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Old March 23rd, 2004, 09:52 AM   #1
MPS Digital Studios
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Frustrated with an eBay guy

I probably jumped the gun in reporting this guy to eBay, but he spent the better part of a week attacking me for questioning why he waits until I, as a buyer, leave feedback before he, as a seller, leaves feedback.

Once we both left feedback, he sent an "unloading" email that blasted me for questioning his business ethics. Then he said I can go ahead and continue buying from him.

I sent back a friendly email saying I won't be doing business with him because he constantly attacks me. And asking questions about his business is my right, because that's the law.

His email is such that I won't print it here, suffice to say I was called some "nice" things.

Again, maybe I jumped the gun in reporting him to eBay, but basically, he attacks and shouldn't be allowed onto eBay. My theory was, if I received bad merchandise and he wouldn't fix it, I'd leave negative feedback. Chances are, even though my payment was prompt and he was satisfied by it, he'd leave me negative feedback.

Just wanted to get that off my chest.


ps-I'm not saying his username; it's in eBay's hands...
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Old March 23rd, 2004, 10:02 AM   #2
MPS Digital Studios
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Well, I re-emailed ebay saying I drop my complaint against the guy. Through eBay, everything was fine. It was through emails this guy gave me grief.

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Old March 23rd, 2004, 10:16 AM   #3
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You can leave a follow up to the feedback you left for him. It won't change it from a positive, but people often read follow ups to feedback more carefully. This won't make much of a deal if he is a mega seller, but it'll make you feel better. Post it the same way you do regular feedback (I think).
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Old March 23rd, 2004, 10:29 AM   #4
MPS Digital Studios
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I'll try and figure it out. But he's the type to get vindictive and screw me over, too. I can't afford to do that, since I am going to start selling a lot of comic book stuff.

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Old March 23rd, 2004, 10:32 AM   #5
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Hey, wait...that seller is me!!!!

(just kidding) ;)

I've had a few experiences like this and have been threatened to be sued for leaving back feedback. Unless the item was expensive, I can't see anyone doing anything unless they have spite.

I always make sure to buy from someone with 100's sales that, at least spread out over 1-2 years...I'll forgive 3-5 negatives because sh*t happens.

Christopher C. Murphy
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