HBO's Entourage Season1, anyone liked the show? at
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Old September 13th, 2004, 10:54 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2002
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HBO's Entourage Season1, anyone liked the show?

i liked the comebacks and wise-cracks of the script. i thought they are the best part of the show. my fav part is in the finale they actually brought in scarlett!!!! wow she's really "THE BABE" now. i can't believe she appeared in this show as meat for "Vince". and are actors really as stupid as Vince? i find that hard to believe. maybe mark wahlberg but certainly not for someone like tom cruise.

as for the entourage concept, i don't think anyone would have their "best friends" as manager or anything less than 'entourage'. i can't think of any celebrities that bring their entourage to any events (like oscars).
bow wow wow
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Old September 13th, 2004, 12:26 PM   #2
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It's a great show! Very entertaining, and each episode is written with just enough ups and downs to keep you there all the way to the very last frame.

As far as the entourage concept, it's pretty common. Don't know if you noticed, but Mark Wahlberg is actually the exec. producer of this show. In addition, if you watch one of the earlier episodes, he does a walk on, and, ironically enough, he's walking by with his 'entourage'. Entourages are very common, especially amongst younger celebrities - and especially musicians. In this particular show, being that he's a brand new celebrity, it makes sense that his entourage is just his buddies.

But realism aside, it's such a great show. I normally really don't like anything that resembles celebrity ogling or idolizing, but this show completely won me over with it's really energetic and original style. It's unpredictable, it has hysterical cameos, and the writing never feels artificial or contrived as it makes its way to very carefully executed yet seemingly loose conclusions.
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Old September 13th, 2004, 02:25 PM   #3
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yesh indeed i noticed mark's walk on, also noticed they made fun of mark's "going away party" for italian job, if it ever happened.
bow wow wow
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Old September 13th, 2004, 04:49 PM   #4
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I find this show entertaining and funny at times..I grew up in the Northeast, and I can very much relate to the group of guys hanging around in an Entourage like this..The characters are very likeable...

HBO, has done a good job of coming up with some pretty decent shows, Sopranos,Curb, 6 ft. under.. etc..

Mike Moncrief
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