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Old May 27th, 2005, 01:36 PM   #1
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Title Sequence Etiquette

Is there a set order which the opening titles generally follow?
Tom Koerner
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Old May 28th, 2005, 06:06 AM   #2
RED Code Chef
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If I remember correctly there are some things that need to go in the front of
the movie in the industry. Like company that produced the film etc. Usually
I think the only thing that is set is that you see the production companies
names (and directors title) followed by the movie name. If there are big
names (actors) involved they may be in front as well.

Someone in the business will probably correct me on this...

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old May 28th, 2005, 07:37 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Just a little off topic, on the Star Wars boxed set features they talk about George Lucas refusing to put titles at the beginning of The Empire Strikes Back and how it led to his leaving the DGA. Evidently there are some strict rules about this. They were willing to make an exception for the first Star Wars, but not the second one. This really surprised me.
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Old May 29th, 2005, 03:58 AM   #4
RED Code Chef
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Indeed Boyd, there are some strict rules like that if you are a member of the
guilds. It's along the same lines that your picture must have a camera
operator even if the director does that himself (or something along those lines).

Rob Lohman, visuar@iname.com
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Old June 4th, 2005, 03:10 AM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2002
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I have before me a fax from Warner Bros. detailing the legal requirements for the main and end credits of the feature film The Perfect Storm. The actual credits order on your film will vary depending upon the contractually negotiated demands of the various stars and other above-the-line contributors, but you might use this ordering as a template from which you can nail down your own credits order.

Note that the director is invariably listed last (though some directors put themselves first as well using the "A Film by" credit). Ditto producers second-last (second-first using the "A ... Production" credt). Putting actors above the title is also exceptional and indicates that the actors are bankable stars on whose draw the producers expect the film will be made or broken. To wit, take away George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg from the cast and do you still have a film that will beat Mel Gibson's The Patriot on the films' opening weekend? (Thus, unless your movie has established stars in it, whose names are readily recognized, they probably won't be getting above-the-title credit.)

Also note that this may not have been the final approved credits order to actually appear on the film. I also have some publicity materials that list John C. Reilly's name as appearing last ("with MARY ELIZABETH MASTRANTONIO and JOHN C. REILLY"). In the time between this revision and the film's release, Reilly's representation apparently successfully renegotiated the credits order, possibly based on extra clout afforded Reilly by an appearance in a hit film released in the interim.


WARNER BROS. PICTURES Presents [separate card]

A BALTIMORE SPRING CREEK PICTURES Production [separate card; main title; following "presents" credit; above title; above "film by"; size n/l/t 100% but n/l/t "film by".]

In Association with RADIANT PRODUCTIONS [separate card (or shared w/other producers receiving production credit) above title; main titles (if any); 2nd position to other production credits; size n/l/t 50% of title but n/l/t any other production or possessory credits.]

GEORGE CLOONEY [separate card; main titles (if any); above title; 1st position of cast; size n/l/t 100% of title but n/l/t any other cast.]

MARK WAHLBERG [separate card; main titles (if any); above title; 2nd position of cast; size n/l/t 100% of title but n/l/t any other cast.]


JOHN C. REILLY [separate card; main titles (if any); n/l/t 3rd position of cast; size n/l/t 75% of title but n/l/t any cast credit appearing after the title.]

DIANE LANE [separate card; main titles (if any); n/l/t 4th position of cast or in last position of cast (at Lane's election) in the form "and Diane Lane"; size n/l/t 50% of title but n/l/t Clooney or Whalberg. NOTE: Artist has elected to take 4th position of cast.]

WILLIAM FICHTNER [separate card; main titles (if any); n/l/t 6th position of cast; size n/l/t 50% of title but n/l/t any other cast (except Clooney, Wahlberg, and Lane).]

JOHN HAWKES [separate card; main titles (if any); position discretionary; size n/l/t 50% of title.]

ALLEN PAYNE [separate card; main titles (if any); size and position discretionary.]

KAREN ALLEN [separate card; main titles (if any); position discretionary; size n/l/t 50% of title.]

BOB GUNTON [separate card; main titles (if any); position discretionary; size n/l/t 50% of title.]

CHRISTOPHER McDONALD [separate card; main titles (if any); size and position discretionary.]

DASH MIHOK [shared card; main title (if any); 1st position on 1st shared card; n/m/t 2 on such shared card.]
JOSH HOPKINS [shared card; main title (if any); 2nd position on 1st shared card; n/m/t 2 cast members on such shared card.]

MICHAEL IRONSIDE [shared card w/one other cast member.]
CHERRY JONES [shared card; 2nd position on 2nd shared card; size n/l/t 50% of title; n/m/t 2 on card.]

RUSTY SCHWIMMER [shared card]
JANET WRIGHT [shared card]

and MARY ELIZABETH MASTRANTONIO [credit as written; separate card; main title (if any); in last position, if such position is unavailable then in penultimate position in the form "with Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio"; size n/l/t 50% of title but n/l/t any other cast. NOTE: If shared card credits are in a size of type smaller than the separate card cast credits, then artist's credit must be in the last position of all cast.]

Casting by
and JANE JENKINS, C.S.A [separate card]

Visual Effects Supervisor
STEFEN FANGMEIER [DGA waiver must be obtained for main title placement.]

Music by

Costumes Designed by
ERICA EDELL PHILLIPS [separate card; placement in same grouping as prod. designer; size n/l/t prod. desinger.]

Edited by
RICHARD FRANCIS-BRUCE, A.C.E. [separate card, size n/l/t dir. of photography; otherwise per union requirements.]

Production Designed by
WILLIAM SANDELL [separate card; size n/l/t dir. of photography; otherwise per union requirements; waiver for wording has been requested.]

Director of Photography
JOHN SEALE, ACS, ASC [separate card; size n/l/t the director; otherwise per union requirements.]

Executive Producers
DUNCAN HENDERSON [credit as written; separate card (can be shared with other ex-producers); main title (if any); size n/l/t 100% of title but n/l/t director, writer, and producer.]

Based on the Book by
SEBASTIAN JUNGER [separate card; main title (if any); size n/l/t 50% of title.]

Screenplay by
BILL WITTLIFF [per WGA determination.]

Produced by
and GAIL KATZ [credit as written and in this placement; separate card; size n/l/t 100% of title but n/l/t the "directed by".]

Directed by
WOLFGANG PETERSEN [separate card; size n/l/t 75% of title but n/l/t any other individual (other than cast and WB); otherwise per DGA.]

All the best,
Robert K S

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