As Good as Today's Digital Cameras (A WWII shot) at
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Old March 2nd, 2005, 06:38 PM   #1
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As Good as Today's Digital Cameras (A WWII shot)

Unbelievable. This image taken from the stern of a battleship during WWII is just as clear and sharp as some of the digital photos people are taking TODAY.

Here's the link:
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 04:45 PM   #2
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Thanks for this link; wonderful photos.
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 04:49 PM   #3
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Hey, that's a great site! I've been writing a WWII screenplay for almost 5 years now. It's the longest project I've ever done...and it's going to take another few years I think. This site is great!

Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 04:51 PM   #4
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Cool, what is it about?
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 04:53 PM   #5
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That's a great site, Nick -- thanks for sharing that link,

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Old March 3rd, 2005, 05:02 PM   #6
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No problem. It got featured in USATODAY the other day. Didn't know how hot it would be until my host called and said it's time to pay up:)
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 05:10 PM   #7
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Great pics. Reminds me of a series of films that were also shot in color during the war... very rare. We are so used to seeing black and white footage, we tend to 'remember' the war as being in black and white!

Of course the images are sharper than the current day digital images. Film still retains more resolution than digital images.

A bit of trivia... all of the existing film footage of the D-day invasion was shot by a single coast guard photographer. All of the other footage, fell overboard.
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 05:14 PM   #8
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That is a terrific website, and coincidentally I have been looking for public domain war photos and films. Anybody know of other sites (aside from the Prelinger Archives)?

Getting back to your original comment, I actually think it should be the other way around! Today's digital cameras getting just about as sharp and clear as the 35mm film cameras (Leica, Zeiss, etc) available during WW II. :-)
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 05:27 PM   #9
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Nick, you're the webmaster of that site? what's your interest in WWII? I have a major interested in it...and it seems like you've got a potential DVD for sale with public domain footage?

I'd love to get my hands on some liberation footage (ideally Paris 1944). Also, anything that could be used to project in a theater as a "news reel". You know those things they played at the beginning of the films in the WWII time period.

Hey Chris, this discussion has morphed into a topic that should probably be in the new forum. This is a "indie" film topic I'm dying to talk about!! Using photos and films in the public domain for an indie film production.
Christopher C. Murphy
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 06:01 PM   #10
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It's a topic which interests me as well. I also noticed the poll about the $50 DVD of public domain footage. Sign me up for one: I could use it right now :-)

Christopher: I assume you're aware of the Prelinger Archives? They have some newsreel type stuff there, and it's all free:
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 09:51 PM   #11
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<<<-- Originally posted by Christopher C. Murphy :

I'd love to get my hands on some liberation footage (ideally Paris 1944). Also, anything that could be used to project in a theater as a "news reel". You know those things they played at the beginning of the films in the WWII time period.
. -->>>

I have a Liberation of Paris COLOR footage reel that I can dupe to MINIDV/DVD if you'd like. The quality and color is EXCELLENT. Hard to tell it was shot in the 1940s sometimes.
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Old March 3rd, 2005, 10:06 PM   #12
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Thanks for your interest guys. I have over 10+ master copies of WWII footage ALL IN COLOR on MINIDV. The History Channel has used a few of them, but most of the footage was either too graphic OR violent for airing. Also, some of this footage was recently discovered just a year ago. I also have hundreds of Super Hi-Rez public doman WWII color photographs. On my website, you just see a selection. Not all of the images on my website are in the public domain, many are on loan. I am currently in the photo research stage and am trying to determine their PD status, but I do have some that are definitely in the PD.

With the explosive popularity of the site (as mentioned, it was picked up by USA TODAY and now Scholastic Books wants to re-print some photos), I am experiencing severe server outtages and will need to upgrade to a more capable server soon.

I am thinking of compiling the PD images and color footage reels onto a DVD/MiniDV/VHS (whatever you want) to help pay for the server costs. Each of the 10 full-screen color movies are crystal clear with vibrant colors and are about 20minutes each and I am thinking of putting 2 movies on one DVD that you can rip for your own productions. Remember, you can have copies made from professional stock houses like, getty, etc but they will charge you over $300 for 1 movie!!

SOme of the PD images that I have in my gallery can also be found on the web (National Archives, etc), however, you will have to sift through over 70,000 images to find the color ones as the libraries do not categorize the photos that are in color.

A museum in France is currently sending me all of their PD photos that are in color. They show the London Blitz, D-Day, Normandy invasion and much more. Some of this stuff is absolutely stunning.

I will posting a gallery page of the movie clips shortly. Send me an email if you are interested in some of this stuff.

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Old March 3rd, 2005, 10:38 PM   #13
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"I am thinking of compiling the PD images and color footage reels onto a DVD/MiniDV/VHS (whatever you want) to help pay for the server costs."

Nick, I recommend you pursue this. I can think of several people who would pay for that kind of thing.

Please post here when/if you decide to go forward & pricing &c.
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Old March 4th, 2005, 02:03 AM   #14
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Wow.... that's a really fascinating site. The German Military photos are especially interesting.

This picture sent shivers down my spine:

I was there about 3 years ago, and to see the Brandenburg gate lined with Nazi flags and those giant swastika pillars....... it's just something else.
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Old March 4th, 2005, 07:02 AM   #15
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GREAT thread here...

Geez, this thread is awesome! It's so cool to talk with others that have interest in the same topic - that encompasses film too!

I am very, very interested in that footage!! However, I'd like to get it in the highest resolution possible - mini-dv is lossy. If I could get it uncompressed on DVD that would be ideal - and I don't mean burned via MPEG-2. I'm talking uncompressed data - in whatever high res format you can keep it at. In short, I want to use it in my movie. The current idea I have is to have it playing on a very tiny old television and the actor is looking at the screen and then we move the camera from behind the actor and follow him over to the window where he looks out and sees what's actually happening in the streets. I still need to research a lot of the details on that Paris liberation scene - like did they even have any television anywhere? I don't think they did at the time, so my other idea for the footage is to have it playing in a theater back in the US with other actors in the movie. Without knowing the story it's hard to explain, but trust me it's pretty cool.

Also, another thing I desperately looking for - film footage of anything that includes Hitler and the topic of his "art". I'm looking for anything regarding the plundering of art in Europe during WWII. The Hitler footage regarding his desire to steal all the art in Europe and make just one museum in Germany...anything about that. Also, if you have anything at all regarding he plundering of the art in Europe! There are two to three levels of my story that involve the plundering of art in WWII. It includes Paris as the base...the place where the art community is hiding art because the Nazi and Gestapo are trying to find certain things. They're also destroying entire eras of art because it was deemed useless or not something Hilter liked. (insane!) So, anyway...anything at all regarding the art of WWII. I could go on and on about this, but I'll just say that any WWII footage you got I'm interested in! Wait, before I forget...anything regarding the French Resistance and all of that type of stuff.

I know we're in our own current WWII experience right now in the world. But, I think WWII is absolutely amazing...for many reasons. It bums me out that the last of the Vets are dying right now. But, at least WWII was the start of film documentation...we have footage and photos. Also, the stories of many men and women are definately archived now.

I am aware of the Prelinger archive - it's awesome. I've download a lot of stuff, but at this time I'd be into seeing some more unique and specific footage of WWII. Thanks for the info!!

Something about the Nazi party is awesome and I don't mean that like awesome cool. I mean large, grand and so calculated and sinister. It's truly a force of evil and definately something everyone should look at and study to some extent to see how humans can evolve into evil creatures. It didn't take much to spur the Nazi party - a few determinded men and a little time. The next thing you know it's a regime that almost took over the world. I know people think that the Nazi's weren't in the US, but they were planning on world domination. They almost did it...very, very close. The most interested part of the whole thing for me....propaganda via photos, film and print. If you look at that aspect alone it's truly amazing how they build so much based on the audio/visual elements available to them. Before the Nazi regime you could not build momentum like that with word of mouth and newspapers. The "Triumph of the Will" film was the start of something amazingly good and evil at the same time. The desemination of information on a large scale - it's truly shocking what happened because of the sheer hysteria that Hitler caused with his actions on film. He looked huge, sounded big and he acted like a God....all together it mesmorized most of the people who see him. Luckily, not every single person got sucked in...and maybe people saw it for what it really was. The scary thing was how many people got lost in his message!

Christopher C. Murphy
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