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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old January 14th, 2005, 10:34 AM   #1
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What's a guy to do?

Hey there guys I did not know where to go with this so I figured this is the place to start.

Well this is my story 1 ½ years ago I bought a DVC80 and I love it I mean I researched the camera to death, I saved and saved and then saved some more to get it. It was literally the most expensive thing I had every bought. When I got the camera I used all the time (the honeymoon stage) and as time went on I have used it less and less.

I first got into video through still photography and had all most stopped taking still picture totally when I had got my video camera, but recently I bought a DSLR and I have been shooting everyday, what happened to video? Well other then a few projects that I have done in the past and few that are coming up I have really not been doing that much.

The more I get in photos the more I am starting to think about selling my DVC80. I mean, I could probably get almost enough to buy a used 1D or other photo gear. I really love both and this is what I want to do but I am not sure I can be both; you know a camera man and a photographer.

This my sound strange but even when I was a kid I wanted to be the guy who went to “bad” places and took pictures. I wanted to be the guy who helps other people tell a story, but I am not sure what direction I want to take, photos or video.

When I started I gave my self goals
From the day I got the DVC80 I said I have 1 year to have something in a theater (I did and it won peoples choice)
And when I got the 10D I said 6 months still I have something in the paper and that has happened.
So I know I can do it if I put my mind to it.

I guess what this all means is can someone be both a photographer and videographer? I really respect your guy’s opinions and would like to know what you think.

Thanks for reading my rambles

Michael M
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Old January 14th, 2005, 12:08 PM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Brookline, MA
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Sure you can do both; I do. The trick is to pick one for a particular event. The way to decide is to ask yourself whether there is a story to tell. If so, pick camcorder; otherwise pick camera. For example, I would only take a camera to a concert, but a camcorder to an excursion.

How do you feel about shooting documentaries or shorts? I guess it depends on your subject tastes and means too. Video works much better when you have a crew; a boom operator at least. A photographer, on the other hand, can travel nimbly and inconspicuously (if one leaves the telephotos at home.) You get the idea.
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Old January 14th, 2005, 01:58 PM   #3
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Join Date: May 2002
Location: Wakefield.West Yorkshire.
Posts: 45

Me & the wife have the best system, I take the camcorder & She takes the stills, then I do the editing because she says: "I can cope with hearing & seeing the same bits over & over again"


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