The return of Gordon Gekko? at
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Old June 6th, 2005, 08:06 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Mays Landing, NJ
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The return of Gordon Gekko?

The current issue of Fortune magazine features a new photo of Michael Douglas in the personna of Gordon Gekko from Oliver Stone's movie Wall Street:;ft=28;fm=1

No, it really isn't a story about a remake, but they asked Douglas to pose for the cover story, "Is greed still good?" and he jumped at the chance. The editors column has a nice write-up. He says he's amazed that fund managers constantly come up to him (usually late at night when they're drunk) and say he was their inspiration. Douglas replies "... wait a minute, I was supposed to be the bad guy!"

He mentions that he's discussed a remake with Stone (although it's a little hard to tell if he's serious or not). It begins as Gekko is released from prison...

Regardless, it's kind of fun to see him on a real cover of Fortune. The article also has a photo of what they call the most famous bogus cover of Fortune, a prop for the movie with Douglas' photo and the headline "Gekko the Great."

But the scary thing is, they interview a current hedge fund manager who says, "If Gordon Gekko were around today, they'd eat him alive..."
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Old June 6th, 2005, 09:10 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 1,315
Great link - was a huge fan of the movie - thanks for sharing. Wall Street had one of the great cinematic anti-monologues -- where the bad guy is so eloquent and poignant you start buying into what he's saying, even though you know he's evil. It's like Pacino at the end of Devils Advocate. I mean, you know he's Satan and all, but then he starts making sense and it freaks you out. You really get a sense of what makes evil evil - the ability to pursuade and cajole you into seeing evil's point of view.

And as an actor, it takes a kind of courage to fearlessly give it their all that's very noteworthy.

What's funny is that his pic on the cover now looks more like Kirk Douglas than the Gordon Gekko we once knew...
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