Sundance Indie films of late... at
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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old June 5th, 2004, 09:13 AM   #1
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Sundance Indie films of late...

Anyone see Marathon? I've seen the last 15-20min and don't get it. Can anyone explain it? Opinions on good,bad,ugly indies on IFC (recently jacked from our cable in Chicago) or Sundance...
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Old June 8th, 2004, 03:26 PM   #2
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I've seen "marathon" twice and I still don't gt it. The announcer said it was symbolic film or something along those lines. What it is symbolic of I couldn't tell you. But I'll share what I did take away from it.

I think it was shot on video, it looked very cold to me. I would have liked some DOF control and or a little grain or fuzz.

I also think the director could have done a better job with the talent. She didn't act very naturally when she was alone in her apartment. She looked to me like a person who was trying to act natural whilst being observed.

As for the plot, no clue.

I like the docs the best, "Shalon Y'all", "Obstinent Memory", "Crumb" are some of my favorites.
Why ask me? I thought you were in charge!
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