Zhang Yimou's "Hero" - Page 2 at DVinfo.net
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Old September 4th, 2004, 07:30 PM   #16
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I saw this movie on DVD almost a year ago, and it was fantastic. I'm a bit hesitant to watch the recently released version in the theaters, since it's cut, and most likely, not the same movie that I saw. In my opinion, it should've never been brought to America, but that's just my opinion.

The original version is pretty much a visual, poetic masterpiece. I'm not sure about the version that's in the theaters, however.

- Robert
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Old September 5th, 2004, 11:31 AM   #17
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Now I'm very curious. We'll probably at least get the uncut on dvd, eh?
Why not bring it to America?
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Old September 5th, 2004, 03:47 PM   #18
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Finally saw both versions.

Interestingly, the Chinese verson feels more grand in scope while the American version seems to have a tighter focus on the individuals. That's probably on purpose, kinda makes sense why they had two versions.

I like the Chinese version better because it let me dwell on the events and characters more, while the American version seemed to cut more quickly to the fighting scenes.

I thought it was interesting that in the Chinese version, it felt like the character development scenes were tied together using the fight scenes as intermissions.

In the American version, it felt like the the opposite, where the fight scenes were the main focus of the story, and the character development scenes were kept in order to tie together the fight scenes into a coherent story.

Well, that's just food for thought ... either one you see, it's still a gorgeous film.

My favorite fight scene is still the two women with all the yellow petals, just beautifully done.
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Old September 7th, 2004, 02:54 PM   #19
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I have the "Hero" DVD from China. I wouldn't say that the movie is slow. If you just want to be immersed in the movie with its
siren-like singing and stunning imagery, just allow yourself to let go for the evening. My recent theater experience was pretty good, although I think the color and image quality were actually better on the DVD - at least on my TV. The movie I saw a few days ago was jittery and littered with dust. Rumors on the web mention that the original was damaged in making copies.


In a Chinese video store, there is a 118 minute version for sale in a bigger DVD box.

Also, I saw a 3 VCD set of the Making of Hero as well.
I didn't buy it because I would like this production in DVD.
Has anyone seen this 3 VCD set ? I'm hoping that there isn't any overlap with the lower resolution "Making of ... " that is already on the DVD.
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