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The TOTEM Poll: Totally Off Topic, Everything Media
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Old June 4th, 2004, 01:13 AM   #1
Major Player
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Location: Andalucia, Spain
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The Nurse and the Art Director..

Who can help me, please?
I'm working on preparing a film for an American UPM and she's asking me to supply for the shoot:

a Nurse: what does a nurse do on a shoot? Is this the first-aid person?

an Art Director. Now, there already is a "Designer" on board and in my experience the designer calls the shots. Is the Art Director an assistant to the Designer, perhaps responsible for the day to day running of things, like construction of sets etc.?

This terminology always gets me confoozed.

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Old June 4th, 2004, 07:02 AM   #2
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Most film shoots have a nurse or a medic on board on a daily basis. This is more prevalent on feature films / TV shows as opposed to commercial shoots. Commercial shoots do hire medics, although this is contingent on the nature of the shoot...highly physical, remote or exotic locations, stunts, etc.

The medic is there to handle any first aid related situations that may arise during the shoot. This includes "first responder" types of events as well as minor things such as supplying aspirins, suntan lotions, and bandaids. A very good person to have on a set!

The Art Director is responsible for creating and maintaining the visual consistency of the art elements connected with the production including the design, construction and coloration of the sets and props. Analyzing the script for the number and type of props, furniture, window, floors, ceilings dressings, and all other set materials. Works closely with the Set Decorator, Carpenter and Property Master. (From

Here is a pretty cool site for a glossary of film terms.

A useful site, atlhough the glossary is not quite complete.


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Old June 5th, 2004, 03:24 AM   #3
Major Player
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Location: Andalucia, Spain
Posts: 301
Thanks very much Rick! The PBS site is a little goldmine!
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