did they all end up working for Apple?"

I mean it. No matter how people try, they just CANT compete, or even come close to Apple's design skills.

Now, I'm a PC guy. I use them at home, and program them at work, so I'm no Apple nutcase, but I have used Apples and have a little Mac Mini (Man those things are underpowered) and while there are things that I HATE about the Apple UI, generally, when you use it, you feel in control and not overwhelemed with all manner of sensory overloading features that you find in other GUIs like XP. It's sleek, and clean. Microsoft will never "get it".

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Old August 5th, 2005, 11:23 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Speaking of user interfaces...
It's time for a complete evolution in user interfaces. This whole "window" type thing is soooo 1992*. Both PC and Macs are lame. In fact, these 2-D monitors are pretty lame too.

And where is the freakin' Moller Flying Car dammit??? We're living in a new millenium and I don't have my own friggen flying friggen car????

*I just picked that number for no real reason.
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